The Dawn Magazine

Christian Life and Doctrine

1940’s Article Index

December  The Great Commission
“Songs in the Night” for December
November  “Let Brotherly Love Continue”
“Songs in the Night” for November
October  Opening the Windows of Heaven
“Songs in the Night” for October
September  A Contrite and Humble Spirit
“Songs in the Night” for September
August  O Foolish Galatians!
“Songs in the Night” for August
July  “This Thing Is From Me”
“Songs in the Night” for July
June  Following the Master
The Purpose of the Christian Life
The Hope of the World
May  “I Will … Sup with Him”
The Mission of the Church
April  “I Will Come Again”
The Hope of the Church
March  The Wisdom from Above
A Ransom for All
February  Our Refuge and Strength
The Temple of the Living God
January  God’s Gifts to the Faithful
The Church
December  Walking with God
November  A Faithful and True Witness
October  The Consummation of God’s Purposes
September  God’s Plan for Man – As Shown in His Covenants
August  Beheaded for the Witness of Jesus
July  The Seal of the Spirit
June  Elect and Sanctified
May  The Witness of the Spirit
April  Overcoming the World
February  “Marvelous Are Thy Works”
January  Love and Good Works
December  Our Eternal Home
Service of the Brethren
The Sociology of Jesus Christ—Part III
November  The Shepherd’s Goodness and Mercy
The Sociology of Jesus Christ—Part II
“Do All In the Name of the Lord Jesus”
October  “My Cup Runneth Over”
The Sociology of Jesus Christ—Part I
“These Things”
September  An Unction of the Spirit
Divine Help for the Humble
August  The Table of the Lord
Our Lord’s Knowledge of His Pre-existence
More Than Conquerors
The Foundation of God Standeth Sure
Enduring Reproof
July  “They Comfort Me”
Our Great Salvation
Unity Among Christians
Temptations, Good and Evil
Keep Thy Heart
To Him That Overcometh
June  Through the Shadows
Heritage of the Saints
Little Ways of Doing Good
May  Paths of Righteousness
Blameless and Harmless
Let Him Take Heed
Judging Among the Gods
April  He Restoreth My Soul
Beheaded Souls
Higher Than the Angels
Liberty of the Sons of God
March  Thirsting After God
Seeking Immortality
Like One of the Princes
The End of the Ages
February  Well Fed on His Word
The Church’s Ordination
“We Have an Altar”
January  “The Lord Is My Shepherd”
Praising God
The Wheat and the Tares
Peace With God
December  The Most Important Baby
Reasoning Together
The Light of the World
His Loving-kindness, O How Great!
November  Unmovable and Abounding
Contend for the Faith
Helpful Hints for Bible Study, Part 2
The End of the Commandment
October  The Song of Moses and the Lamb
Courageous Dealing
Helpful Hints for Bible Study, Part 1
September  On Reading the Bible
“Their Works Do Follow Them”
August  Saved Through Baptism
“Jesus Himself Drew Near”
Abounding Grace
July  From Glory to Glory
The Things That Accompany Salvation
Treasures Laid Up in Heaven
June  Oh, the Blessedness
The Close-Girding Sin
At the End of the Age
May  Only Believe
Quietness in the Midst of Storms
Crises in the Life of Peter
April  Going On to Perfection
“Many Sleep, But Not Forever”
Striving Lawfully
Sacrificed for Us
March  The Day the Lord Made
Oneness of the Divine Family
The Profitable Word
February  Ready To Be Offered
“For Thy Name’s Sake”
“Whatsoever He Saith”
Meditations of Sion
All Things New
January  “By Faith … Not Knowing”
Many Cold … Few Faithful
Spiritual Fellowship
December  Teach Us to Pray
God’s Wise Supervision
God’s Holy Temple
November  “Behold the Man!”
The Ministry of Reconciliation
Be of Good Courage
October  Paying Tithes to the Lord
God’s Work in Our Hearts
A Fourfold View of Jesus
September  “The Commandment He Gave Me”
“He Careth for You”
Over Against the Candlestick
August  The Whole Counsel of God
The Christian’s Four Freedoms
Faith, the Gift of God
July  The Acceptable Will of God
Come, My People
The Character of God
June  Thirsting After God
“Hold Fast That Which Thou Hast”
The Masters Touch
How Can We Keep From Singing?
Striving Lawfully
May  What of the Night?
“Let Us Watch and be Sober”
The Ministry of Sorrow
The Zeal of God’s House
The Great Privilege of True Service
God’s Purpose in Christianity
April  “For Yet a Little While”
Evidences of the Anointing
Christlikeness Foreshadowed
March  “In Remembrance of Me”
Love’s Labor Rewarded
A Sanctuary in the Time of Trouble
February  God’s Special Treasure
Tried and Proven People
Peace With God
January  The Voice of God
“Looking Unto Jesus”
The Evil One Toucheth Him Not
December  At The Turning of an Age
Evidences of Faith, Love and Hope
Jehovah’s Abiding Presence
November  That We May Do Them
Right Habits of Thought
The Voice of Thanksgiving
October  God’s Covenants
The Oneness of the Body of Christ
September  Provoking One Another
Our Responsibility Concerning Present Truth
This One Thing I Do
August  The Fellowship of the Sons of God
Evidences of the Spirit’s Power
The Royal Law of Love
July  Christian Meditation
How Are We Sanctified?
“I Saw Also the Lord”
June  To Him That Overcometh
Fashioning Ourselves As Obedient Children
Peter—Impetuous and Devoted
May  At His Coming
Your Reasonable Service
The Victory of Faith
April  God Endows the New Creature
Thy Shield and Thy Reward
Suffering as a Christian
Bread from Heaven
March  Holy Conversation and Godliness
The Blood of Sprinkling
February  Trees of Righteousness
Justification—What? When? How?
Gods Glory in the Heavens
Things Worth Fighting For
A Formula for Peace and Health
January  Christ, Our All in All
That Ye Sin Not
The Epistle of Christ
December  The Great Deliverer
Decision Necessary to Victory
Loyalty to God and Christ
Tested Then Rewarded
Light Afflictions—Glory to Follow
November  The Power of Words
Temptations, Good and Evil
Protection in Battle
A Royal Servant
Strength From the Lord
Love Required of the New Creation
October  Spiritual Balance
Be Not Hearers Only
An Anchor to the Soul
Justice the Foundation
Warnings from the Past
Beauty for Ashes, Joy for Mourning
September  The New Creation
Strength and Peace
Soul Purification
Contending Earnestly for the Faith
August  The Anointing of the Spirit
God Is Able
The New Home in Canaan
Christians Can’t Lose, If—
Ministering Spirits
Christian Abstinence
July  “And Have Not Love”
Christian Sabbath Keeping
Walking In The Light
Sowing and Reaping
Divine Help For The Humble
The Spirit of Truth
June  The Holy Spirit of God
“Study to Show Thyself Approved”
The Two Peters
How Our Bible Reached Us
May  Strength and Peace
Israel at Sinai
“What Hast Thou Done?”
The Holy Spirit Reproves the World
April  Even Your Faith
Faithfulness in Little Things
The Divine Nature
March  The Body, the Blood, the Covenant
Two Masters
Precious Promises
Greatness the Reward of Service
February  “Teach Us To Pray”
Self-denial and Cross-bearing
“A Bride Adorned for Her Husband”
The Purpose of Our Trials
January  In All Things
The Christian’s Tower of Strength
December  Reverence in the House of God
The Book of Life
The Christian Sabbath
Perfect Peace
November  Children of the Day
The Work of Grace
Blessings for the Worthy—Woes for the Unworthy
October  “If Ye Do These Things”
Sowing to the Spirit
Dwelling in God’s House
The Power of the Tongue
September  He Expects It of You
The Sin of Forgetfulness
Training for the Kingdom
The Hope of Glory
August  Pride—Its Manifestations
The True Worship of God
Approved Ambassadorship
“Under His Wings”
July  They Didn’t Have To Do It
Vulnerable Points
The Red Sea and Beyond
June  Consecrated Thinking
Fullness of Joy
Privileges of the Throne of Grace
May  Resisting unto Blood
The Christian’s Attitude in the Duties of Life
Israel’s Wilderness Journey
Under the Blood
April  “So Run”—”So Fight”
Jesus in God’s Plan
Faith, not Sight
Under the Blood
March  Memorial Season Thoughts
Love the Final Test
February  Even Your Sanctification
The Christian’s Birthright
Cross-bearing a Privilege
January  The Year Before Us
Consider Him
What The Lord Requires
December  The Gift of Gifts
The Unity of the Spirit
The Ministry of Sorrow
November  The Christian’s Armor
Finally, Brethren, Think
Faithful Stewardship
October  This One Thing I Do
Thy God Reigneth
August  In Season and Out of Season
Patience, the Evidence of Love
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth
July  Kept in Perfect Peace
God’s Wonderful Book
The Secret Place of the Most High
June  The Perfect Will of God
The Strait Gate and Narrow Way
Christian Union
May  The Light of the World
Down to the Potter’s House
April  The Lamb of God
The Gospel of Christ
March  In Remembrance of Christ
The Truth Shall Make You Free
Ministers of Reconciliation
The Christian Soldier and His Armor
February  A Covenant by Sacrifice
The Open Hand
A Heavenly Vision
January  What Manner of Persons
Spiritual Housecleaning
A Peculiar People
December  The Mystery of God
Spiritual Beheading
Stones of Help (Part 2)
Living the Truth
November  Stones of Help (Part 1)
The Divine University of Higher Education
God’s Love Shed Abroad in Our Hearts
October  Spiritual Balance
Witnesses for Jesus
The Christian’s Peace
September  Christian Citizenship
August  Our Covenant of Sacrifice
The Gospel of Peace
The Tie that Binds
July  Strong in the Lord
The Secret of True Happiness
Who Hath Believed Our Report?
Christian Holiness
June  I Shall Be Satisfied
Coming Into the Truth
Singleness of Purpose
Comfort the Mourning
May  What Constitutes Spiritual Mindedness?
Suffering for Righteousness’ Sake
Established in the Faith
Spiritual Feet Washing
Honored of God
April  Our Unity in Christ
Walking as in the Day
The Hope of Glory
Christian Soldiers
March  God is Love
Reconciliation and Salvation
Kings and Priests Unto God
February  Faith
Dwelling in Love
Types—Their Relationship to Sound Doctrine
A Word From Behind
January  The Christian in 1940
Our Glorious Hope
Victory Through Decision and Trial
Judgment, Confession, Forgiveness
Sound Doctrine

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