The Year Before Us

ANOTHER YEAR has passed and 1942 is here. The world’s outlook for the year is dark and uncertain. During 1941 the “distress of nations” instead of diminishing, increased, and near the close of the year the infolding flames of destructive trouble suddenly spread to the remaining nations of earth which hitherto had not been officially belligerent. (Ezek. 1:4; Jer. 25:32) What will this suddenly enlarged sphere of trouble mean before the end of the year? No one knows. And while this lack of knowledge causes the world to look forward with fear, the Lord’s consecrated people, knowing what the final outcome will be, are able to face impending events with confidence and peace of heart.

Never before have the words of the Master, “When ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the Kingdom of God is nigh at hand,” had a greater significance. (Luke 21:28,31) The things foretold by the prophets are transpiring before our eyes, and their effect upon us, instead of being that of discouragement and bewilderment, should be to encourage and cheer. Not that we are happy because the world is suffering. We are happy rather that all the world’s suffering will soon give place to peace and everlasting joy. Jesus said that we should lift up our heads because our “deliverance draweth nigh.”

Knowing the plan of God, we know that when the church is delivered and glorified, the blessings of the world will follow. Thus our rejoicing is not only on behalf of ourselves, but for all mankind as well. For this reason all the increasing evidence that the manifestation of Christ’s Kingdom is near is cause for Christian joy. So at the beginning of this, another year, as we “see these things” with increasing clarity, our hope should indeed be bright. May our “rejoicing in hope” be so real, so whole-hearted, that it will radiate comfort and cheer to all with whom we come in contact.

To be reminded of the blessed fact that our deliverance draweth near should also impress upon our minds and hearts the necessity of being ready for that deliverance. This means that we should more than ever be on the alert to properly use every means of grace which the Lord has provided to enable us to be ready. More than ever before we should “redeem the time” for the days are evil, and the time is short. Because of the increasing strain upon life due to world conditions that are becoming more and more ominous and distressing, the Christian is sure to find that during 1942 it will be more difficult than ever to concentrate on the things which have real spiritual value.

Thus all the consecrated will need courage and determination, not that which is begotten of self-assurance or worldly wisdom; but rather, a courage and determination which find their roots in the sure promises of God—promises which tell us that He is “our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psa. 46:1-3) No matter to what extent the trouble may increase, our God will still be a very present help, an ally possessing infinite wisdom and strength by which He is able to protect us and care for our every need.

However, as consecrated followers of the Master we must remember that our needs are primarily spiritual, not material. God will care for our material needs in a manner that will serve our spiritual needs the best. This might not always mean earthly comfort and health. The Lord’s wisdom may see that our spiritual interests will be best served by permitting us to feel the pinch of material needs along one line or another. He may permit physical suffering, or material poverty, in order that we, like Jesus, may be touched more fully with a feeling of the world’s infirmities, and thus better prepared to assist in administering the Messianic blessings of the incoming age.

God hasn’t promised to deliver us from trouble, but He has promised to be a present help in trouble. God permitted the three Hebrews to be put into the fiery furnace, but one “like unto the Son of man” went in there with them and prevented their destruction. Probably all of us will be permitted to go through fiery furnace experiences of one kind or another during 1942, but we will be able to go through them unscathed, spiritually, if we put our trust fully in the Lord. Yes, He will be with us, and will not permit the “fiery trials” to injure or destroy us spiritually.


Faith is required in order to lay hold upon the exceeding great and precious promises of God. The degree of faith we are able to exercise will be the measure of our peace of heart and joy in the Lord. If our faith in the divine plan and in God’s care for us is not as strong as it should be, then we will, to some extent, be harassed by fears the same as is the world. If our faith is strong then the very conditions which cause the hearts of the worldly to be filled with fear will prompt us to “look up and lift up our heads,” and, as faithful watchers, discern with ever increasing clarity the onward march of the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Faith is scarce in the world today. The Master inquired, “When the Son of man cometh, shall He find faith in the earth?” (Luke 18:8) We are now in the time of the Master’s second presence, and as we look around and note how little genuine faith there is, even among professed Christians, we realize how accurately Jesus foresaw and foretold the conditions of our day. Real faith in God and in His Word has been on the wane for many years, and the outbreak of hostilities among practically all the nations of earth has accelerated this drift towards unbelief.

The reason nominal church people lose their faith because of world developments is because they have had a misunderstanding of God’s plan. They thought the world was supposed to get better and better, and that Christianity, as they knew it, was supposed to triumph throughout all the earth. They can’t reconcile that view with what they see taking place; so their faith is weakened. But those who know God’s plan are affected in a reverse manner. These know that what is taking place has been foretold in the prophecies. They know that the glorious triumph of Christianity lies beyond this time of trouble. They know that this age was not the lime appointed for converting the whole world, but merely the time for selecting and preparing the true church to live and reign with Christ in the Messianic Kingdom now so near.

Yes, upon the basis of knowledge the Lord’s consecrated people today are able to view the scenes of darkness around them, not as representing the defeat of Christianity, but as a token that through the Messianic Kingdom soon to be established the whole world will shortly be at peace, and enjoying everlasting life and happiness. Shall we not then, rejoice in this knowledge of the truth? Shall we not do all in our power to show our appreciation to God for the fact that He has taken us into His confidence and revealed to us some of the secrets of His plan? If we do not properly appreciate this knowledge, we will, sooner or later, lose it.

Our faith, the faith that gives us peace and joy amidst confusion and trouble, is based upon our knowledge. This means then that when we, like the disciples of old, ask the Lord to increase our faith, we will be diligent in the study of His Word in order that our knowledge of His will and plan may be increased. We do not, as yet, understand all the details of the prophecies, and just how the various phases of the time of trouble are to develop. If we mistakenly assume that we do, and then the details do not work out as we expect, this places a strain upon our faith. But if we continue to faithfully watch the prophecies, and the manner in which they are being fulfilled, then we will be able to discern in the general trends the fulfillment of the prophecies, and our faith will be made increasingly strong.

For this reason we may look ahead into the new year resolved that we will be more humble and careful students of the Word than heretofore. Yes, we should strive to be faithful watchmen, not slumbering and indifferent. We should specially strive to be humble watchmen, realizing that we cannot be truly wise above that which is written and revealed. We may think we know a lot of things, and yet, from time to time, are brought face to face with circumstances and events which, if we are prepared to learn the lesson, will teach us that we don’t know as much as we may have thought.

Indeed, we can know nothing at all about God’s plan except as He reveals it to us through His Word. He has revealed the great fundamentals of His plan to us; and how we should rejoice in that knowledge. How precious is the knowledge of the Master’s presence, and that even now the kingdoms of this world are being set aside in preparation for the full establishment of His Kingdom. Let us treasure this knowledge, and contend earnestly for this precious faith. Let us, however, be watchful lest this God-given knowledge of the divine plan give us an exalted opinion of our own wisdom and ability to interpret the prophecies and to tell, in advance, the details of what is to occur. Let us not try to be prophets, but rather students of prophecy.


But even though we have courage and faith, based upon a knowledge of God’s plan, we will need patience as we encounter the divinely permitted experiences of 1942. We will need patience both from the standpoint of cheerful endurance of trials, and also from the standpoint of waiting upon the Lord. We are in the world, and even though not a part of it, we will share the sufferings and hardships that are common to all. This will call for cheerful endurance in order that we may not be embittered and begin to doubt the Lord’s loving providences directing our affairs.

The nerve strain that is upon everyone increases the tension under which we all live, and this calls for a large measure of cheerful endurance. This nerve tension is apparent even in our association with the brethren; so here, too, we will need patience—a patience based upon a sympathetic understanding of each other’s problems and trials.

“One day is with the Lord as a thousand years,” and “a thousand years in Thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.” (II Pet. 3:8; Psa. 90:4) But it isn’t that way with us. We are prone to measure the development of God’s plan from the standpoint of our own short span of natural life, hence may find it hard to wait on the Lord’s time for the fulfillment of His promises. When we see the storm clouds gather and the storm already breaking in fury over the earth, we cry out, “How long, O Lord, how long” must these conditions continue? We wish it could be all over in a short time, and the Kingdom fully established for the blessing of the people, hence we need patience to wait on the Lord’s time.

The year 1942 will be a blessed one to all of the consecrated in proportion as they are able to view all matters from the divine standpoint. While we long to see the end of war and the end of suffering and death, yet our faith should enable us to realize that the Lord is just as interested in the human race as we are, and that His wisdom knows best as to just how fast the divine plan should progress. Like the skilled surgeon who wounds deeply in order to heal, so the Lord, in His great love and superior wisdom, knows exactly what is best for all nations in order that their everlasting blessings may be assured.

And when we speak of God’s love, we speak of something teat should more and more, fill our hearts during 1942. Indeed, even courage and faith to remove mountains, plus patience to endure the severest of trials, would amount to nothing so far as our spiritual standing is concerned, if we have not love. God’s love should be our pattern, and that is a love that bestows blessings upon all, even enemies. To be filled and controlled by such a love, while surrounded by hate and selfishness, will not be easy. To make progress in love under such circumstances will require the keeping of truth’s vision clear, and our faith in that vision strong. It will require courage and patience in meeting the rebuffs, and possibly outright opposition and persecution, of the world.

But God will help us. He does help us every day. He helps us through the blessed assurances of His Word. He helps us through fellowship with His people. He helps us in His providential overruling of all our affairs in order that we may have just those experiences we need most for the development in us of His image. Let us strive more faithfully to use the divine means of grace that thereby we may be more fully filled and controlled by that God-like love which will keep us sweet and sympathetic in our attitude toward all, even towards our enemies.


Our zeal for the service of the Lord should be increased rather than diminished because of the world’s troubles. Brother Russell foretold that when this day of trouble came it would afford glorious opportunities for making known the glad tidings of the Kingdom; and so it has—at least here in America. It is hard to realize how anyone today who knows the truth, could possibly refrain from making every possible effort to tell others about it. If ever the people needed a message of comfort, they certainly need it now. What a happy privilege we have of comforting those who mourn!

What will be our privileges along this line during 1942? We are inclined to think that here in America they will continue, and possibly increase, at least for a while. We have no assurance of this, however. We can do with our might what our hands find to do, as long as our hands can find anything to do, and leave the results with the Lord. At present the message is going out widely over the radio, as well as by the printed page, and there are no indications as yet that there will be a curtailment of activity. We plan to continue as long as the door of opportunity is open, and as yet it remains wide open.

The continuing of the work as it is now going on depends, of course, upon the continued co-operation of the brethren. What a blessed privilege we all have of thus working together in the common cause of truth and its spread. We are happy to work together in the spread of this message because we know that it is the truth, and because it’s so wonderful we want to tell the whole world about it. “I love to tell the story, it did so much for me,” says the poet, “and that is just the reason, I tell it now to thee.”

Sometimes we may, in a measure, overlook what the truth really has done for us! Think of the condition of mind we would be in today if we didn’t know the truth! Think of the great privilege that may be ours of helping some one else to see the truth who is now lost in the fog of worldly confusion. Wouldn’t that privilege be worth all the sacrifice we could possibly make? And even if we make the sacrifice and see no immediate result of our efforts, such efforts increase our own appreciation of the truth. There is no time when the truth seems so wonderful to us as when we are telling it to others, especially to those who have never before heard it.

The truth is so glorious that, as the poet has again said, “Those who know it best, seem hungering and thirsting to hear it, like the rest.” How blessed it is that in this time of world confusion and distress we have a theme of conversation that lifts us up above the trouble, and keeps us rejoicing in the blessings that are ahead. In St. Peter’s prophecy of the symbolic heavens and earth passing away, and of the “new heavens and new earth” which God has promised, he reminds us of what manner of persons we ought to be in “all holy conversation and godliness.”

All conversation that pertains to the divine plan for the world and for us, is holy conversation. Not only our words, but our thoughts and actions also, are properly included in what the apostle refers to as “conversation.” This means that our whole course in life should be governed by our knowledge that the present order of things is soon to give place to the glorious new order—God’s world of tomorrow.

This means that throughout 1942 we will more earnestly than ever “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness,” touching ever more lightly the transitory things of this world. (Matt. 6:33) It may become increasingly difficult to keep ourselves detached from the world and its spirit. The trend of the times is towards regimentation of thought and action, and while we recognize why the world thinks this necessary, yet the Christian must continue to be guided by the Word of God—God’s will must come first in all things.

So, as followers of the Master, we enter 1942 with courage, with faith, resolved to be patient through the trying days which are ahead. We are resolved, also, that love shall continue to rule in our hearts, and that we will zealously do all we can to comfort and cheer those with whom we come in contact, principally by bearing witness to them of the glorious Messianic Kingdom now so near. And while we continue to tell others of the blessings to come, we will keep our own affections set on things above, and continue to strive for a place with Jesus in the spiritual phase of that new Kingdom. What a hope! What a prospect!

Dawn Bible Students Association
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