
PREJUDICE is pre-judgment. It is forming an opinion without examining the facts. It is hastily accepting a conclusion without fully investigating the evidence upon which it rests. It is allowing ourselves to be hoodwinked when stopping, considering, investigating would keep us from making this mistake. It is being satisfied with hearsay when we should demand the proof. It is rejecting at first sight what does not conform to our former opinions, convictions. It is a deep-seated reluctance to part with what we have been accustomed to. It is persistent hesitation to accept as true that which we have not hitherto believed; an unwillingness to admit that we may be wrong and others right.

It has to do with persons, places, creeds, parties, systems—hence its influence is extensive and its evils manifold for it can and has been cruel, unforgiving, unjust, relentless. We have much clear evidence in history on issues small and great, of the injurious influence of prejudice; of an unbending dislike to be persuaded to reconsider to see if better information can not be presented; or a disposition to silence even forcibly those who attempt such presentation.

All Israel was in expectation of the coming Deliverer and knew he was to be born in Bethlehem. (Luke 3:15; Matthew 2:5) We of today marvel that they did not hit upon the simple test of investigating our Savior’s claims with the many testimonies of the prophets and discover that Jesus of Nazareth was born in Bethlehem. When Philip said, “We have found the Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth,” Nathanael said, “Can any good come out of Nazareth?” Philip did not debate but met his prejudice simply by saying, “Come and see.”

It is astonishing to note how nations and Christians can for centuries allow themselves to be held in bondage to false systems of belief without so much as inquiring on what these systems rest. It would seem that man in general will endure anything rather than the honest pain of facing great questions by themselves.

As seekers after the truth, it will not do for us to say that some scriptures seem to favor whatever view we are inclined to prefer and then to ignore the others. Unless we have a view in which every Bible statement finds a reasonable representation, we should not feel sure that we have the truth on a given subject. It would be wiser to seek for a harmonious understanding than to arrive at a one-sided conclusion and thus to deceive ourselves and others.

The fallen human mind is so constituted that it can by sophistry or false reasoning convince itself of error. Hence the only safe position for any of us is to have absolutely no preference of our own and thus come to the Word of God free from all prejudice, intent simply upon knowing his will. Otherwise we are in constant danger of deceiving ourselves and others into whatsoever view we prefer for “the heart is deceitful above all things.”


Dawn Bible Students Association
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