The Christian Life | October 1944 |
Thinking on “These Things”
“Only fear the Lord, and serve Him in truth with all your heart: for consider what great things He hath done for you.”—I Samuel 12:24
MANY are the admonitions of the Scriptures encouraging God’s people to consider, to reflect, to think, to study to ponder. The truth of God’s Word is so beautiful, so reasonable, so wholly in harmony with that which is just, and right, and loving and in every way satisfactory, that it stands up under the closest scrutiny. In order for error and superstition to prosper, research and reason need to be suppressed. But all that is in harmony with God, with truth and righteousness, flourishes best under the full light of investigation and reason. The Scriptures invite the faithful to consider, to search, to prove, saying, “Come now, and let us reason together.”—Isa. 1:18
As we give thought to the Word of God and to our Heavenly Father’s loving plan for the blessing of the church and the world, we come to know Him better and, therefore, are animated with a desire to serve Him diligently, faithfully. Every feature of His plan reflects one or more of the glorious attributes of His character and reminds us of the great things He has done, and of all that He will yet do for us and for the whole world.
As indicated in our text, the Lord had done many wonderful things for Israel, and the Prophet Samuel reminding them of this, used it as a reason why they, in turn, should express their appreciation to God by being faithful to His law. The same principle holds true with us today. God has richly blessed us in bringing us out of darkness into His marvelous light. A proper consideration of this should stimulate us to ever increasing effort, not only to know, but to do His will faithfully.
There are many things which the Christian can consider with profit. It is eminently proper that we consider the material things of the Lord’s creation as we come in contact with them in the course of human experience. For example, Jesus said, “Consider the lilies of the field.” (Matt. 6:28) And again, “Consider the ravens.” (Luke 12:24) We are not to consider the lilies and the ravens particularly from the standpoint of their anatomy, nor of their beauty, but as Jesus indicates, with a view of learning a lesson of God’s care over all of His creative works.
The fact that the beauty of the lilies comes to them without their toiling and spinning, teaches us that God is abundantly able to produce the beautiful without our aid, and that, if necessary, He could likewise clothe us miraculously. It teaches also that since He has not thus made provision for our necessities in a miraculous way, it must be because He has seen—as indeed His Word declares—that the experiences of life in the development of the resources of nature to provide for our needs will be helpful to us.
The beloved David, a man after God’s own heart, received great blessing from his study of the marvelous creative works of God. He wrote, “When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, …” (Psa.8:3). The prophet, whose mind was attuned to the things of God, found that, “Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge.” (Psa. 19:2) By thus considering the material things of God’s creation, David gained a great appreciation of his Creator, an appreciation which helped to assure him of divine protection and care in his many times of need. This large conception of the divine character, as the prophet saw it revealed in nature, brought him nearer to God in humility, in veneration, in love.
It will do the same for us. Surely nothing but good can result from a consideration of the lilies, of the sparrows, of the ravens, of the heavens, in the light of God’s will for us. These created things of God display His marvelous wisdom and love and power. This exhibit assures us of His new creation that, being objects of His special care, He is particularly overshadowing us with His love and guiding us by His wisdom. We are also assured that, if we continue to follow the leading of His Spirit. He will bring us to glory with His own dear Self, as joint-heirs with His beloved Son.—Romans 8:17
Considering God’s Plan
Properly considering the material things from which we can learn lessons of divine wisdom and care, and noting how those lessons apply even in the little affairs of our Christian lives they should prepare us for the still greater revelation of God’s goodness as set forth in His Word. It is through the Word of God, in which is contained His divine plan for us and for the world, that His sympathy for humanity in its fallen condition and His willingness to assist in man’s recovery from sin and death along lines of justice and love, are made clear. As we consider this plan we note how the love of God is revealed through the gift of His Son, and this love at once commends itself to our hearts and we are inspired with a desire to bring our lives fully into harmony with it and with all the principles of righteousness which we see manifested through the outworking of the Father’s plan.
The heart that considers makes progress, grows in grace, in knowledge, in love. If we fail to consider the things which have to do with the Christian life, and particularly God’s hand in our affairs, then we will lose the incentive which will enable us to go forward in the narrow way. How much, indeed, we lose of divine grace when we fail properly to consider God and His plan. It means that we are sure to lack appreciation of Him and will be lacking in the necessary zeal to become like Him and serve Him faithfully even unto death.
David was a man after God’s own heart, and could learn valuable lessons by considering the heavens. He was richly blessed as he endeavored to bring his life into harmony with the commandments and precepts of the Lord, yet the precious truths of the high calling as they are revealed to the saints of this Gospel age were not made known to him. None of his considerations resulted in an understanding of the spiritual phase of the plan of God as we are blessed with it today.
How meaningful, therefore, to us should be the words of the Apostle Paul saying, “Consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus.” (Heb. 3:1) Millions have considered Jesus from one standpoint or another—they have seen Him as a great teacher, a kindly man, a man of wisdom and of love, a man whose life and teachings may be exemplified with profit. But how few have considered Him as the Apostle and High Priest of a heavenly order of priesthood which is destined, in keeping with the divine plan, to be the channel of blessing for all mankind. Yet this is one of the things we are privileged to consider today.
Considering Jesus as our great High Priest of the heavenly order of priesthood, we see in Him the chosen of God to be our special Teacher, the One who guides and instructs the church, preparing each of its members to be joint-heirs with Him in the glorious future work of the world’s blessing and uplifting during the times of restitution of all things.
“Lest Ye Be Weary and Faint”
In considering Jesus we naturally think of His great faithfulness. We consider His long-suffering. We consider His kindness, His sympathy, His love. The consideration of all these things helps us to strive more diligently to be like Him, to follow His example more and more as the days come and go, being faithful even unto death. Thus we learn to know and to appreciate more of the glorious qualities of His character.
The Apostle Paul calls our attention to particular points for consideration in the character of Jesus which should be a great help to us all. He said, “Consider Him that endured such contradiction of sinners against Himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.” (Heb.12:3) How easy it is for us to become weary! The Christian’s course is one which runs contrary to the natural cravings of the fallen flesh. It is contrary to the Spirit and desire of the world. It is contrary to the Satanic influences which operate in a sinful world. Thus it requires continual effort.
It is an uphill road indeed, and demands a constant energizing of the mind and will in order that we may not become “weary and faint” and drop out by the wayside, or lag behind. How appropriate, then, and what an encouragement it is to consider Jesus, the One who endured such great contradiction of sinners against Himself—the One who walked the uphill road faithfully and continued in the way of sacrifice until the opposition of sinners finally slew Him on the cross.
Jesus was not persecuted because of His perfection, but rather because the light of truth radiated from Him into the darkness, and the darkness hated the light. The light was not appreciated by those who walked in darkness, so they hated the Light-giver. As we reflect upon this, we realize that to the extent we follow in His steps and let our light shine, we, too, will have opposition. Thus, by considering Him who endured such great contradiction of sinners against Himself, it will encourage us to press forward, following in the footsteps of Jesus and emulating Him by letting our light shine out for the blessing of others, even though it results in hatred and persecution; yea, even if it finally results in death.
As we consider the great contradiction of sinners against Jesus, we realize that He suffered unjustly, that His suffering was, indeed, for righteousness’ sake, and not because of evildoing. Considering this, will help us to be patient with those who oppose us because of the light which we radiate. It will help us, moreover, to be sympathetic because we will realize that, unlike Jesus, we are not perfect, that many times because of our imperfections we may give cause for complaint. Even though we do the best we can, we come far short of the perfect standard of righteousness which was exemplified in Jesus. It therefore behooves us to be patient and sympathetic even with those who manifest themselves to be our enemies.
Value of Trials
As we consider Jesus from the standpoint of the opposition which He endured because of His faithfulness to divine truth, we are reminded of the apostle’s statement that ‘He was made perfect by the things which He suffered. (Heb. 2:10) We learn thus the value of trial. By His faithful endurance of trial Jesus was prepared for the high position which He now occupies in the divine plan. Considering this carefully, it helps us to realize what the Scriptures declare; namely, that experiences and testings are necessary for all of the Lord’s people, even as they were essential for Jesus. We consider further, and realize that if we receive these experiences as we should, being rightly exercised thereby, they will work out for us an everlasting blessing which will redound to the glory of God.
The apostle reminds us of our responsibility toward the brethren saying, “Consider one another to provoke [incite, inspire] one another unto love and to good works.” (Heb. 10:24) How much the Lord’s people need to remember this injunction to consider one another, if they would have sympathetic forbearance and love toward the brethren. This understanding of each other, as we walk together in the narrow way, will remind us that our brethren are endeavoring to offer their lives in sacrifice even as we are offering ours. It will impress upon us that we are imperfect and need God’s mercy through the merit of the shed blood, so they are imperfect and are being dealt with upon the same basis. Therefore, we should be merciful toward our brethren even as we desire that they should be merciful toward us.
With Christians, consideration for each other means to think kindly, charitably, despite the blemishes which cannot be hidden. These blemishes are not to be considered in the sense that they are held against the brethren, but we are to consider that their hearts are pleasing to God, and that in their hearts they are striving to do the Lord’s will, even as we also are endeavoring to do.
As we consider our brethren from this standpoint, their unwilling imperfections of the flesh will not cause us to persecute them, to speak evil against them, nor to slander them. It will enable us to be more sympathetic, to cover their imperfections, to help, to assist, to encourage them, to do all we can for them; yes, even to lay down our lives for them.
“Freely Ye Have Received”
Another point which we do well to consider in connection with our relationship to God is the abundant manner in which we have received blessings from Him, blessings of the truth—the truth which has enlightened our hearts, the truth which has revealed to us the glorious attributes of His character, the truth which has pointed us to Jesus as the Bread of Life. These truths have satisfied our longings as nothing else could do. As we consider these gracious gifts of God to us, gifts that have brought joy and peace and hope into our lives, we are reminded of the Master’s words, “Freely ye have received, freely give.”—Matt. 10:8
As we consider how freely we have received of God’s blessings, and look back to Jesus, our example, to note the manner in which He expressed His love to the Father and His interest in His fellowmen, we find that He was like His Father in that He continually gave. He gave to His disciples. He gave to all men as He had opportunity. He gave instructions to His followers and to others. He gave material blessings of food and drink, of physical and mental healing, performing oftentimes miracles to do so. What a wonderful lesson there is for us in Jesus’ miracles of feeding the five thousand and the four thousand with such small portions of fish and bread.
As we consider this manifestation of the Master’s good will toward those of His day who were in need of help, we realize that there is a lesson in it for us at the present time. How often we may feel that the multitude is large, and that the means at our disposal, for reaching them with the Dread of Life are limited. If we would look at this matter as the disciples viewed it when they reported to Jesus the small amount of food on hand, we would be inclined to think that there is no use with so little, in our trying to bear witness to the truth. We would feel that our means are too limited, too insignificant, that we are too few in number, and of negligible influence to accomplish anything worthwhile in the service of the Lord. Even though we may realize that we have the truth, that we have a wonderful message to tell to the people, human frailty and short-sighted vision may make us feel that there is no way in which it can be adequately given out. However, the Lord can wonderfully bless the humblest efforts, and multiply the effect of the light as it proceeds from the faithful, as it did in the case of Gideon when there were so few to accomplish so much. As we consider that the Lord has promised to bless our efforts, we will do what we can to give forth the Bread of Life. It is important in this connection to realize that there are those who are hungering and thirsting after righteousness, those who need this food which we have to give. We are to consider that in this Gospel age it is not expected that we shall convert the world, but that only those can be reached who have an ear to hear. Considering this we are to do the best we can to tell the good tidings, to give to all the glad message of the Kingdom in any and every way we can, whenever and wherever there is opportunity.
As we consider further, we are reminded that Jesus not only provided temporal food for the multitude centuries ago, but now, according to His promise, He has come forth the second time and is dispensing spiritual food—meat in due season, things new and old from the storehouse of His Word. (Matt. 24:45; 13:52) Considering this, let us rejoice that we have been so highly favored with the honor of sitting at the Lord’s table during this harvest period to partake of the Bread of Life which He has so abundantly dispensed to the household of faith. Let us also, as we consider, be swift to appropriate these promises to our own hearts and apply them in our lives.
Trusting in the Lord
While we know that God will care for our earthly needs, supplying them according to His wisdom, we are to consider that even more important than this is His care over us as new creatures in Christ Jesus. No matter how fiery the trial, how difficult the way, how heavy the burden, how strong the opposition, or how cruel the persecution, we should learn to cast all our care upon Him, knowing that He careth for us. (I Peter 5:7) This doesn’t mean that we are to be listless or indifferent to our experiences, but rather when we do the best we can, when we are faithful in bearing witness to the truth, when we are seeking to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, when we are endeavoring by His grace to be more like Him, whatever results from this course of faithfulness, God will take care of the situation and cause all things to work together for our good.—Rom. 8:28
As the Lord’s people, however, considering our place in the divine plan and God’s wonderful care over us, we should remember that we are not to expect Him to guide our efforts according to our own wisdom. We are not to expect Him to bless our plans, or ask Him to see to it that our wills are done. Proper consideration of God and His will, on the contrary, will lead to a careful scrutiny of His Word, that we may know more and more clearly as the days go by what His will is for us, and let Him guide us in His way, and help us to do the things which He has asked us to do. Approaching the matter from this standpoint, we can have full confidence that He will care for us by giving us wisdom, discernment, strength and patience to carry on, because His promise is, that as our days, so shall our strength be.—Deut. 33:25
This does not mean that we will be released from trial, that we will be spared suffering or persecution, that our way will be strewn with roses. It does mean that regardless of the experiences through which we are required to pass, we can apply to our hearts the blessed balm of consolation made up of the assurances of His Word. These promises guarantee to us sufficient measure of His wisdom and strength to care for us in every emergency, in every time of need.
The more we consider, the more aware we become of the wonderful and gracious things the Lord has done for us. His blessings to natural Israel were rich, and it was appropriate that Samuel should call upon the Israelites to respond in appreciation and thanksgiving by a course of whole-hearted obedience to God’s laws of righteousness. But how much more bountiful have been God’s gifts to us, and how much more responsibility, therefore, is placed upon us! How much more we need to consider these things, and through consideration sense our responsibility, and appreciate our privilege of responding to God’s blessing with all that we are, with all that we have, with all that we hope to be.
Surely God has been good to us! The more we realize what He has done for us, the more we should be determined to give all to Him. As we consider the out workings of God’s great plan, we realize that our course of faithfulness in responding with the sacrifice of everything that we have, will result finally in still further gifts from God—the gift of the divine nature; the gift of glory, honor, and immortality; the gift of joint-heirship with Jesus in His Kingdom; the gift of the inestimable privilege of becoming a member of God’s own family, enjoying His fellowship, rejoicing in the privilege of being with Him throughout eternity and of co-operating with Him and with Jesus in all the wonderful works of the ages to come. Surely, the more we consider, the more we are inspired with the greatness and the love of God.—Eph. 2:7