Liberty in Christ

The Christian’s Four Freedoms

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made us free from the law of sin and death.”—Romans 8:1,2

THE BIBLE discloses four main things from which the true child of God, the disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, is said to be delivered now, before his change into the likeness of his Lord in glory. The first in importance is his deliverance or “liberation” (Diaglott) from the condemnation of sin and death as disclosed by this statement of Apostle Paul. It will be noticed that this statement of the apostle doesn’t indicate that we, as Christians, are freed from the effects of sin and death, but rather from the law of sin and death. There can be no question that in using this language the apostle was referring primarily to the law given to Israel at Mt. Sinai; for in the third and fourth verses he continues, “For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin [margin, by a sacrifice for sin], condemned sin in the flesh: that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”

In the seventh chapter, verses 6 and 7, he writes, “But now we are delivered from the law, being dead to that wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter. What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust [margin, concupiscence], except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.” He further goes on to show that the law which was unto life, he found to be unto death. In other words, that law which was designed to show how life might be gained, he found to be the means by which he stood condemned before God.

“But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us,” thus opening a way of escape from the condemnation resting upon all humanity—Jew and Gentile alike. (Rom. 5:8) Counter to that law which further emphasized the inability of humankind to escape the penalty of sin—death—St. Paul declares there is now in evidence another law which he calls “the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.” This law, as the apostle so forcefully indicates, is operative only in them who are in Christ Jesus—those who follow in the way of suffering and sacrifice because of their love for righteousness and truth, even as He did, that they might also share in the glory promised to the faithful.—Psa. 45:6,7; Heb. 1:8,9

Few of those who have named the name of Christ, and even some of those who have been enlightened as to the plan and purpose of God with respect to the church and humanity, have fully realized what is comprehended in this liberation from the condemnation of sin and death through the “law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.” Only the consecrated child of God has this realization. No longer is he subservient to the power and influence of sin, but being fully committed to the righteousness and truth of God and having the advocacy of Christ’s righteousness and standing in the imputation of His meritorious sacrifice, the way and course of all flesh in its selfish pursuits—even though some of them may be laudable enough from their standpoint—no longer controls his motives and interests. Hence the words of His Lord and Master have a deeper and more realistic significance to him, when he reads: “It is the Spirit that quickeneth [maketh alive]; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are life.” (John 6:63) Therefore the Word of God through His beloved Son, Jesus, becomes his meat and drink, his elixir of life, the antidote for sin and its poisonous results, death.

Cleansed From All Sin

The Apostle John writes (I John 1:7), “But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin.” “From all sin”—can such be the case? Yes, from all sin due to the weakness and depravity of the flesh on account of the original transgression; but not from willful, deliberate sin against light and knowledge. Such sin has to be expiated as indicated in the divine testimony of instances of that kind.

But even in cases where willful and partially willful sin has been committed, and such sin is recognized for what it is and deeply regretted and consequent amends made, it is not held against the perpetrator. However, suffering and loss may be entailed as a consequence in order that the lesson may be deeply impressed. Such was the case with Paul for his persecution of the early disciples, and it is well that we take cognizance of this principle in connection with God’s dealing with us. Other instances of this character might be cited, such as David, a man said to have been after God’s own heart.—I Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22

If our sin has been more or less willful, we can take consolation in the fact that we recognize it as such, and with the recognition thenceforth to resolve that we shall not be overtaken again. It is only when we treat with indifference such lapses and failures that our condition of heart may become calloused, with serious consequences to our spiritual lives and interests. If, we have a tender conscience, it is a hopeful sign indeed, and the experience under the blessing and power of the Lord may prove to be a strengthening of character and. fortitude realizable in no other way.

This should not be construed to mean that willfulness on our part is commendable, nor that God looks upon it with sympathy and favor. Some personalities are inclined to be of a willful disposition, and such are likely to be strong, determined characters. Such was Paul. It required more than an ordinary experience to make him see his mistaken zeal. And that may be true of others of the Lord’s people—God alone knows what is best suited to produce the desired results.

However, let us ever be mindful of the fact that all willful sins require expiation and are not forgiven in the sense of absolution, even though the grace and favor of the Lord may not be lost. Experience and the numerous instances recorded in the Scriptures remind us of this fact. We can be assured, however, that the chastening hand of the Lord is designed for our recovery and ultimate good if we are rightly exercised thereby, and do not repine nor resent it as inconsequential and unnecessary; for He is “longsuffering to us-ward [the believers], not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”—II Peter 3:9

Victory over Death

But the blessing to us is in the realization that we have such a benign, divine Advocate with the Heavenly Father, through whom we can obtain at all times and in all places the needed grace and strength to help us in overcoming our natural weaknesses and infirmities. As an illustration of this, a sister who had been connected with the truth movement for many years and had been closely associated with Brother Russell, expressed considerable concern over a habit she couldn’t seem to overcome, try as she would to do so. She was very much perplexed about it and wondered whether the Lord held it against her. To compose her anxiety over the matter, she was advised not to permit it to become an obsession, but to endeavor to direct her mind toward the Lord’s abiding confidence in her and to continue to apply to Him for the needed grace to help—exercising faith that. He knew her every weakness, and could cover those unintentional lapses with the merit of His vicarious sacrifice and would provide eventually the means of escape from her trying experience. Not long after this she went to her reward. Blessed hope of ultimate complete “liberation” from and victory over the great taskmasters, sin and death!

Freedom from This Present Evil World

The second thing from which the Christian is now said to be delivered is “this present evil world.” In his message to the churches of Galatia, Paul writes, “Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil world.” (Gal. 1:3-5) How can it be said that we are now delivered, or rescued (Emphatic Diaglott), from this present evil world or age? We are still living in it—but there is one thing ever to be kept in mind and that is, from God’s standpoint, and from our own as new creatures in Christ Jesus, while still in this evil age and under its oppressive administration, we are no part of it. We are to have no part in its ways, schemes, and plans, no matter how appealing they might be made to appear and no matter how highly regarded they may be held by the world and the Worldly church. Our Lord and His apostles set us the example in this respect. They entered not into the politics, social reforms, etc., of Israel, neither were they ordained by the Sanhedrin.

God has decreed that this evil order and age shall come to an end, and due to human selfishness it is to be a calamitous, precipitant end. It can no longer stand in the light of the new day now dawning—in the light of His presence. It is God’s determinate counsel that nothing of Satan’s degenerating and disintegrating order shall be carried over into the new dispensation of grace and truth. (Isa. 65:17; Rev. 21:1-5) Hence His people cannot afford to enlist their time and energy toward the perpetuation and extension of that which God has ordained shall soon end, and upon which His wrath is to be visited.—Isa. 13:9; 26:21; 34:8; Jer. 51:6; Zeph. 3:8; II Pet. 3:7,10,11

The secret of our triumph, our victory over this evil age, lies in the fact that Christ died for our sins and that He has called us out from the world and the worldly church organizations that we might not partake of its spirit of rivalry, vainglory, pride, ambition and acquisitiveness. Our lives henceforth are to be controlled by His Holy Spirit of love as contrasted with the self-interest and selfishness so predominant in the world.

Thus being governed by the Holy Spirit, we are privileged to escape much of the care, anxiety and rancor with which the closing scenes of these evil times abound. None of the cares of this life, the deceitfulness of riches, the earthly rewards and emoluments, nor the tinseled, tawdry display of the hierarchy could tempt the Master from the course outlined for Him by His Heavenly Father—the course that brought suffering and death upon Him. Neither could any of earth’s allures distract nor deter His faithful apostles from thus following in His steps. And this same attitude and determination should characterize every true follower of the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. Let the world count us fools for Christ’s sake—What of it? What if we lose our earthly lives with its interests and pleasures?—we have a faith, a hope, a love that surmounts all these. And, if faithful to our trust, we have a more enduring and eternal estate awaiting us in the great beyond. Let, then, the world taunt us with remarks about our interests being but visionary, and illusive, and our ideals a mere hope. Let, us continually ask ourselves whether we prefer the present unsatisfactory things of this decadent order to the inward sense of peace and joy which is the heritage of every true child of God and the promise of a future of glory, honor and immortality—the divine nature. Christ has taken all the sting out of death and is victor over the grave. (I Cor. 15:55) No, the gates of hell (the grave) shall not prevail over His true church. (Matt. 16:18) What, then, shall we fear? “What can man do unto us?”—Psa. 56:4,11; 118:6

Our Present Advantages

Let us remind ourselves, too, of the great enlightenment that has come to us as the result of our consecration to do His will. We have learned to know our Heavenly Father in the true light of His character and purpose, not only for His church but for all men. We have come to know something of His peace—the peace which passeth human understanding. (Phil. 4:6,7) We have been enabled to see the stately steppings of our God as they have been unfolding through the pages of history and to realize that we are now witnessing the closing scenes in the drama of the ages.

We have been privileged to enjoy many advantages over those who have lived and fought the good fight of faith in past ages. But we see, however, that these advantages have not always brought forth the gratitude, and desire to know and to do that which would be pleasing to the divine Creator; but, instead, have led many to believe they will succeed without God. Alas! they see little or no need for His plan of redemption. They are sufficient unto themselves and they think they can satisfactorily solve all their problems without recourse to His methods and ways.

Hence with all the present-day benefits of these closing days of a dying world-order, we see more distress, more suffering, more bungling than at any time in the world’s history. How glad we should be that we have been called out of the confusion of tongues of mystic Babylon; with its pride, ostentation, boasting, arrogance, blasphemy, and idolatry; into the haven of His counsel and rest, that we may show forth His praises both now and forever.—I Peter 2:9

Freed From the Power of Darkness

The third thing from which the apostle declares we are delivered is the power (authority, dominion) of darkness. This statement is found in Colossians 1:12-14, and reads: “Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power [dominion, authority] of darkness and hath translated [Diaglott, caused a change of sides] us into the Kingdom of His dear Son [margin, the Son of His love].” In this statement the power of darkness is contrasted with the light of the coming reign of righteousness of Christ’s Kingdom. And into this Kingdom of righteousness we are now said to be translated.

As we consider the darkness of the past six thousand years with all its suffering, sin and death; its subtle and hideous hobgoblins and nightmares; we are reminded by this text of Scripture of all the beauties of true holiness and righteousness of the new day. It has been well said, “Darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon Thee, and His glory shall be seen upon Thee [The Christ; head and body].”

This also reminds us of the contrast between these “last days” of the old order, and the past, with regard to artificial lighting. Much of the drunkenness, rioting and crime of the past was committed under the cover of the darkness of the nighttime. While that is still true of our day, it is not as common as it was before the means of turning night into day became so general. However, the light of day is more likely to uncover and expose those who are committed to evil and criminal practices.

Blind Leaders of the Blind

When our Lord was apprehended by the religious rulers, He used the expression, “the power of darkness.” And the Apostle Paul writes that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world.” (Luke 22:53; Eph. 6:12) It is often those who appear to be serving the right and the truth and generally recognized as representing law and order, who are the most flagrant violators of honesty, truth and righteousness. It was so in the days of the Lord and His apostles, and it is true today. Often-times it is through deceit and fraud that they wield power and influence over the people—and the people are either unable or unwilling to resist. Largely influenced by personal bias, prejudice, “party spirit,” and often intimidated by threats of one kind and another, they readily espouse the cause of those misleading them into a state of irresponsibility and eventual chaos. Generally speaking, it is a case of the “blind leading the blind,” and all falling into the ditch of despair and disillusionment.

The Prophet Isaiah (3:12,13) recounts just such conditions when he says, “As for My people, children [the immature in understanding] are their oppressors, and women rule over them [contrary to the divine arrangement, the churches dictate what they shall and shall not believe, setting aside individual faith and faithfulness and the spiritually guided conscience], O My people, they which, lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths. The Lord standeth up to plead, and standeth to judge the people.” Again in Jeremiah 5:31: “The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and My people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?”

The Prophet Malachi shows (3:15-18), that after the Lord makes up His jewel class, the “little flock” to whom it is the Father’s good pleasure to give the Kingdom, then they shall return, and discern between the true servants of God and the false. But meanwhile, the true Christian, having espoused the cause of righteousness and truth, the Lord’s cause, is no longer influenced nor cajoled into co-operation with these powers of darkness; their destruction being inevitable in this, the day of His bright shining and appearance.—II Thess. 2:7-12

Freed From Every Evil Work

The fourth and last thing from which we are now delivered is “from every evil work.” This statement is found in Paul’s last letter to Timothy, written shortly before his second and last appearance before Nero (II Timothy 4:18): “And the Lord shall deliver me, from every evil work, and will preserve me unto His heavenly Kingdom: to whom be … glory for ever and ever. Amen.” When the apostle wrote these words to Timothy, he had reason to believe his end was near at hand. He had carried the message of the Gospel of God’s Kingdom to come, far and wide throughout the then known world and had, to the best of his ability, endeavored to follow on to know his glorious Master even though it entailed suffering and privation. He also had received some remarkable manifestations of His favor and blessing in the abundant revelations, the gifts of the Spirit, and a glimpse of His glory.

Being a strong, resolute character with a keen intellect, the Lord had seen the great possibilities in Paul for spreading the Good News; also, how much he would be called upon to endure for His name’s sake. Therefore, the apostle had become inured to suffering and trial for the interests of the truth and those who would espouse it through his ministry. Nothing could swerve him from the course the Lord had outlined for him. No machinations of the adversary and his blinded emissaries could influence him away from the course of faith and faithfulness to God and His Christ.

It is not to be wondered therefore that he could write with such confident assurance that the Lord would deliver him from every evil work and preserve him unto His heavenly Kingdom. We may not be privileged as was Paul to have such remarkable manifestations of our Lord’s favor and blessing, nor to be used so extensively in His service, but whether used much or but little, we, too, as God’s devoted children, can have the same assurance of His protecting power and ultimate deliverance from every evil work or device that might be employed against us. To those who have His Word and Spirit in their hearts and are yielding to His direction in their lives, the prophet gives the assurance, “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of Me, saith the Lord.”—Isaiah 54:17

Even in the midst of present-day distress and perplexity of nations, the Christian surely can lift up his head in praise and thanksgiving to the God of all grace and truth, for the clear unfolding of His purposes concerning him and all men. And having a consciousness of the divine presence through the testimony of His Word and the imbibing of its Spirit of holiness, he can have a realization of freedom from the condemnation of sin and death; freedom from the present evil world; freedom from the powers of darkness; and freedom :from every evil work.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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