It Never Fails

A Formula for Peace and Health

MANY today realize the influence of the mind over the body. This truth, although considered a factor in the treatment of disease from the earliest days of the practice of medicine, is, today, being pressed home to the masses of the people by many religious and non-religious groups. In most cases, however, our modern educators in this field grossly distort this important truth and generally claim much more for it than the facts warrant; nevertheless, what the people are learning tends to substantiate the truthfulness of what the Bible says on the subject.

The mind does have a powerful influence over the body. The Creator has so organized our being that pure, noble; holy thoughts in general, not only make for peace and happiness of mind, but tend, also to improve one’s physical health. And where could we find a richer field for holy and uplifting thoughts than in the Word of God? Turn where we will outside of the Divine Oracle and we find the blight of selfishness and sin. True, there is good to be found in many quarters. Every sincere follower of the Master is a potential influence for righteousness, but the fountain, the source of all goodness, is the Word of God itself, because it reflects the mind and character of the God of all holiness.

When we attend to God’s Word, and incline our ears—that is, give careful attention—to His precepts, our thoughts, our meditations, are of necessity on as high a level as it is possible for them to be. Thus we will have peace of heart and mind by virtue of our desire to approximate the divine likeness therein disclosed. We will have the joy of the Lord, for this, too, is one of the divine promises. We will have strength and courage because God has promised to help us in every time of need. With a courageous heart, full of faith and peace and joy, we can meet the difficulties of life with fortitude and with quiet confidence which will inevitably be reflected in a mental and physical poise otherwise impossible.

The manner in which most of our modern educators distort this great truth is by the claim that through proper thinking the alleged pent-up powers within man can be released and put to work to assure a life of health, tranquility and prosperity.

The true secret of health and everlasting life is not to be found within our fallen and sin-marred self, but in the Creator’s provision of a Redeemer. Man slimed and lost life, and only by faith in God’s provision through the blood of Christ may life be restored. Noble thoughts are an asset, and the Scriptures admonish us to think on holy things. In doing this, both our mental and physical health will be improved, but everlasting life comes only through the blood of the atonement.—I John 2:2; John 17:3; Rev. 5:9

Dawn Bible Students Association
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