But Choose Correctly

Decision Necessary to Victory

“How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow Him: but if Baal, then follow him.”—I Kings 18:21

UNDER the leadership of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, Israel had drifted far away from the true God and had become largely a nation of idolaters—worshipers of Baal. Directed by the Lord, the Prophet Elijah challenged the priests of Baal to a test demonstration of whether Jehovah or Baal was the true and living God, able to hear and answer prayer.

The people of Israel as well as the priests of Baal were summoned to appear on Mt. Carmel where the demonstration was to be made. But before the actual test, Elijah called upon the Israelites to decide definitely whose side they were on; whether they intended to follow Jehovah, or Baal. They made no reply to this call, which indicates what a powerful influence the priests of Baal had exerted over them. Those who at one time rejoiced in the God of Israel, now were not sure in their hearts whether Jehovah or Baal was the true God.

When the test was made, the priests of Baal utterly failed in their attempt to have Baal demonstrate his power, while the God of Israel responded to the prayer of Elijah and sent fire to consume the water-drenched sacrifice. When the people saw this, they at once acknowledged that Jehovah was the true God. It is to their credit that they made a quick decision once the facts were made known. It has been said that when we don’t know what to do, the best thing is to do nothing. This may be good advice up to a point, but a Christian should not need to be long in doubt as to what to do along any line pertaining to his service to God.

Promptness of action when the right way is discerned is essential to Christian growth and victory. When Saul of Tarsus had his eyes opened to the fact that Jesus was the Messiah and that he had been called into the ministry of the One he had been persecuting, he was urged to go forward at once in the performance of his commission—“And now why tarriest thou? arise, and be baptized.”—Acts 22:16

Not only should our consecration vows to serve the Lord be definite, but we should learn to meet every emergency of the Christian life in a positive way, never hesitating as to whether or not we will continue to carry out our vows of fidelity. There may be times when the Lord would be as well pleased with our choice of one avenue of service as another; but at no time should we deliberate between full devotion to Him and a half-way carrying out of our consecration. We should keep our faces set like a flint to do His will, and in this spirit of decision God will help us carry on to victory.—Isa. 50:7; Luke 9:51

Dawn Bible Students Association
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