The Strait Gate and Narrow Way

In order to make a success of his Christian life, one must expect to face dangers and overcome difficulties; and he should beware of the alluring influences which seek to turn him aside from following in the footsteps of his Master.

“Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in and shall not be able?” (Luke 13:24) Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”—Matthew 7:14

TODAY the popular viewpoint of the Christian life is that it is preeminently a life of tranquility and happiness, in which the Lord shields one from trials and causes him to prosper in all his affairs. The philosophy is often expressed that we should expect the Lord to take care of his own; hence, if we profess to be His, we should be getting along well in the world. But this is not the viewpoint of the Christian life presented to us in the Scriptures. Quite to the Contrary. The Bible makes it plain that those who are truly the Lord’s in this age should expect “fiery trials,” and should real, me that only through “Much tribulation” shall they enter the Kingdom to reign with Christ.

God has promised to be with His people in their troubles, and to be a “present help” in every time of need, but He has not promised to shield them from trials. It is, therefore, just as true today as when Jesus spoke the words of our text, that the “gate” of entrance into the Christian life is strait, and the “way” itself “narrow”—so straight (difficult) and narrow that “few there be that find it;” It is difficult even to enter the Christian way, hence it is necessary to “strive,” that is, to struggle, in order to do so. But the struggles do not end when we succeed in overcoming the difficulties of entering; for they will continue until we have finished our course in Oath. The poet has well said:

“Ne’er think the victory won,
    Nor once at ease sit down;
Thine arduous work will not be done,
    Till thou hast gained thy crown.”

Jesus, in explaining the truths of the divine plan, illustrated many of His lessons with objects, customs, etc., with which the people of His day were familiar. This helped His disciples to gasp more vividly the reality of the things He taught. The “narrow way” illustration is a case in point. The people in Jesus’ day knew considerably about narrow, rugged roadways on which it was difficult to travel. These roadways wound up and down and around through the hill country of Judea. Not only were they dangerous and difficult of themselves, but travelers using them were also more or less exposed to danger from highway robbers who constituted the “underworld” of that day.

Hence, when Jesus likened the Christian life to traveling over one of these difficult ways, His disciples would at once visualize the difficulties involved and the dangers to be encountered in their undertaking to follow in the Master’s footsteps. It would be fatal, for example, for one to attempt to travel over the rugged roads of Judea unless, he knew the way or was accompanied by someone who did. Furthermore it would be unsafe to travel alone. Thus the disciples would realize their need of a “guide” in the narrow way, and also that for the sake of safety, as well as that they might not go astray, they would need to travel with the Lord, and depend upon Him to both protect and guide them all the way to the end.


While today we are not so well acquainted with the inconveniences and hardships of travel, as were the disciples of old, yet this lesson is still meaningful to us. We know, even as the early disciples knew, that we need the Lord with us in the narrow way as our protector and guide. The Lord’s presence with us is not, of course, in a literal sense, even as the narrow way itself is not a literal roadway. Even the early church could not have Jesus with them literally in their Christian walk. Paul said, “Though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we Him [so] no more.”—II Cor. 5:16

Nevertheless, Jesus did promise to be with His people, saying, “lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world [age].” (Matt. 28:20) Without a doubt He has fulfilled that promise, so that all of the truly consecrated have had His guidance and protection. The Lord’s presence with His people throughout the age has been through the written Word and by means of the divine providences with which they have been surrounded. Jesus promised to send the “spirit of truth,” as a “comforter,” and this promise was fulfilled at Pentecost, and through the inspired testimony of the apostles and prophets, the Lord has continued to be with and bless His people.

As the narrow way is not a literal roadway, so the difficulties and dangers of the way are not of a physical nature, except as our material experiences are related to our walk in the “narrow way.” God is not dealing with us according to the flesh, but as new creatures. Our struggles, our temptations, our besetments, are of and in the mind and heart. It therefore follows that the help which comes to us from our Helper and Guide is not of a physical nature (except where it may be necessary in connection with the development of the new creature), but is of a character best suited to enlighten and protect the heart and mind.

And this just what the Lord has furnished us in His Word. In that Word He has pointed out each turn of the road, as it were, each difficulty to be encountered, and how to overcome it. He has warned us, moreover, of the sly, stealthy attacks that will be made upon us by the marauders in the anti-Christian “underworld,” namely, the world, the flesh, and the devil. In His wonderful Word, the Lord has also given us many assurances of help to negotiate the difficult passages of the narrow way, and if we are faithfully following our Guide, these assurances will present themselves at times most needed, and will give us strength to bear whatever may come, of joy or sorrow.


The “increase of knowledge” in the “time of the end” has revolutionized methods of highway travel, so it might be helpful to apply the lesson of the narrow way in some of its modern aspects. For example, nearly all highways today are well marked with directing signs, appropriate warnings of danger spots, and other information, almost invaluable to the traveler. It reminds us of the divine promise to open up a “highway” in the Kingdom age, which is to be made very plain, so plain that one unacquainted therewith shall not go astray.—Isa. 35:8, Leeser

But even in the narrow way of this age, for the benefit of the “few” who are able to find it, the Lord has erected directing signs and warnings to guide the Christian traveler. But, to carry the illustration further, the devil has also erected signs, in close enough proximity to the narrow way to be seen by the travelers thereon, and it requires the utmost diligence and careful watchfulness not to become confused by these false signs. We are told that in the end of the age specially, Satan’s delusions would become so strong that if possible they would deceive the very elect. Thank God for the assurance that these cannot actually be deceived!

Satan’s attempts to deceive and destroy those with whom God is dealing commence before they are actually upon the narrow way. As they approach the entrance to that way they are confronted with suggestions which are calculated to deceive and discourage them. The “gate” to the narrow way is entered by consecration; that is, by presenting one’s self fully and unreservedly to do the will of God, irrespective of what the cost may be. Our heavenly Guide bids us first to sit down and count the cost of this undertaking. In counting the cost and becoming somewhat acquainted with the hardships that will be entailed in traveling in the narrow way it is an easy matter to become discouraged and to decide not to make the start.

Satan knows how the flesh is liable to hold back, hence is on hand to help us reach a wrong decision. Keeping in mind the illustration, we might think of Satan’s deceptions at this point as being in the form of misleading signs. Hence, as we approach the gate of consecration there is displayed the sign, “warning, do not enter, the way is too difficult, you will fail to reach the end.” Ah, but, if we have been truly drawn to the Lord, by His truth, we will know that He has not made the way too difficult, hence will conclude that the information on the sign is not of the Lord.

And, as we look a little closer we will discover that the sign which sought to discourage us and turn us aside from making a full consecration; is not of the Lord. The signboard put up by the Lord at this point, reads, “Why tarriest thou? The way is difficult, but I will help you in every time of need.” This sign, which we know to be a promise of the Lord, reassures us and we approach a little nearer to the “gate” when off a bit to the side, but compelling attention, we see a sign reading, “Beware, only the holy walk in this way. You are not good enough to enter.”

We realize full well our imperfections, how difficult it is to do the things we would like to do, and how often we do the things we do not wish to do, hence this sign may have a retarding effect on our progress. But again, He who is calling us by His love and by His truth has anticipated the effort that would be made to discourage us along this line and has put up a sign to counteract the effect of the false and misleading one. On this point the Lord’s sign reads, “The righteousness of the narrow way is not that of your own works, lest you should boast, but is by faith through Christ. Blessed is the man whose sins are not imputed unto him.” Again the false reasoning of the flesh, aided by the adversary, is set aside, and we move on toward the “gate.”

Not all, of course, see all the signs erected by Satan. Some may see one, some another. One that attracts the attention of many who have entered or are entering the narrow way during the harvest time at this end of the age is very deceptive indeed, it reads, “STOP, ROAD CLOSED; travelers must wait until the highway of the Millennial age is opened.” This is a strange sign indeed; but one which should not for long deceive those whose hearts are turning sincerely to the Lord in the desire to make a full consecration to Him.

The reason these are drawing near to the Lord, and feel urged to give themselves fully up to His service, is because of the compelling vision of His love as it has been revealed to them through His Word, and through the divine plan of the ages. They have already learned that God is loving and just and kind. Already they have been inspired by the “high calling” of this age. The entire divine plan reveals to them a God who would not deceive and thus mislead them into hoping for something that could not be realized. They know, according to God’s Word, that no one can come to Jesus unless the Father draws him, and they know that the Heavenly Father would not draw them to the gate of the narrow way and then explain that the road was closed and that they could not enter.

So once more a closer scrutiny is made of the signs, and again it is discovered that the misleading sign is not of the Lord. The Lord’s true sign is much different. Instead of it stating that the road is closed, it reads, “Enter, I am He that openeth and no man shutteth.” This sign we recognize to be of the Lord, because it is in keeping with what we have learned concerning the justice and righteousness of His character. Once more the enemy has failed to turn us aside from entering the narrow way. In this same manner the Lord helps us over each and all of the difficulties we encounter as we “strive” to enter in at the strait gate, so we make a full consecration of our all to Him. It isn’t much that we have to offer to the Lord. The poet has well expressed the thought:

“I have no jewels to adorn Thy shrine,
    Nor any world-famed sacrifice to make;
But here I bring, within my trembling hand,
    This will of mine—a thing that seemeth small;
And Thou alone, O Lord, canst understand
    How, when I yield Thee this, I yield mine all.”


We are now in the narrow way. As we found it difficult to enter, so we find it also a difficult way in which to travel. Yet, withal, we are able to rejoice because we realize now more fully than ever that the Lord is indeed our Guide and Helper. While He may “lead us through the valley of the shadow of death,” we will “fear no evil,” for we know that He is continually at our side. No weapon that is formed against us as new creatures can prosper, for greater is He who is for us than all that be against us. Thus, while it is a narrow, difficult way, our hearts are filled with joy; for not only do we rejoice in the abiding presence of our heavenly Guide, but we have the assurance that at the journey’s end will be glory, honor and immortality for all who do not become weary and falter by the wayside. We know, too, that every laborious step of the way has merit in it for us, in that all these steps serve to develop us for the future Kingdom service in glory. We know that our Guide will not permit us to take one difficult step that isn’t necessary, so we may go on singing:

“There are so many hills to climb upward,
I often am longing for rest;
But He who appoints me my pathway,
Knows just what is needful and best.

“I know in His Word He has promised,
That my strength it shall be as my day;
And the toils of the road will seem nothing,
When I get to the end of the way.”

Continuing to view the Christian from the standpoint of modern travel, we find that the narrow way is well lined with signboards, put there by the Lord for the express purpose of keeping us within the confines of its restricted limits. On the other hand, just outside of those limits, but well within view of the Christian traveler, Satan has erected signboards, the purpose of which is to lead us out of “the narrow way” and off onto some detour of his own making. These misleading signboards erected by the adversary are many and varied, and if we are not to be deceived by them we will need to be continually on guard.

Walking in the narrow way is doing the will of God, and Satan is ever attempting to draw us aside from the doing of that will. There are, of course, many details involved in doing God’s will, but they all fall into a relatively few major classifications which may be thought of as the main principles of the divine will. Some of the more important of these are:

(1) Our individual relationship with God, and responsibility to Him, apart from dependence upon human association or leadership.

(2) The importance of a personal application of the principles of the truth in our lives, so that we become more Christlike in thought and word and deed.

(3) Our responsibility to others in that God’s will for us is that as ambassadors of His we lay down our lives as ministers of the Gospel of grace.

In connection with all three of these important fundamentals of the Christian life we are to follow the example and instructions of our heavenly Guide, Christ Jesus. Following in His steps is, therefore, preeminently to walk in the narrow way. This means that we are to detect the misleading signs of the adversary, and to recognize the true signboards erected by the Lord, upon the basis of how they harmonize with the fundamentals of the Christian life, and by comparing them with the example set before us in the perfect and self-sacrificing life of the Master.


Those who are truly following the Master walk by faith and not by sight. Moreover, they must be continually on the alert, studying the Word of God, and thus be guided by the sign-boards He has erected in all necessary places of the narrow way. Satan, on the other hand, appealing to the laziness of our fallen flesh, suggests an easier method of finding our way as Christians. This is the way of human leadership, either of a man or woman, or a group of them. This human-leadership detour from the narrow way may be designated “Human-Channel Avenue.” or “Organization Highway.” or any other similar name. Whatever the name of the detour, the signboard directing us from the narrow way onto it, will read something like this, “This way to the sure knowledge of God’s will. Why trust your own judgment; we will do your thinking for you. Trust us, and you’ll find the way smooth and pleasant.”

This signboard is very appealing to many, for it offers an opportunity to shirk the responsibility of “proving all things.” This particular detour from the narrow way looks promising to start with. It’s a much easier way in which to travel, and as far as one can discern at the time he enters, it runs parallel to the narrow way, and apparently leads to the same destination. At the outset, Satan does not make it apparent that these human-channel detours eventually veer off sharply from the direction of the narrow-way, and eventually lead one out into a wilderness of confusion, darkness and doubt.

To help us remain on the narrow way when these pleasant detours appear, the Lord has placed signs to guide and encourage us. One of these is, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.” (II Tim. 2:15) Another reads, “Work out your own salvation. … for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” (Phil. 2:12,13) We also have the words of our heavenly Guide who promised that through the Holy Spirit, He would guide His people into all truth.

These, and other signs of a similar import, keep reminding us that if we are to truly know the will of God we must continue as faithful students of His Word—that we cannot trust ourselves to human leadership, ceasing to be careful students of the Word ourselves. If we take heed to these signs and are guided by them we will not he led astray along this line.


Satan is a wily foe of the new creature, and he resorts to more than one method of deception. He knows that some won’t be lured into his human channel detours, so for these he arranges another by-path, one that appeals to the pride of the fallen flesh. This we might call the “Isolation By-path.” The sign leading to this detour may read about as follows: “Genuine Bible Students take next turn to the left. Don’t let any man do your thinking for you; use your own wisdom and find out what the Bible really teaches.”

This is a clever sign indeed. First it suggests that any truth we may have received through the help of others is probably not truth at all, and then appeals to our pride with the suggestion that if we do our own thinking we’ll be better, off. The trick in it is often not noticed, in that while it gives us to understand that it is wrong to accept a man’s interpretation of the Bible, yet suggests that we interpret it for ourselves, as though our own interpretation would not be of human origin, but divinely directed. The implication also is that if we agree with another it proves he is doing our thinking for us. This is not necessarily true.

The humble follower of the Master will soon realize that this sign is misleading. He will realize that the human element enters into all efforts to help each other understand the will of God as it is revealed through His Word. To help the consecrated traveler at this point, the Lord has erected signs in the narrow way, one of which reads, “I have given pastors, and teachers, and evangelists, to help the church in the study of My Word.” Another one reads, “Build one another up in your most holy faith.” Still another reads, “Blessed is that servant whom the Lord, when He comes, shall find serving meat in due season to the household of faith.”

By these, and like signs, the traveler will have the narrow way clearly outlined for him and will not be confused. He will read these signs in conjunction with those which encourage Him to prove all things by the inspired Word, and will know that the Lord wants him to accept the help of others but not to be dependent upon them in the sense that he cannot himself discern the way. Yes, we are to help and encourage each other. We are to recognize that one manner in which God helps us through fellow-travelers in the narrow way. Knowing this, we will not be led off into a detour where we will proudly attempt to walk alone.

To further encourage and the more plainly guide us in this connection the Lord has erected another sign which reads, “Neglect not the assembling of yourselves together; and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” (Heb. 10:25) This is one of the most important signs in the narrow way, and what tragedy is liable to befall those who fail to give heed to it. Satan uses many arguments in his attempts to neutralize the effect of this plain admonition of the Scriptures.

He may suggest that we can learn more by staying home from the meetings and studying alone. He may appeal to our pride by the suggestion that those with whom we could meet are so undeveloped, and we are so much further developed that it would hold us back to associate with them. Perhaps we have had some personal difficulties with individuals in the group with whom we ordinarily fellowship, and for this reason don’t want to meet with them. In many such cases, Satan helps us to decide that we are standing on “principle,” when in reality, no genuine Christian principle is involved. If someone has misunderstood us and our pride has been injured, the best thing to do is to swallow our pride, and be guided by the Lord’s sign which directs us to seek the fellowship and help of our brethren in the narrow way.


Satan is particularly clever in his efforts to lead us astray in connection with our responsibility of making a personal application of the truth in our own lives. God wants us to be cleansed from “all filthiness of the flesh and of the spirit.” He wants us, at whatever the cost to ourselves, to be so personally attuned to the instructions of His Word that the slightest hint on His part will suffice to keep our feet from going astray. “I will guide thee with Mine eye,” is one of the Lord’s promises, and it suggests that even a look from Him should be all that is necessary for the guidance of those who are walking close to the Master, taking each step with Him as the outline of the step is discerned.

But here again Satan attempts to bewilder the traveler with his misleading signs. Knowing that those who follow the Lord’s signs faithfully will appear radical to the world, and even to their own relatives, he erects a sign reading, “Be Conservative. If you are too one-sided your friends will think you are a religious fanatic.” In connection with this sign is an arrow pointing to a detour entitled, “Sensible Way.” This road is all lined with flowers, representing the plaudits of men, and is really very attractive.

Our flesh may reason that, after all, if we want to interest the worldly in the truth we will need to go along with them to some extent, and that, if we separate ourselves entirely from the world and its ways, we will have no opportunity of letting our light shine. This reasoning appeals to the flesh, and if we are not careful we will find ourselves lowering the standard of righteousness so clearly outlined in the Scriptures. God’s instructions will not then seem so important to us, and instead of being guided by His eye we may need His chastening rod to correct us in walking more circumspectly.

The Lord always has signs on the narrow way where they are most needed, hence, to offset Satan’s sign beckoning towards conservatism which, if heeded, would mean a partial surrender to the flesh and the world, the Lord warns us of the impending danger with the sign, “Be not deceived, God is not mocked; he that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption.” And then another, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.” With these and like instructions of the Lord for our guidance our hearts and minds are brought back into the right track. Then we will realize that it isn’t the Lord’s will that we leave the narrow way in order to convert the worldly. We will remember, furthermore, that Jesus was considered a radical and persecuted; hence that we, too, should not court the favor of the world, but should rejoice in the privilege of being persecuted by the world. And as our hearts are brought back to this conclusion the Lord encourages us with another sign, “In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

Closely associated with a personal application of the truth to our own lives, is the privilege we have of encouraging fellow-travelers along the same line. We are to “wash one another’s feet.” We are to admonish, exhort, and at times, rebuke. But we need to be on the alert lest the adversary confuse the meaning of these instructions and thereby lead us off into a by-path of controversy, and possibly also of backbiting and evil speaking. We should ever be on the alert to assist our brethren, even by warning them of danger, when proper, but the Lord has not constituted us spiritual policemen to snoop around in the private affairs of the consecrated with the idea of discovering their wrongdoings and correcting them. We are to “study to be quiet, and mind our own business,” the apostle tells us. (I Thess. 4:11; II Thess. 3:71; I Pet. 4:15) Thus, in this as well as in other matters pertaining to the divine will, we are to seek the balance which the Lord’s Word furnishes, and so be kept in the narrow way outlined by the divine will.


Just as Satan, appealing to the desires of the flesh, seeks to deceive us along the line of personal righteousness and true Christian character development, so he also does all he can to lead us astray with respect to our privileges of witnessing for the truth. However, if we keep our hearts fixed on the Lord, and fully surrendered to the doing of His will in all things, we will not be deceived, for we “are not ignorant of his devices.”

In many ways the faithful use of our privileges of ambassadorship calls for greater efforts and sacrifices than some other phases of the Christian life, hence Satan’s reasonings, calculated to show it isn’t important that we make these sacrifices, are extremely pleasing to our fallen flesh. The flesh doesn’t like to sacrifice, and when it sees a sign directing away from the narrow way, and into a way that does not call for sacrifice, naturally there is a strong urge to veer off into the easier road.

Satan knows this and has his misleading signs to attract any of the consecrated travelers who, temporarily, may become “weary in well doing.” One of the favorite misleading signs he has employed at this end of the age reads about as follows: “The Harvest is ended, turn left to self-preparation road.” Those who are watching carefully the Lord’s leadings will readily discern the deception of this sign. They will know, for example, that even though the general harvest should be over there are no Scriptures which say that this would release the consecrated from the obligation of laying down their lives in making known the glad tidings of the Kingdom.

The consecrated will realize, also, that as long as individuals are accepting the truth, and presenting themselves in full consecration to the Lord and entering the narrow way of sacrifice, being inspired by the high calling, the harvest is not fully over. Yes, those who are keeping in close touch with the Word of the Lord, will remember what the Lord through His prophet Jeremiah (8:20) said about the claim of some that the harvest is ended, namely, “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” Because of this they will realize that when the harvest is past there will be abundant evidence that the work of this age is indeed over, and that the winter of the great time of trouble has settled down upon a dying world.

How thankful we are that the Lord has His own signs to guide His people with respect to their privilege of preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, and that these signs are so comprehensive and meaningful that there can be no question about the direction in which they are intended to guide the consecrated. Actually there is nothing in the Bible to indicate that the Lord would ever withdraw His commission to preach the Gospel. We are to continue our sacrifice along this line as long as we live, or until, by governmental decree or otherwise, we are absolutely prevented from preaching the gospel.

One sign the Lord has put up reads, “In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand.” (Bede. 11:6) We know that the “evening” time is here, and that soon it will become very dark. Yes, the night is coming in which “no man can work.” But it isn’t altogether dark as yet, and even though we may be in the time when the shadows are lengthening, yet we are not to withhold our hands from scattering the seeds of truth far and wide.

If we are following the Lord’s signs closely we will continue faithfully to proclaim the glad tidings of the Kingdom because the Lord makes it clear that this is what He wants us to do. Besides this, we will realize that one reason the Lord wants us to do it is because it is so essential in preparing ourselves for the Kingdom. When we are letting our light shine we are not taking time out from our own spiritual interests, for faithfulness to our stewardship as ambassadors is a part of our spiritual interests. Nothing will bring us nearer to the Lord and give us a greater desire to please Him in all things than to do what we can to make known to others the wonders of His love as revealed in His plan for the salvation of a lost world. Try it and see.


It is very important in walking in the narrow way, to keep close to the Guide, who is Jesus our Lord and Savior. His perfect example is a necessary aid in our endeavors to properly understand the signs along the way. Thus, should there be doubt at any time as to which way we should turn, by looking to Him and watching carefully the steps as He took them, we will be able to proceed with assurance.

How important it is that we should make progress in the narrow way! Actually there is no room in the narrow way for those who do not make progress. There can be no standing still in this way. There should be no stopping to pick flowers, nor to investigate the various detours which Satan has so attractively arranged to lure the consecrated away from the Lord and from the doing of His will. The way is narrow, but there’s room for the Lord to travel with us, and if we keep close to Him we will reach the end safely and victoriously

Dawn Bible Students Association
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