“For Thy Name’s Sake”

THE motive of every acceptable prayer must be the glory of God’s name—“for thy name’s sake.” It is well to remember this whenever we approach the throne of heavenly grace. If we ask God for wisdom and guidance it should not be for the purpose of having the way made easy and plain for us, but in order that our course in life may be such as to glorify his name. And, having asked God to direct our paths “for his name’s sake” we should neither murmur nor complain at what his providence deems best for us. We are not even to express a choice, but, like Jesus, to be willing at all times to say, “Not my will, but thine be done.”

When we ask Gad for forgiveness we should be reminded of his grace and glory manifested in the wonderful provision through our Redeemer whereby our sins can be forgiven. Our desire to be in harmony with him should not be merely that of enjoying the sunshine of his favor, but especially in order that our service will be acceptable and a glory to his name.

If we ask for strength to endure trials, it should be with the desire that our endurance of trials will glorify God. God has promised to help us in every time of need, but we should not seek his help merely because we sense our need for it—although that need should be felt—but because the strength he has promised will enable us the better to glorify him. It is proper for us to pray for our “daily bread”—both temporal and spiritual—not merely because we want to enjoy it, but that through its use we might receive strength to show forth his praises.

This unselfish viewpoint of the Christian life, will, in turn help to sweeten every experience which divine wisdom ordains to be best for us as new creatures in Christ. If we ask God to lead us “for his name’s sake,” and the way he leads is in a wilderness of hardships and trials, we can with faith and confidence take satisfaction in the assurance that such a way must be best suited to glorify his name. In this true Christian viewpoint, self is nothing and God is everything.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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