The Dawn Magazine

Christian Life and Doctrine

1970’s Article Index

December  The Creator’s Grand Design—Part 2, The Creator Reveals Himself
“Hope Springs Eternal”
November  The Creator’s Grand Design—Part 1, Man’s Monumental Failure
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
Praise the Lord
The Fount of Every Blessing
October  The People of the Bible—Part XXXVII: Paul in Protective Custody (Part 3)
God’s Covenant with the People
September  The People of the Bible—Part XXXVI: Paul in Protective Custody (Part 2)
Provoking One Another
August  The People of the Bible—Part XXXV: Paul in Protective Custody (Part 1)
“Ready to Be Offered”
Casting Our Cares upon the Lord
July  The People of the Bible—Part XXXIV: Paul’s Third Missionary Journey (Part 2)
The Messiah
The Christian’s Firm Foundation
June  The People of the Bible—Part XXXIII: Paul’s Third Missionary Journey (Part 1)
Pentecost (Whitsuntide)
Do You Know?
May  The People of the Bible—Part XXXII: Paul’s Second Missionary Tour (Part 2)
“Born Again”
The Christ Life
April  The People of the Bible—Part XXXI: Paul’s Second Missionary Tour (Part 1)
March  The People of the Bible—Part XXX: Paul the Missionary
“Christ Our Passover”
The Word of the Lord from Hosea
February  The People of the Bible—Part XXIX: Paul, the Twelfth Apostle
Our King Is Marching On
After Ye Have Suffered a While
January  The People of the Bible—Part XXVIII: Peter, James and John
Is There Really a Hell?
December  The People of the Bible—Part XXVII: Jesus and the Apostles
The Spirit of a Sound Mind
November  The People of the Bible—Part XXVI: Jesus, the First and the Last
October  The People of the Bible—Part XXV: John the Forerunner
Parables of the Kingdom
September  The People of the Bible—Part XXIV: God’s Holy Prophets
Joy, Fruit of the Spirit
Songs of Thankfulness
August  The People of the Bible—Part XXIII: Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz
The Parable of the Sower
“The Battle Is the Lord’s”
The People of the Bible—Part XXII: Queen Esther, King Ahasuerus, Mordecai, and Haman
“This Thing Is From Me”
June  The People of the Bible—Part XXI: Cyrus, Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah
“Seeing We Have this Ministry”
May  The People of the Bible—Part XX: Daniel—Exile, Statesman, and Prophet
Keeping the Heart
Is There a Personal Devil?
April  The People of the Bible—Part XIX: Elisha, Successor to Elijah
“Let Us Keep the Feast”
“Take Heed unto the Doctrine”
March  The People of the Bible—Part XVIII: Elijah the Tishbite
The Eternal Purpose
Right Habits of Thought
February  The People of the Bible—Part XVII: Kings of Judah and Israel (Part 3)
The Type of the Passover
The Things That Accompany Salvation
January  The People of the Bible—Part XVI: Kings of Judah and Israel (Part 2)
Oneness in Christ—Its Importance
Striving Lawfully
December  The People of the Bible—Part XV: Kings of Judah and Israel (Part 1)
Treasures Laid Up in Heaven
November  The People of the Bible—Part XIV: The Wisdom and Glory of Solomon
The Tree of Life
Greece, a Land of the Bible
October  The People of the Bible—Part XIII: David—King, Prophet, Psalmist
September  The People of the Bible—Part XII: Kings Saul and David
Only Believe
Christ’s Constraining Love
August  The People of the Bible—Part XI: The Patience of Job
From Glory to Glory
July  The People of the Bible—Part X: Samuel, Judge and Prophet
The Profitable Word
June  The People of the Bible—Part IX: Gideon, Abimelech, Jephthah, and Samson
Given for a Covenant
May  The People of the Bible—Part VIII: Joshua, a Leader of God’s People
Saved Through Baptism
April  The People of the Bible—Part VII: Aaron and His Sons
“Jesus Himself Drew Near”
The Oil of Gladness
March  The People of the Bible—Part VI: Moses—Deliverer, Lawgiver, and Prophet
Sacrificed for Us
February  The People of the Bible—Part V: Joseph and His Brethren
The Answer of a Good Conscience Toward God
Ransom Points to Be Remembered
January  The People of the Bible—Part IV: Isaac, Esau, and Jacob
The Christian’s Source of Help
December  The People of the Bible—Part III: Abraham and His “Seed”
The Future of Israel
November  The People of the Bible—Part II: Noah and His Family
The Called and Chosen and Faithful
October  The People of the Bible—Part I: Our First Parents and Their Family
September  “By Faith … Not Knowing”
Unmovable and Abounding
August  “Whom the Heaven Must Receive”
That We May Do Them
The Oneness of the Body of Christ
July  Crises in the Life of Peter
June  Evidences of Faith, Love, and Hope
Which is the True Church?
May  God’s Covenants
The Heart
April  The Messiah
March  “Thy Kingdom Come. Thy Will Be Done.”
Reasoning Together
The Close-Girding Sin
February  What Is That in Thine Hand?
The Anointing of David
January  Stewards of God’s Mysteries
December  “Provoking” One Another
“Glad Tidings of Great Joy”
November  God’s Gifts to His People
“As It Was in the Days of Noah”
The Sure Mercies of David
October  The Easy Yoke
September  What a Savior!
The Way to Eternal Life
August  Abraham’s Growing Faith
At Our Lord’s Second Presence
Jesus Returns for His Church
July  Divine Healing
Our English Bible
June  God Our Father
The Intents of the Heart
May  The Obedience of Faith
Beheaded Souls
Patience and Self-control
April  The Lord Our Helper
The Spirit of Action
For Me to Live Is Christ
March  The Glorious Resurrection Promise
At His Coming
February  Memorial
January  Life and Death
Growing in Christlikeness
Creation and Science
The Suffering and the Glory
Our Understanding and Merciful God
December  The Lord’s Requirements
Sowing the Seeds of Truth
Have Faith in God
The Inspired Word of God
Should We Fear the Day of Judgment?
November  Sacrifice Your Life
“O Give Thanks unto the Lord”
By the Eye of Faith
Walking With God
October  Every Eye Shall See Him
September  Our Invisible Helpers
Though It Tarry
Witnesses for Jesus
August  The Patience of Job
Our Hope in Christ
How Great Thou Art
July  God Works Through His Word
The Children of the Kingdom
June  The Ancient Worthies
Sacrifice in the Plan of God
May  The Levites—Servants of God
Give Me Thine Heart
April  The Presence of The Son of Man
March  The Labor of Love
Our Living Hope
The Righteousness of Believers
February  Paul Encourages the Hebrews
“Bless the Lord, O My Soul”
January  The Spirit on All Flesh
December  The Work of Faith
November  The Patience of Hope
The Shepherd’s Care
October  Sinning Against the Holy Spirit
September  The Words of “The Word of God”
There IS a God
The Attributes of God
August  Filled with the Spirit
The Conversion of Peter
July  Sealed by the Holy Spirit
June  The Witness of the Spirit
May  The Bright Shining of His Presence
Born of the Spirit
April  The Anointing of the Spirit
To Rome by Faith
March  Baptized by the Holy Spirit
The Glory of God
February  Not Yet Unto Blood
The Holy Spirit of Truth
January  The Holy Spirit of God
The Bright Shining of His Presence
God Sees, Hears, and Cares
December  The Power of the Word
November  The Privilege of Thanksgiving
Love in Action
Three Keys to the Bible
September  Baptized for the Dead
The Covenant of Restoration
August  The Sign in Heaven
July  The Prayers of the Righteous
June  In Like Manner
May  Christian Enlargement
April  “With a Mighty Hand”
God’s Inscrutable Works
March  Thoughts on the Memorial Season
Spiritual Alertness
February  The Waiting Ended
January  Christian Soldiers
December  Job Sees God
Honor—Lost and Restored
November  Treasures in Heaven
“What Manner of Persons?”
September  Compassion
Searching the Heart
August  What God Has Given
Jesus’ Hope of Glory
July  The Great Deliverance
The Robe of Righteousness
June  Companions of Them So Used
“Lower Than the Angels”
May  The Deep Things of God
The Counsel of God
April  The Resurrection in the Plan of God
Guided by the Word
March  The Afflictions of Christ
The Leaven of Corruption
February  The Power of the Word of God
Consider the Lilies
The First Sunday in Lent
January  The Joyful Sound
December  Superiority of the Original Abrahamic Covenant
Enduring unto the End
September  The Good Works of God’s People
Lest Ye Be Weary and Faint
August  Visions from the Lord
Sowing to the Spirit
July  Purifying the Soul
June  Holding Fast
Following Christ
May  Resting in Christ
April  Manifestations of Discipleship
Suffering with Christ
March  In Remembrance of Me
The Prophetic Testimony
February  God Speaks to His People
Faithfully Using Opportunities
January  Examining and Keeping the Heart
God’s Loving Care

Dawn Bible Students Association
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