Christian Life and Doctrine | February 1975 |
PRAYER holds a very important place in life’s experiences. It is practiced throughout the world. The need to pray is an evidence of our dependency upon a power higher than our own; that there are times when we need help from a source outside ourselves. Doubtless, God is pleased when we, in sincere humility, endeavor to contact him in prayer. And thus we acknowledge his sovereign power.
We all should realize that the urge we have to pray to our Creator is fundamentally based on the truth that originally we were created in “the image of God.” It is true that due to man’s disobedience of the law of God, he has not only found himself in the way of death, but much of the perfection of his creation has been lost. But still, much of God’s image and likeness remain in even fallen man. And one of the manifestations of this is evidenced in our being impelled to pray to our Maker.
However, the question is often asked, “If God is pleased to have us approach him in prayer, why is it that all prayers are not answered?” Some are, and some go unheeded by our Creator. Jesus gives an answer to this query in Matthew 6:5,6. So there are improper attitudes and methods of prayer, making it true, as the Bible states, “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss.”—James 4:3
But there are also correct methods of prayer, and if God’s children come to him properly, they may expect that they will be heard, blessed, and answered in such wise as will be most beneficial to their highest spiritual welfare.
But they must come to him in the spirit of his children. Jesus emphasized this when he instructed us to begin our prayer by saying, “Our Father which art in heaven.” We should also keep in mind that there is a purpose in prayer. Sometimes it is a prayer of thanksgiving. We have received so much from God; we have so much to be thankful for, and God is pleased when we tell him of our gratitude. Certainly we should take time also to show our devotion to him because of our understanding of his justice, wisdom, love, and power as expressed in so many ways. And sometimes we should pray for the forgiveness of our sins and shortcomings. All these prayers will be appreciated by our Father, and answered.
Another prayer that will be answered is the prayer expressed in the familiar words, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” The blessing of this prayer will be worldwide; it is an unselfish prayer for the blessing of all. It will bring peace for all nations, and health for everyone, and because there is no death in heaven, it means everlasting life for all the families of the earth; when God’s kingdom has dominion “from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.”—Psalms 72:8