The Dawn Magazine   

Guestbook of The Dawn

Entries from 03/99 to 10/99

For questions, email:
Click here to sign our Guestbook

Other Guestbook entries:    11/97 – 01/98    01/98 – 04/98    05/98 – 02/99    03/99 – 10/99    11/99 – 09/00    10/00 – 08/01    09/01 – 04/02    05/02 – 01/03    02/03 – 04/03    05/03 – 09/03    10/03 – 02/04    03/04 – 08/04    09/04 – 02/05    03/05 – 09/05    10/05 – 04/06    05/06 – 10/06    11/06 – 02/07    03/07 – 05/07    06/07 – 08/07    09/07 – 12/07    01/08 – 03/08    04/08 – 06/08    07/08 – 10/08    11/08 – 02/09    03/09 – 06/09    07/09 – 10/09    11/09 – 01/10    02/10 – 05/10    06/10 – 08/10    09/10 – 12/10    01/11 – 03/11    04/11 – 06/11    07/11 – 09/11    10/11 – 12/11    01/12 – 03/12    04/12 – 07/12    08/12 – 12/12    01/13 – 04/13    05/13 – 11/13    06/14 – 11/14    12/14 – 06/15    07/15 – 12/15    01/16 – 08/16    09/16 – 05/17    06/17 – 02/18    03/18 – 12/18    01/19 – 12/19    01/20 – 12/20    Recent Entries
I am a children's church teacher at Renfrew Baptist Church.
I have enjoyed your children's Bible lessons.

Rhonda Adams
Travelers Rest, SC USA - Thursday, October 28, 1999 at 13:05:00 (MDT)
ARLINGTON, VA USA - Monday, October 25, 1999 at 10:29:20 (MDT)
I have talked to you via phone and also have ordered the 6 book Bible studies set. Wish the size was a little bigger as my eyes are getting bad. Have been a Christian since the early sixtys but am always open to learn more about God's wonderful plan for mankind and my mission in life is to let others know what God's Plan is for them. I am looking forward to getting the "Dawn" each month. I will send you a e-mail as I have a question for you and this isn't the place for it. God Bless, Pastor Gary
Rev. Dr. E. Gary Wigle
Cedar Lake, MI USA - Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 13:20:59 (MDT)
I really like your site. I have just left the JW's and I would really like to know the truth, anyone who reads this feel free to email me. Im 17 and looking for the truth.
Peace  Tyler

MN USA - Saturday, October 09, 1999 at 12:00:35 (MDT)
Send us some tracts for distribution!
We would love to help sponsor a program on the local radio station here, especially one that promotes the truth of this early morning 'Dawn' which we now find ourselves in.
Lord bless you folk,
The Bible Students
We do however associate with the Laymen's Home Missionary Movement and do believe that the 'High Calling' is long since closed, so please do not send tracts promoting such.

Norfolk Bible Students
Virginia Beach, VA USA - Thursday, September 30, 1999 at 20:07:52 (MDT)
Good to know there are Bible Students Worldwide.
Are there Dutch speaking Brethren to write with?
I like to write about the Scriptures in line of Bible Students do.
Greetings J.P. Roozeboom

J.P. Roozeboom
Rotterdam, Netherlands - Saturday, September 25, 1999 at 03:47:39 (MDT)
Robert Goodman
Casselberry, FL USA - Sunday, September 19, 1999 at 18:49:12 (MDT)
Thank you for you time and effort! This web page is better than going surfing! I wish you the best.  agape jason williams
Jason williams
downey , ca U.S.A. - Saturday, September 18, 1999 at 22:19:59 (MDT)
I listen and learn alot from your Frank & Ernest Program every Sunday on WODI Radio. Thank you for such a great program.  Shirley Noll
Shirley Noll
Nathalie, VA Halifax - Wednesday, September 08, 1999 at 13:10:49 (MDT)
Nice site, how can I learn what you've learned?
Teach me the Truth please.  Eric

Eric Martin
Virginia Beach, VA USA - Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 18:44:55 (MDT)
For YEARS I have been searching for a valid answer to man's state in not enmeshed with denominational doctrine. Your WHEN A MAN DIES is exactly what I have been searching for! Questions & suspicions CONFIRMED. AS beautifull accurate biblical bit of research. I just learned of your organization & can't wait to see what else you offer!
Peter St.Jean
Walhonding, OH USA - Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 05:59:02 (MDT)
I have known about the Dawn for many years and through a recent contact with a long time friend and Bible Student of the Dawn, I feel a call to become a student and hope myself worthy of whatever knowledge God grants I will come to know.  Lynn K.Lepley
Lynn K. Lepley
Surry, Me U.S.A. - Monday, August 30, 1999 at 19:45:37 (MDT)
I was very pleased to find the Dawn Bible Students online. I received the Dawn Magazine for quite a few years and miss getting it. I also enjoyed getting the audio tapes, video tapes, and publications. I look forward to renewing my subscription and the wonderful help you provide.
Sandi Landry
Fitchburg, MA USA - Saturday, August 28, 1999 at 07:44:09 (MDT)
I was hoping that you could send a sample copy of DAWN to the above address. Thank you very much! (Editor's note: sample Dawn sent)
Sanders Thornburgh
Americus, GA 31709 - Tuesday, August 24, 1999 at 18:34:16 (MDT)
Just wanted to let you know I enjoy Frank & Ernest on WODI every Sunday afternoon, Keep up the good work, nice website God Bless You All!
Charlie Lee
Cody, VA USA - Sunday, August 01, 1999 at 20:42:39 (MDT)
After signing your guestbook in the past, I was contacted by old friends of my husband. We would love to hear from anyone who knows David or his family from years ago. If anyone knows of an L.B. Mc Nabb or his family please let us know. Thank you, Patricia
David and Patricia Orcutt
Grayling, Mi USA - Monday, July 26, 1999 at 08:52:42 (MDT)
Referred to the site by a dear friend who has helped me already in so many ways. Just another of his blessings.
MS - Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 10:46:53 (MDT)
I am very pleased with the site and the tapes I recently borrowed. I would like to fellowship with others of like-mind and interest in the Bible and Christian life. Please inform me of a local meeting place. Thank You
Mae hunter-Burroughs
Atlanta, Ga USA - Monday, July 19, 1999 at 18:01:25 (MDT)
Great Job
Colleen blaine
Mesa, AZ USA - Sunday, July 18, 1999 at 09:00:44 (MDT)
Enjoyed your web site
Bruce Smith
Hope Valley, S. A. Australia - Tuesday, July 13, 1999 at 20:36:28 (MDT)
VANCOUVER, B.C. CANADA - Tuesday, June 29, 1999 at 19:16:11 (MDT)
My husband was raised as a Dawn Bible Student and I have been studying your magazine and books. I would like to become a Bible Student.
Patricia Orcutt
Grayling, mi usa - Tuesday, June 29, 1999 at 10:31:00 (MDT)
I really enjoy your website and online articles. Keep up the faith! I had never really known there were Bible Students around until recently.
Wayne (Snowball)

Wayne Rogers
Newark, CA USA - Monday, June 21, 1999 at 08:21:16 (MDT)
Hello Brothers & Sisters in the truth,
My family can out of the frigid north to meet with our brothren at the Asilomer convention. We then headed south to visit family and again meet with those of like & precious faith in Los Angeles (Burbank). While setting up internet for mom & dad I found this wonderful site. This will be at the top of our 'Favorites' list as well as the folks', Bill & Sherry Smith. I can not hardly wait to fully explore the wealth of information here! Love to all from the Alaska class

Ron Verrall
Palmer, AK USA - Tuesday, June 08, 1999 at 18:06:43 (MDT)
Keep up the good work. God bless you.
ASHLAND CITY, TN U.S.A. - Tuesday, May 18, 1999 at 19:45:34 (MDT)
I do enjoy reading your publications and hope I can find the answers I thought I once had.
Ray & Eva Sumner
Summerfield, FL US - Tuesday, May 18, 1999 at 19:12:52 (MDT)
Hello, Everyone
Praise GOD for the wonderful Spirit of truth and love that we share by his grace! What wonderful messages of peace and joy are found within the pages of GOD'S Holy Bible.
It is truly good news for everyone, this gospel of hope, that not only for the christians, but the whole world will be delivered out of death.
Thank you all at the DAWN for your work and Love, and those who have a hand in maintaining this web site. Keep up the good work and May GOD continue to bless you all.

Joey Dolan
Middletown, NY USA - Sunday, May 16, 1999 at 16:34:08 (MDT)
Greetings Brothers and Sisters!
I am delighted to discover your web site!!! I am a new owner of a computer and just learning to ulitilize it most worth while features.
I have been a Dawn reader for over 19 years. The Spirit of the Lord directed me to your publications and they have been truly helpful in helping me to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
May the Lord continue to richly bless us through your ministry.

Bertha Moore
Ypsilanti, MI usa - Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 13:42:29 (MDT)
Greetings to all my dear brethren. I am enjoying the web site. May Our Lord continue to bless this effort.
- Monday, April 12, 1999 at 07:09:23 (MDT)
Enjoyed reading the articles on the website...I am so glad there are other Christians who believe in the one, true Yahweh who alone is to be worshipped...
Bill Bryant
Tuscaloosa, AL United States - Monday, April 05, 1999 at 20:00:14 (MDT)
Hello brethren,
We just came upon the web page and we thought we would scan the guest book, and send warm christian love to our brethern all over the world. We love the truth and the hope it has for all mankind, what a wonderful heavenly Father we have. God bless you all dear brethren.   Gretchen
What a blessing it is to read such inspiring and uplifting words of Truth, they are music to my ears and health to my bones, the prayer text lessons and articles are just what I need. To GOD be the glory!   Yvonne

Gretchen Griehs, Yvonne Zurek
Feasterville, PA USA - Friday, April 02, 1999 at 19:58:35 (MST)
We enjoy the DAWN Magazine very much. Nice to see it on the WEB. Keep up the good work, may God continue to bless the harvest work. (Jim and Norma Cothren)
Jimmy D. Cothren
Huntsivlle, AL USA - Friday, April 02, 1999 at 12:36:03 (MST)
I am s subscriber of your magazine, and I really enjoy it. Keep up the good work!!!!! Linda
maywood, nj usa - Sunday, March 28, 1999 at 09:09:36 (MST)
We're enjoying the Dawn website very much. It is a wonderful thing and nice to read the messages from different brethren and friends all over the world. May the Lord bless your efforts to serve Him.
The Speronis
West Newton, PA USA - Thursday, March 25, 1999 at 16:41:44 (MST)
I have enjoyed reading and studying GOD'S WORD, SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAWN SINCE 1976
jean gurnavage
tamaqua, pa schuylkill - Wednesday, March 24, 1999 at 17:57:07 (MST)
I'm thankful that the Bible Students have a website so that we can let others know of the wonderful plans that God has in store for the world of mankind.
Samantha J. Niles
Indianapolis, IN USA - Tuesday, March 23, 1999 at 15:33:54 (MST)
Lisa Sterner
Blacksburg, VA USA - Monday, March 22, 1999 at 21:30:50 (MST)
I am interested in you doctrinal position or how to become a Christian and your thinking about the Lord's Supper each Sunday. I think the site is good and I plan to visit it again soon.
Ron Stuart
Louisville, KY USA - Thursday, March 18, 1999 at 07:46:14 (MST)
Hi, could someone tell me if there is a branch of the Dawn movement in the U.K? I would be really grateful to have any details of any e-mail, telephone numbers or addresses so that I can make contact. It has been great to find the web site. Thanks.
Violet King
Essex. U.K. - Tuesday, March 16, 1999 at 17:49:00 (MST)
Hi everyone!! :) (make sure all statements are correct !!!)

J.Burton & Nancy brown
Valley Village, ca USA - Monday, March 15, 1999 at 20:46:18 (MST)
It has been really encouraging reading all the items on the web on your different subjects. Refreshing to notice so much truth in what you say, and a great following of the scriptures. Every success! I look forward to more.
Violet King
Essex, England - Saturday, March 13, 1999 at 19:36:00 (MST)
Great WEB site. You brethren are doing a most important work. May the Lord bring great increases. Have pics of the Dawn Building on my WEB site (see below). May the Lord have mercy on that TRUE Evil Slave "Judge" Rutherford, the TRUE founder of "Jehovah's" Witnesses.
Joseph Stagnitto @
San Jose, CA US - Tuesday, March 09, 1999 at 18:02:46 (MST)
have found and bookmarked site...parents attended meetings when i was a child...wish i had paid more attention at the time but, guess it is never too late
michael hulen
lee's summit, mo usa - Monday, March 08, 1999 at 17:37:11 (MST)
Brilliant, makes the devotions at Deacon's meetings a whole lot easier!
Many thanks, may God bless you all richly, Tim

Tim Jinkerson
UK - Monday, March 08, 1999 at 06:16:24 (MST)
Other Guestbook entries:    11/97 – 01/98    01/98 – 04/98    05/98 – 02/99    03/99 – 10/99    11/99 – 09/00    10/00 – 08/01    09/01 – 04/02    05/02 – 01/03    02/03 – 04/03    05/03 – 09/03    10/03 – 02/04    03/04 – 08/04    09/04 – 02/05    03/05 – 09/05    10/05 – 04/06    05/06 – 10/06    11/06 – 02/07    03/07 – 05/07    06/07 – 08/07    09/07 – 12/07    01/08 – 03/08    04/08 – 06/08    07/08 – 10/08    11/08 – 02/09    03/09 – 06/09    07/09 – 10/09    11/09 – 01/10    02/10 – 05/10    06/10 – 08/10    09/10 – 12/10    01/11 – 03/11    04/11 – 06/11    07/11 – 09/11    10/11 – 12/11    01/12 – 03/12    04/12 – 07/12    08/12 – 12/12    01/13 – 04/13    05/13 – 11/13    06/14 – 11/14    12/14 – 06/15    07/15 – 12/15    01/16 – 08/16    09/16 – 05/17    06/17 – 02/18    03/18 – 12/18    01/19 – 12/19    01/20 – 12/20    Recent Entries
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