The Dawn Magazine

International Bible Studies

Article Index

October  6th  David Confesses and Repents
13th  A Prayer for Deliverance
20th  Death Swallowed Up in Victory
27th  Trust in God Alone
September  1st  Abram and Lot Separate
8th  Solomon Asks for Wisdom
15th  Hezekiah’s Prayer
22nd  The Book of the Law Found
29th  The Song of Moses
August  4th  The Word of God
11th  Sons of God
18th  Godly Living
25th  The Washing of Regeneration
July  7th  God Fails Not
14th  Continual Hope in the Lord
21st  Delightful Precepts
28th  Confidence in the Lord
June  2nd  Glorious Riches
9th  Changed into Jesus’ Image
16th  Glorify God
23rd  Full Assurance
30th  Fearless Testimony
May  5th  Justified by God’s Grace
12th  Righteousness Only by Faith
19th  Peace with God
26th  Who Has Believed?
April  7th  Jesus Heals a Paralytic
14th  The Centurion’s Servant
21st  Jesus Forgives Sins
28th  Faith of a Canaanite
March  3rd  Sustaining Our Faith
10th  Examining Ourselves
17th  Suffering for Righteousness
24th  The Wisdom and Spirit of Stephen
31st  He Is Risen
February  4th  The Greatness of God
11th  Deliverance from the Fiery Furnace
18th  Lions’ Mouths Shut
25th  The Vision Shall Speak
January  7th  By Faith
14th  Trust in the Lord
21st  Encouragement from the Lord
28th  Gifts of Grace
December  3rd  Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz
10th  David Slays Goliath
17th  An Angel Speaks to Zacharias
24th  Mary and Elisabeth
31st  The Wise Men
November  5th  The Gospel Open to Gentiles
12th  Love Fulfills the Law
19th  Walking in Christ
26th  Edify One Another
October  1st  Be Doers of God’s Law
8th  Serving in Spirit—Not in Letter
15th  Made Righteous by Faith
22nd  Children of Abraham
29th  Heirs of God
September  3rd  Hypocrisy Condemned
10th  Healing on the Sabbath Day
17th  Righteous Judgment
24th  David Sins against God
August  6th  Walk in the Spirit
13th  Do Not Cause Another to Stumble
20th  Stewards of the Mysteries of God
27th  God Will Be All in All
July  2nd  The King of Zion Comes
9th  Jesus Casts Out Devils
16th  The Sower and the Seed
23rd  Tares among the Wheat
30th  Parables of the Kingdom of Heaven
June  4th  God Reigns
11th  New Heavens and a New Earth
18th  The Restoration of Israel
25th  God Will Save
May  7th  The Day of Pentecost
14th  Healing the Lame Man
21st  The Ethiopian Eunuch
28th  Saul of Tarsus
April  2nd  The Empty Tomb
9th  On the Road to Emmaus
16th  Jesus Appears on theShore
23rd  Jesus and Peter
30th  Promise of the Holy Spirit
March  5th  The Prodigal Son
12th  The Greatest in the Kingdom
19th  Jesus Talks with a Samaritan
26th  Jesus Overpowers an Unclean Spirit
February  5th  Glory Only in the Lord
12th  Hold Fast in Faith and Love
19th  Works without Respect to Persons
26th  Called into His Marvelous Light
January  1st  God Answers Solomon
8th  Israel’s Savior
15th  God Calls Israel to Hearken
22nd  The Heritage of Jacob Promised
29th  God Will Pour out Blessings
December  4th  An Angel Speaks to Zacharias
11th  Zacharias’ Prophecy
18th  John the Baptist Prepares the Way
25th  Mary’s Song of Praise
November  6th  Spiritual Blessings in Christ
13th  The Eyes of Our Understanding
20th  God’s Workmanship
27th  The Armor of God
October  2nd  The Birth of Moses
9th  God Is Our Rock
16th  The Call of Gideon
23rd  Israel Demands a King
30th  David Anointed King
September  4th  The Call of Abram
11th  Jacob and Esau
18th  Jacob Wrestles an Angel
25th  The Promise to Judah
August  7th  A New Earth
14th  The Holy Jerusalem
21st  A Pure River
28th  The Tree of Life
July  3rd  The Word Was Made Flesh
10th  Healing the Nobleman’s Son
17th  The Light of the World
24th  The Resurrection and the Life
31st  Jesus Promises a Helper
June  5th  God Foretells Destruction
12th  Salvation Promised
19th  Zion Shall Prosper
26th  Comfort for God’s People
May  1st  Freedom from Sin
8th  Hope for the Future
15th  The Promised Seed
22nd  The Law Fulfilled
29th  Walking in the Spirit
April  3rd  Jesus’ Triumphal Entry
10th  Memorial Supper Instituted
17th  The Lord Is Risen
24th  Freedom in Jesus
March  6th  The Proclamation ofCyrus
13th  Israel’s Temple Rebuilt
20th  The House of the Lord Dedicated
27th  Remember the Lord Thy God
February  6th  Nathan Rebukes David
13th  Ezra Sent to Teach thePeople
20th  Job’s Reply to Bildad
27th  Job Understands and Is Blessed
January  2nd  Cain and Abel
9th  Hagar and Ishmael
16th  A Burial Place for Sarah
23rd  Justice and Judges Established
30th  Judgment—Not Oppression
December  5th  God’s Requirements
12th  David’s Kindness
19th  A Just and Righteous Government
26th  God Delivers His People
November  7th  A Great Multitude
14th  Christ Shall Reign Forever
21st  Marriage of the Lamb
28th  The Gospel Opened to All
October  3rd  God’s Steadfast Love
10th  God’s Righteous Judgment
17th  Praise for Deliverance
24th  Dwelling in the House of the Lord
31st  Praise Ye the Lord
September  5th  The Song of Moses
12th  The Ark Brought to Jerusalem
19th  Jesus Heals Blind Bartimaeus
26th  Many Believe at Pentecost
August  1st  The Message of Salvation
8th  By Faith
15th  The Profession of Our Faith
22nd  God is Love
29th  Our Heavenly Home
July  4th  Ten Lepers Cleansed
11th  Living by Faith
18th  Justification by Faith
25th  Peace with God
June  6th  Seek First the Kingdom of God
13th  Jesus Calms a Storm
20th  Two Miracles of Healing
27th  Walking upon the Water
May  2nd  A Prophecy Against Ahab
9th  Hope for the Future
16th  Jeremiah Warns Zedekiah
23rd  The Righteous Shall Live
30th  Jonah Preaches to Nineveh
April  4th  The Arm of the LORD
11th  Ezra Confesses the People’s Sins
18th  Nehemiah Returns to Jerusalem
25th  Jeremiah’s Plea for Israel
March  7th  A Prophet Like Moses
14th  Joshua Leads Israel
21st  Josiah’s Righteous Reign
28th  Elijah Confronts Ahab
February  7th  The Samaritans Believe
14th  Mary Magdalene
21st  Aquila and Priscilla
28th  The Service of Lydia
January  3rd  Jesus’ Commission to Preach
10th  Called to Follow Jesus
17th  The Power to Forgive and Heal
24th  Jesus’ Prayer for His Disciples
31st  Peter’s Pentecostal Sermon
December  6th  Appointed as Heir
13th  He Shall Be Called Emmanuel
20th  Wise Men Come to Worship
27th  Preparing the Way
November  1st  Love That Serves
8th  Abiding in Jesus’ Love
15th  Love One Another
22nd  Love Does Not Hold Back
29th  Impartial Love
October  4th  Love That Intercedes
11th  Love Your Enemies
18th  Love for Neighbors
25th  Love Continues Forever
September  6th  Joseph Envied by His Brethren
13th  Pharaoh Elevates Joseph
20th  Joseph’s Brethren Tested
27th  Joseph Reveals Himself
August  2nd  Faith and Wisdom
9th  Hearing and Doing
16th  Living Faith
23rd  Taming the Tongue
30th  Two Kinds of Wisdom
July  5th  Wisdom is Vindicated
12th  Increasing in Wisdom
19th  The Wisdom of Jesus
26th  Wisdom to Follow Jesus
June  7th  Hear God’s Wisdom
14th  Receive Wisdom
21st  Wisdom’s Blessings
28th  The Way of Wisdom
May  3rd  A Prophecy of Restoration
10th  Promised Blessings
17th  Punishment Pronounced
24th  An Exhortation to Repent
31st  Pursue Mercy and Judgment
April  5th  God’s Chosen Servant
12th  A Resurrected Savior
19th  An Enemy Destroyed
26th  A God of Righteousness
March  1st  Judgment Against Israel
8th  Habakkuk’s Prayer for Justice
15th  God Answers the Prophet
22nd  What the Lord Requires
29th  Robbing God
February  2nd  Obedience in Temptation
9th  Proper Almsgiving and Prayer
16th  A Model for Prayer
23rd  Ask, Seek and Knock
January  5th  The Ark Brought into the Temple
12th  Solomon Praises the Lord
19th  Solomon’s Prayer of Dedication
26th  God Will Be With Us
December  1st  The Ark Brought to Jerusalem
8th  David’s Song of Thanks
15th  God’s Promise to David
22nd  Mary’s Praise to God
29th  David’s Prayer
November  3rd  Remaining in the Faith
10th  Faith that Sets an Example
17th  Called to Be Holy
24th  Partakers of the Divine Nature
October  6th  Obedient Faith
13th  Faith in Action
20th  Humble Faith
27th  Forgiveness Based on Faith
September  1st  God Rescues Lot
8th  Hannah’s Petition
15th  God Provides Manna
22nd  The Israelites Rebel
29th  Moses Intercedes for the People
August  4th  A Covenant Between Friends
11th  A Mother-Daughter Covenant
18th  A Covenant to Marry
25th  A Covenant of Love
July  7th  Fulfilling the Law
14th  A Higher Law
21st  Love Your Enemies
28th  Discerning Fruitage
June  2nd  A More Excellent Ministry
9th  The Son of God Dies
16th  The Shedding of Blood
23rd  Rooted in Christ
30th  Right Attitudes
May  5th  Righteousness by Faith
12th  Life in the Spirit
19th  Grafted into the OliveTree
26th  A Living Sacrifice
April  7th  Sending Out the Twelve
14th  Jesus Anointed at Bethany
21st  He is Risen
28th  The Apostles’ Commission
March  3rd  Serve With Humility
10th  The Cost of Discipleship
17th  The Prodigal Son
24th  The Son of Man Saves
31st  Follow Me
February  3rd  Pressing on in Christ
10th  A God to Be Praised
17th  The Great Works of God
24th  The LORD Is Our Refuge
January  6th  Walk in Love
13th  Submit to God
20th  Rejoice in All Circumstances
27th  Imitate Christ
December  2nd  Love and Obey God
9th  Worship God Only
16th  Bless God’s Holy Name
23rd  The Gift of Jesus
30th  Loving God by Serving Others
November  4th  Jacob and Esau
11th  Jacob’s Deception
18th  Jacob’s Dream
25th  Jacob’s Prosperity
October  7th  The Righteousness ofNoah
14th  The Call of Abram
21st  The Birth of the Promised Son
28th  The Marriage of Isaac
September  2nd  God Creates Heaven and Earth
9th  God Creates Lights and Life
16th  God Creates Man
23rd  God Creates the Family
30th  God Confronts Sin
August  5th  God’s Justice
12th  Giving Generously
19th  Loving and Just Behavior
26th  Putting on the New Man
July  1st  Parable of the Unforgiving Servant
8th  Jesus Criticizes Unjust Leaders
15th  The Widow and the Unjust Judge
22nd  Entering God’s Kingdom
29th  Parable of the Great Dinner
June  3rd  Justice and Sabbath Laws
10th  Parables of God’s Just Kingdom
17th  Jesus Teaches about Justice
24th  Reaping God’s Justice
May  6th  Giving from a Generous Heart
13th  Bringing Firstfruits
20th  Remembering with Joy
27th  Rejoicing in Restoration
April  1st  He Has Risen
8th  The Risen Lord Appears
15th  Feed My Lambs
22nd  Follow Me
29th  Blessing, Glory and Honor Forever
March  4th  The Lord Will Provide
11th  There Is No God like Thee
18th  The People Praise theLord
25th  Pray and Seek God’sFace
February  4th  Faith Without Works Is Dead
11th  A Disciplined Tongue
18th  A Woman of Good Works
25th  The Good Fight of Faith
January  7th  A Sincere Faith
14th  A Bold Faith
21st  A Prayer for Obedient Faith
28th  A Strong Faith
December  3rd  Faith in Jesus
10th  Faith to Discern
17th  Faith to Persevere
24th  Faithful Seekers of the King
31st  Faith to Unite
November  5th  Faithful God—Unfaithful People
12th  Promise of a New Covenant
19th  Mediator of the New Covenant
26th  Remembering the Everlasting Covenant
October  1st  God’s Covenant with Abram
8th  God’s Covenant with Israel
15th  Obeying God’s Law
22nd  God’s Covenant with David
29th  God’s Covenant with the Returned Exiles
September  3rd  The Rainbow Covenant
10th  Covenant of Circumcision
17th  Sabbath Observance
24th  A New Heart and NewSpirit
August  6th  Seven Deacons Selected
13th  Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
20th  Ananias Finds Saul ofTarsus
27th  Peter Sent to Cornelius
July  2nd  Moses at the Burning Bush
9th  Isaiah’s Vision of God’s Temple
16th  God Calls Jeremiah
23rd  Ezekiel’s Commission
30th  Amos Prophesies against Israel
June  4th  Deborah and Barak
11th  Gideon’s Call
18th  Jephthah Answers God’s Call
25th  Samson’s Call
May  7th  God’s Sustaining Love
14th  God’s Love Preserved Jonah
21st  God’s Love for Nineveh
28th  God’s Pervasive Love
April  2nd  God as Our Shepherd
9th  God’s Saving Love inChrist
16th  God’s Love as Victory over Death
23rd  God’s Reconciling Love
30th  God’s Preserving Love
March  5th  The Source of All Love
12th  God’s Mercy and Grace
19th  Abiding in God’s Love
26th  God’s Love Restores
February  5th  Oneness in Christ
12th  Freedom from Bondage
19th  Liberty in Christ
26th  Holy Living by the Spirit
January  1st  Praising God the Creator
8th  Praise God’s Greatness
15th  Praise God the Provider
22nd  Praising the Works of God
29th  All Creation Praises God
December  4th  God Promises a Savior
11th  The Affirmation of the Promise
18th  God Promised Zacharias a Son
25th  God’s Promised Savior Is Born
November  6th  All Things Will Be New
13th  A New Jerusalem
20th  Living Waters
27th  Alpha and Omega
October  2nd  The Imprint of God
9th  Builder of the House
16th  The Great High Priest
23rd  The High Priest Forever
30th  Author and Finisher ofOur Faith
September  4th  The Peaceful Kingdom
11th  The Mountain of God
18th  Foundations of the Earth
25th  Everlasting Covenant
August  7th  Safe in God’s Love
14th  Living under God’s Mercy
21st  God Prunes and Grafts
28th  Love Fulfills the Law
July  3rd  Be Doers of the Law
10th  All Are Under Sin
17th  God Justifies
24th  Hope Based on Faith
31st  Death Becomes Life
June  5th  The Day of the Lord
12th  The Consequences of Disobedience
19th  Assurances and Joy for the Faithful
26th  Ignoring God’s Plain Truth
May  1st  Increased Faith
8th  Grateful Faith
15th  Humble Faith
22nd  Childlike Faith
29th  Joyous Faith
April  3rd  Healing a Servant
10th  Forgiving a Sinner
17th  A Sound Mind
24th  A Blessed Reunion
March  6th  Powerful Faith
13th  Simple Faith
20th  Struggling Faith
27th  Resurrection Faith
February  7th  Passover
14th  The Feast of Weeks
21st  The Day of Atonement
28th  The Feast of Booths
January  3rd  A Bride Worth Waiting For
10th  The Most Beautiful Bride
17th  An Unfaithful Bride
24th  A Wedding in Cana
31st  The Death of a Friend
December  6th  The Lord’s Day
13th  Acceptable Offerings
20th  Dedication of Firstborn
27th  Endowed with Humility
November  1st  God Rescues Peter
8th  God Makes No Distinction
15th  From Derbe to Philippi
22nd  Thessalonica, Berea and Athens
29th  Teaching God’s Word
October  4th  The Holy Spirit is Not for Sale
11th  Saul Earns Credibility
18th  Peter Goes to the Gentiles
25th  Trusting God’s Holy Spirit
September  6th  Praying for One Another
13th  Sharing All Things
20th  Witnessing to the Truth
27th  Remembering God’s Faithfulness
August  2nd  Our Redeemer Comes
9th  A Choice to Be Just
16th  A Call for Repentance
23rd  God Demands Justice
30th  Return to a Just God
July  5th  No Rest to Those Who Practice Evil
12th  Judgment Against Corrupt Leaders
19th  Justice, Love, and Humility
26th  God Shows Mercy
June  7th  Judgment on Israel and Judah
14th  God Is Not Fooled
21st  Rebuked for Selfishness
28th  God Takes Action Against Sin
May  3rd  Coworkers with the Truth
10th  Gifts of the Spirit
17th  One Body by the Spirit
24th  Gift of Languages
31st  The Greatest Gift Is Love
April  5th  Resurrection Hope Guaranteed
12th  Love One Another
19th  Believe God’s Love
26th  Watch Out for Deceivers
March  1st  The Lamb of God
8th  Jesus Promises an Advocate
15th  The Spirit of Truth
22nd  Receive the Holy Spirit
29th  The One Who Comes
February  1st  Feasting and Fasting
8th  Serving Neighbors, Serving God
15th  Serving the Least
22nd  Clothed and Ready
January  4th  A Model for Prayer
11th  Jesus Prays for the Disciples
18th  Jesus Intercedes for Us
25th  We Pray for One Another
December  7th  Worship Christ’s Majesty
14th  Make A Joyful Noise
21st  Glory to God in the Highest
28th  In Awe of Christ’s Power
November  2nd  God’s Divine Glory Returns
9th  The Altar: A Sign of Hope
16th  A Transforming Stream
23rd  Transformation Continued
30th  Let Zion Rejoice
October  5th  Rejoice Anyway
12th  Even So, My Redeemer Lives
19th  Hope Complains
26th  Hope Satisfies
September  7th  A Vision of the Future
14th  Restoration
21st  A New Future
28th  Improbable Possibilities
August  3rd  Consolation Granted through Prayer
10th  A Community Forgives
17th  Treasure in Clay Jars
24th  An Appeal for Reconciliation
31st  A Community Shares Its Resources
July  6th  Glorify God with Your Body
13th  Love Builds Up
20th  Overcoming Temptation
27th  Seek the Good of Others
June  1st  Obey the Lord
8th  Trust God’s Promises
15th  Live Pure Lives
22nd  Hope for a New Day
29th  A Call for Unity
May  4th  Jesus Resists Temptation
11th  Jesus’ Mission on Earth
18th  Jesus’ Teaching on the Law
25th  The Greatest Commandment
April  6th  Jesus Cleanses the Temple
13th  A Messianic Priest-King
20th  The Third Day
27th  From Suffering to Glory
March  2nd  An Eternal Kingdom
9th  Son of David
16th  Peter’s Report
23rd  Worthy Is the Lamb
30th  Triumphant and Victorious
February  2nd  Hear and Do the Word
9th  Treat Everyone Equally
16th  Show Your Faith by Your Works
23rd  Control Your Speech
January  5th  Honoring the Sabbath
12th  How to Live as God’s People
19th  Jesus Teaches about Relationships
26th  Jesus Teaches Compassion for the Poor
December  1st  Jesus’ Birth Foretold
8th  Mary’s Song of Praise
15th  Zacharias Prophesies about his Son, John
22nd  Jesus is Born
29th  Jesus is Presented in the Temple
November  3rd  Preparation for Deliverance
10th  The Beginning of Passover
17th  Beginning of Freedom
24th  The Beginning of the Tabernacle
October  6th  A Promise of Land
13th  A Promise to Sarah
20th  A Blessing for Ishmael and Isaac
27th  The Blessing Passes to Jacob
September  1st  God Creates
8th  God’s Image: Male and Female
15th  Knowledge of Good and Evil
22nd  An Everlasting Covenant
29th  God Scatters the Nations
August  4th  Festival of Booths
11th  Community of Confession
18th  Dedication of the Wall
25th  Sabbath Reforms
July  7th  Temple Restored
14th  Dedication of the Temple
21st  Fasting and Praying
28th  Gifts for the Temple
June  2nd  Holy, Holy, Holy
9th  Give Thanks
16th  Meaningless Worship
23rd  The Glorious New Heavens and New Earth
30th  Joyful Worship Restored
May  5th  A Living Hope
12th  Equipped with Hope
19th  Hope through Stewardship
26th  Hope in the Day of the Lord
April  7th  The Lord Appears
14th  The Holy Spirit Comes
21st  Living with Hope
28th  Hope Comes from God’s Grace
March  3rd  Daniel’s Vision of Change
10th  Daniel’s Prayer
17th  Gabriel’s Interpretation
24th  The Lord’s Supper
31st  The Lord Has Risen Indeed!
February  3rd  The Supremacy of Christ
10th  Full Life in Christ
17th  Clothed with Christ
24th  Spiritual Disciplines for New Life
January  6th  Proclaiming Christ
13th  Jesus’ Humility and Exaltation
20th  Gaining in Christ Jesus
27th  Stand Firm
December  2nd  Spiritual Blessings in Jesus Christ
9th  One in Jesus Christ
16th  Unity in the Body of Christ
23rd  Live in the Light
30th  Christ’s Love for the Church
November  4th  Paul Before King Agrippa
11th  Paul Sails for Rome
18th  Paul Ministers in Malta
25th  Paul Evangelizes in Rome
October  7th  Stephen’s Arrest and Speech
14th  Stephen’s Martyrdom
21st  Simon Wants to Buy Power
28th  Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch
September  2nd  Faith Calls for Perseverance
9th  Faith is Assurance
16th  Faith is Endurance
23rd  Faith Inspires Gratitude
30th  Faith Requires Mutual Love
August  5th  Praise for God’s Justice
12th  God Promised a Righteous Lord
19th  God Promised a Righteous Branch
26th  God Promised to Be With Us
July  1st  Samuel Administers Justice
8th  David Embodies God’s Justice
15th  Solomon Judges with Wisdom and Justice
22nd  A King Acts on a Widow’s Behalf
29th  Jehoshaphat Makes Judicial Reforms
June  3rd  Rules for Just Living
10th  Living as God’s Just People
17th  Celebrate Jubilee
24th  The Heart of the Law
May  6th  The Bread of Life
13th  The Good Shepherd
20th  The Resurrection and the Life
27th  The Way, the Truth and the Life
April  1st  Jesus Testifies to the Truth
8th  The Living Word
15th  Cleansing the Temple
22nd  Woman of Samaria
29th  Healing the Blind Man
March  4th  Wisdom’s Part in Creation
11th  The Word Became Flesh
18th  The Wedding at Cana
25th  God’s Word Saves
February  5th  Justified by Faith in Christ
12th  Freed from the Law through Christ
19th  Heirs to the Promise
26th  Fruits of Redemption
January  1st  God Watches Over Joseph
8th  Joseph Finds Favor
15th  God Preserves a Remnant
22nd  Joseph Transmits Abraham’s Promise
29th  Out of Egypt
December  4th  A Blessing for All Nations
11th  A Promise to Abraham
18th  The Lord Provides
25th  According to the Promise
November  6th  Forgiving as God’s People
13th  Loving as God’s People
20th  Praying as God’s People
27th  Facing Life Without Worry
October  2nd  An Ordered Life
9th  The Superiority of Wisdom
16th  Wisdom for Aging
23rd  Tradition and Love
30th  Living as God’s People
September  4th  Righteousness and Wisdom
11th  From Generation to Generation
18th  Teaching Values
25th  Wisdom and Discernment
August  7th  Walk in God’s Path
14th  Choosing a Community
21st  Empowering the Needy
28th  Respecting Community Standards
July  3rd  God Reacts to Disobedience
10th  Listen to God’s Judges
17th  Use God’s Strength
24th  Let God Rule
31st  Return to Obedience
June  5th  God’s Promises Fulfilled
12th  God Has Expectations
19th  God Protects
26th  God Is Victorious
May  1st  The Christ Hymn
8th  Heavenly Worship
15th  Thankful Worship
22nd  All Things New
29th  Tree of Life
April  3rd  Remembering Jesus Christ
10th  Praise Builds Us Up
17th  Hosanna
24th  Christ is Risen
March  6th  Instructions about Worship
13th  Qualifications of Worship Leaders
20th  Prepare for Leadership
27th  Worship Inspires Service
February  6th  Jesus is the Messiah
13th  This is My Beloved
20th  Jesus Came to Save
27th  Coming of the Son of Man
January  2nd  I Am Your Redeemer
9th  Turn to Me and Be Saved
16th  Reassurance for God’s People
23rd  The Servant’s Mission in the World
30th  Healed by His Bruises
December  5th  The Highway for God
12th  I Am Your God
19th  The Mission of the Servant
26th  I Will Be With You
November  7th  God is Awesome
14th  God is Forever
21st  God Delivers and Protects
28th  God is All-Knowing
October  3rd  God’s Majesty and Human Dignity
10th  God’s Law Sustains
17th  God Provides Refuge
24th  God is in Charge
31st  God’s Presence Comforts and Assures
September  5th  God’s Revelation to Moses
12th  God’s Covenant with Israel
19th  God Versus Gods
26th  God Promises an Awesome Thing
August  1st  Sharing God’s Grace
8th  Giving of Oneself
15th  Living in the Future
22nd  Growing in Joy and Peace
29th  Upheld by God
July  4th  God’s Cosmic Plan
11th  Glory to Christ
18th  Chosen and Called
25th  God’s Own Faithfulness
June  6th  Visible to God
13th  Pleasing to God
20th  Sustained through Encouragement
27th  Demonstrated in Action
May  2nd  A Faithful Community
9th  An Established Community
16th  A Chosen Community
23rd  At Home in the Community
30th  At Risk in the Community
April  4th  The Community Faces Pain and Joy
11th  Love Within the Community
18th  Connecting in Community
25th  Inclusion in Community
March  7th  Mission to the Community
14th  A Community to Redeem
21st  Family as Community
28th  Acceptance in Community
February  7th  Recognized by a Canaanite Woman
14th  Declared by Peter
21st  Witnessed by Disciples
28th  Anointed by a Woman in Bethany
January  3rd  Proclaimed in Baptism
10th  Strengthened in Temptation
17th  Demonstrated in Acts of Healing
24th  Declared in Prayer
31st  Revealed in Rejection

Dawn Bible Students Association
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