Remembering Jesus Christ

Key Verse: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
—II Timothy 2:15

Selected Scripture:
II Timothy 2:8-15

THERE ARE MANY THINGS for which we should remember Jesus Christ. Today’s lesson identifies several ways in which he was an example for us to both remember and to follow. The Apostle Paul first states that we should “Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel.” (II Tim. 2:8) Just as David was Israel’s king at the very height of their national existence, so Jesus Christ, born directly of David’s line, and hence his seed, is to be Israel’s and the entire world’s great king in the coming age when all “nations of the earth” shall be blessed.—Gen. 22:18

In order for Jesus to be the world’s great king, he first had to die as man’s redeemer—a ransom price for Adam and his posterity—to satisfy the demands of justice and gain the release of the Adamic race from the prison house of sin and death. Jesus’ death on Calvary’s cross as a perfect human being provided that price. Also required, though, was his resurrection from the dead by the mighty power of God, in order that this payment could then be made into the hands of justice. His resurrection also showed that a similar hope of being raised from the dead would also be available to others at some time in the future of God’s plan.

Verses 9-12 of our lesson point out another important remembrance of Jesus Christ. We are to remember that he suffered and endured many things, and was called an evildoer by many. As we remember Jesus’ example along this line, it is for the special purpose of realizing that, as we strive to be a true follower of him, we, too, will suffer and endure many things. “If we be dead with him, we shall also live with him: If we suffer, we shall also reign with him.” (II Tim. 2:11,12) When we remember that his suffering was to assist in his becoming a merciful High Priest (Heb. 2:17), we also realize that we have been called to be part of this same office. As such, we must also go through the same types of experiences as he did, that we, too, may become merciful and sympathetic to the world’s problems.

In verses 13 and 14, Paul councils us further. He says we should keep our faith strong, remembering that our Lord will be faithful to us in all our experiences. He also says that we should remember to avoid getting involved with strifes about words. So many times the scribes and Pharisees had tried to stumble Jesus with “words to no profit” (vs. 14), but he did not fall to this temptation. Jesus, rather, spoke plainly and simply, in ways his hearers could understand, using the natural examples of nature and daily human life all around him. The follower of Christ should also remember his example along this line.

The Key Verse of our lesson points out another way in which we should remember Jesus Christ. He spent much time in meditation and study of his Father’s Word of truth. The purpose of this was not to merely fill his mind with facts and information, but to do as this verse points out. He studied these things so that his character might be found approved of God, and that he might be a faithful workman for his Father. Likewise for us, our purpose in the study of God’s Word is that we might be approved and also be a faithful worker for the Lord in all things.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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