The Dawn Magazine

Christian Life and Doctrine

Article Index

October  David—King, Prophet, Psalmist
Understanding God’s Covenants
Paying Tithes to the Lord
September  Blessed Are They
Trials Essential
Filled with the Spirit
August  The Rod of God
The Seventh Creative Day
“Who Shall Ascend?”
July  The Potter and the Clay
“After the Order of Melchisedec”
Casting Out Fear
June  Keeping the Heart
Commendation and Encouragement
Preparing for the Marriage
May  Destruction of the Serpent
“Give Me Thine Heart”
April  “Let Us Keep the Feast”
Walking as in the Day
“Yet a Little While”
March  Like One of the Princes
A Sun and Shield
Moses—Deliverer, Lawgiver, Mediator, and Prophet
February  A Tree Planted
The Missionary Tour of Paul and Barnabas
What Manner of Persons Ought We to Be?
January  “Whatever One Sows, That Will He Also Reap”
December  Walking with God
“We Have Seen His Star”
The Ministry of Sorrow
November  Obedience versus Pride
Be Thankful
Education in the School of Christ
October  Determining the Lord’s Will
Hearken to the Voice of God
Lights in the World
September  Christian Citizenship
The Philippian Mission
Zealous of Good Works
August  “Members in Particular”
Blessed Oneness
July  Spiritual Vision
Greater than Angels
Privileges Resulting from “Good Doctrine”
June  “O Ye Corinthians”
“Who Is Wise?”
The Congregation at Thessalonica
May  “Learned He Obedience”
Lessons from Jonah
April  Cheerfulness as an Aid to Overcoming
The Memorial Emblems
The Spirit of Truth
God Our Helper
March  Cleansing—Inward and Outward
Joseph and Fruit Bearing
Remembered by the Lord
February  “Children of Light”
“Who Shall Stand?”
“The Revelation of Jesus Christ” —An Overview—
January  The Witness of the Spirit—Access to God’s Peace
The Year Before Us
December  The Peace of God
Peter’s Strengthening Words to the Brethren
Reverence in the House of God
November  Freedom in Christ
The Days of Noah
Sacrifices of Thanksgiving
October  “One Is Your Master”
“I Shall Not Want”
Qualities Worth Striving For
September  Lessons from Devoted Old Testament Servants
They Who Lived and Reigned
When the Lord Speaks
August  God’s Covenants—Part 2 of 2
The True Worship of God
Abounding Grace
Lest Ye Be Weary and Faint
July  God’s Covenants—Part 1 of 2
Not by Might or Power—Only by God’s Spirit
Our Spiritual Focus
June  The Perfect Will of God
The Sword of the Lord
The Master’s Touch
May  A Habitation of God
Lessons on Faith
Our Lord and Nicodemus
April  The Anointing of God’s Spirit
“The Presence of the Son of Man”
With Us in the Fire
March  Divine Gifts
Our Refuge in the Time of Trouble
The Leaven of Corruption
February  Power, Love, and a Sound Mind
The Christian’s Sabbath
January  The Better Things of Our Heavenly Calling
The New Testament Corroborates the Old
December  God’s Thoughts Toward Us
The City of God
Gaining the Victory
November  Consider the Lilies
The Ministry of Reconciliation
Spiritual Pride
October  Opening the Windows of Heaven
Abiding in Jesus’ Word
John’s Gospel—A Unique Perspective
September  Admonitions for Overcoming
Joshua, a Leader of God’s People—Part 2 of 2
“Exceeding Great and Precious Promises”
August  The Privilege of Prayer
Joshua, a Leader of God’s People—Part 1 of 2
Jesus’ Growth in Knowledge
July  His Marvelous Work
Lessons from the Book of Acts
Aaron and His Sons
June  The Source of All Gifts
The Promised New Covenant
Joseph and His Brethren - Part 2 of 2
May  Our Comforter
“A Faithful Saying”
Joseph and His Brethren - Part 1 of 2
April  “Lovest Thou Me More than These?”
The Mysteries of God
The Times of the Gentiles
March  Remembering Christ’s Death
The Sanctified Life
“Who Shall Separate Us?”
February  Heirs and Joint-heirs
Not Yet Unto Blood
In the Night Watches
January  Our All in All
The Christian’s Priority
December  “Things That Accompany Salvation”
Light Will Dispel Darkness
God’s Great Gift
November  Faith in Things Unseen
Samuel—Judge and Prophet
Abounding with Thanksgiving
October  The Book of Esther - Part 2 of 2
Divine Standards
Healing the Lame Man
September  The Book of Esther - Part 1 of 2
A Contrite and Humble Spirit
Contending Earnestly for the Faith
August  Attaining Peace of Heart and Mind
Ministering Spirits
Our Covenant of Sacrifice
July  The Great Shepherd’s Rod and Staff
“These Three”
June  Elect and Sanctified
Companions of Them So Used
The Rest of Faith
May  “Your Reasonable Service”
April  God Endows the New Creature
Hope Which Enters Within the Veil
Lessons from the Life of Lot
March  Thoughts on the Memorial Season
Gethsemane’s Cup
February  The Depths of Belief and Faith
Obedient to the Vision of Truth
A Peculiar People
January  All Things Have Become New
“The Shelter of the Most High”
December  The Bible Versus Tradition—Part 12,  Seventy Times Seven
Heavenly Manna
The Great Commission
November  The Bible Versus Tradition—Part 11,  Treasures in Heaven
“Present with the Lord”
In Everything Give Thanks
October  The Bible Versus Tradition—Part 10,  The Teaching of Baptism
“The Way, the Truth, and the Life”
Elisha and the Floating Axe Head
September  The Bible Versus Tradition—Part 9,  “The Dead Know Not Anything”
The Hagar-Sarah Conflict
Jesus’ Example of Compassion
August  The Bible Versus Tradition—Part 8,  The Holy Scriptures
Beacons of Light in a World of Darkness
July  The Bible Versus Tradition—Part 7,  The Beginning of God’s Creation
Gain Through Loss
Seeking First the Kingdom and God’s Righteousness
June  The Bible Versus Tradition—Part 6,  The One True and Living God
Devoted to Good Works
May  The Bible Versus Tradition—Part 5,  Judgment Day—Not to Be Feared
The Vine and the Branches
April  The Bible Versus Tradition—Part 4,  Immortality and the Human Soul
Dwelling Under the Blood
Oneness of the Brethren
March  The Bible Versus Tradition—Part 3,  Death the Penalty—Not Torment
Character Lessons from the Book of Ruth
Hidden in the Day of the Lord
February  The Bible Versus Tradition—Part 2,  Man’s Eternal Home
“Daily His Delight”
Consider Him
January  The Bible Versus Tradition—Part 1,  Man Created by God
“I Will Meet You in the Morning”
December  Lessons from the Life of Hannah
Be Slow to Anger
November  The Eyes of the LORD
Thanksgiving to God for His Gifts
Tongues and Healing
October  Not Letting Slip the Things We Have Heard
The Harvest and the Reapers
Spiritual Balance
September  “From Faith to Faith”
The Partnership of the Sons of God
August  Being Made “Able Ministers”
Fleshly Anger and Righteous Indignation
In Season and Out of Season
The Glory of the Terrestrial
July  Crises in the Life of Peter
“Seek Me That You May Live”
June  “Love Does Not Envy”
The Voice of God—Past, Present and Future
Faithful in a Few Things
May  God’s Thoughts Toward Us
“What Hast Thou Done?”
April  Taking Heed Lest We Fall—Part 2 of 2
Boldness—Improper and Proper
Clean and Unclean
March  Remembering Christ—Our Passover Lamb
“These Sayings of Mine”
Taking Heed Lest We Fall—Part 1 of 2
February  Instant in Prayer
The Gospel of Mark
Humility and Its Blessed Results
January  Consecration, Sanctification and Glorification
Examining and Keeping the Heart
December  The Search for God’s People—Part 12,  Shining Forth as Lights
Soundness of Mind
“Brethren, Give Diligence”
November  The Search for God’s People—Part 11,  To Rome by Faith
He Followed the Lord Wholeheartedly
October  The Search for God’s People—Part 10,  Conclusion of Paul’s Third Journey
Taste the Goodness of the Lord
A Great Cloud of Witnesses
September  The Search for God’s People—Part 9,  Paul at Ephesus
Unity of Spirit and Faith
August  The Search for God’s People—Part 8,  Paul Begins His Third Journey
“If It Be So”
Our Anointing Through Christ
July  The Search for God’s People—Part 7,  Establishing the Brethren at Corinth
Our Partnership in the Gospel
A Song of Messiah
June  The Search for God’s People—Part 6,  Paul at Athens
Led by God’s Holy Spirit
Given for a Covenant
May  The Search for God’s People—Part 5,  The Gospel Spreads to Macedonia
The Perfect Spring
April  The Search for God’s People—Part 4,  The Jerusalem Council, and a Second Journey Begins
Resurrection, Ascension, and Enlightenment
God’s Love and Care
March  The Search for God’s People—Part 3,  Barnabas and Saul Sent Forth
In the Steps of the Lamb
Faith and Gold
February  The Search for God’s People—Part 2,  Gentiles Invited into the Body of Christ
A Meditation of Thanksgiving
The Story of Ruth
January  The Search for God’s People—Part 1,  The Gospel Age Work Begins
Seeing the Invisible
December  The Work of Faith
Of One Mind—In Christ
Sowing the Seeds of Truth
November  Thanksgiving unto God Forever
Who Shall Stand?
October  The Power of the Tongue
“He Has Given Us”
Danger in Spiritual Pride
September  Seven Principles of Righteousness
Joy that No Man Can Take
Vessels of the Great Potter
August  Our Anointing from God
Lessons from Jude
“I Have Set the LORD Always before Me”
July  Heirs of the Promise
Living by Faith
June  Planted Together
“So Shall We Ever Be with the Lord”
Law Righteousness and Faith Righteousness
May  Sonship
God’s Commission to Moses and to Us
April  The Upper Room Experience—Part 2 of 2
“Convincing Proofs”
March  “Come and See”
The Upper Room Experience—Part 1 of 2
February  Parables of Jesus—Part 14,  The Sheep and the Goats
A Message to Remember
Paul Encourages the Hebrews
January  Parables of Jesus—Part 13,  The Rich Man and Lazarus
“Let Brotherly Love Continue”
December  Parables of Jesus—Part 12,  Parables of the Vineyard and the Wedding Garment
God’s Unspeakable Gift
Pride—Its Manifestations
November  Parables of Jesus—Part 11,  Jesus Observes the Pharisees
Sacrifices of Thanksgiving
October  Parables of Jesus—Part 10,  The Church’s Reliance on Christ
Hidden Manna, a White Stone, and Garments of Glory
September  Parables of Jesus—Part 9,  Importuning in Prayer
“Teach Us to Pray”
Not Only Believe—But Work
August  Parables of Jesus—Part 8,  The Parable of the Penny
John the Baptist - Forerunner of Jesus
Suffering and God’s Comfort
July  Parables of Jesus—Part 7,  Rebukes to Israel’s Religious Leaders: The Good Samaritan and The Unjust Steward
“This Thing Is From Me”
June  Parables of Jesus—Part 6,  Christian Stewardship
Must Christians be Persecuted?
Hearts Opened to God
May  Parables of Jesus—Part 5,  Parables of Luke 15: The Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and Lost Son
Being “Determined”
April  Parables of Jesus—Part 4,  The Parable of the Virgins
Overcoming the World
Commissioned to Teach
March  Parables of Jesus—Part 3,  The Kingdom of Heaven in Preparation
Our Passover—Sacrificed for Us
February  Parables of Jesus—Part 2,  The Wheat and the Tares
The High Calling
January  Parables of Jesus—Part 1,  The Parable of the Sower
The Prophecy of Habakkuk
December  The Mind of Christ—Part 24,  A Pillar in the Temple of God
The Healing Physician
“Mine Eye Seeth Thee”
November  The Mind of Christ—Part 23,  Accepted of God, Whether “Present or Absent”
The Voice of Thanksgiving
October  The Mind of Christ—Part 22,  Our “Iron Gates”
September  The Mind of Christ—Part 21,  What the LORD Requires
Receiving a Kingdom which Cannot Be Moved
Christ’s Constraining Love
August  The Mind of Christ—Part 20,  Be Doers—Not Hearers Only
“Ready to Be Offered”
July  The Mind of Christ—Part 19,  “A Faithful Saying”
John’s Vision of the Kingdom
June  The Mind of Christ—Part 18,  Peculiar and Zealous
Envy and Jealousy—Enemies of God’s People
The Serpent upon a Pole
May  The Mind of Christ—Part 17,  Workers Together with God
Lessons from the Epistle to the Hebrews
April  The Mind of Christ—Part 16,  The Mind of Prayer
The Risen Christ
March  The Mind of Christ—Part 15,  Labors of Love
“A Corn of Wheat”
February  The Mind of Christ—Part 14,  Liberty in Christ
Meditations of Sion
Redeeming the Time
January  The Mind of Christ—Part 13,  The Mind of a Servant
December  The Mind of Christ—Part 12,  Christ’s Most Difficult Command
November  The Mind of Christ—Part 11,  Strength and Protection in Christ
Perilous Times
October  The Mind of Christ—Part 10,  Anointed for the Witness of Jesus
The Restless Sea
Going On to Perfection
September  The Mind of Christ—Part 9,  Provoking One Another
Unmovable and Abounding
August  The Mind of Christ—Part 8,  Claiming Christ’s Promise—“Fear Not, Little Flock”
The Christian’s Four Freedoms
July  The Mind of Christ—Part 7,  Putting on Christ
Knowledge That Edifies
June  The Mind of Christ—Part 6,  The Renewed Mind
Paul’s Devotion to the Church
May  The Mind of Christ—Part 5,  Crucified—Yet Living—with Christ
“Buy the Truth, and Sell It Not”
April  The Mind of Christ—Part 4,  Oneness in Christ
Luke’s Portrait of a Perfect Man
Soldiers of Jesus Christ
March  The Mind of Christ—Part 3,  Communion with Christ
The Lamb of God
February  The Mind of Christ—Part 2,  Christ—Our Sanctification and Redemption
“What Is That in Thine Hand?”
January  The Mind of Christ—Part 1,  Christ—Our Wisdom and Righteousness
December  Searching the Scriptures—Part 36,  The Power of the Scriptures
“What Seek Ye?”
The Good Samaritan
November  Searching the Scriptures—Part 35,  Confession
Patience—Part 2, Endurance and Constancy
“O Give Thanks unto the LORD”
October  Searching the Scriptures—Part 34,  God’s Word versus Men’s Traditions
Patience—Part 1, Forbearance and Longsuffering
The Sheep and the Goats
September  Searching the Scriptures—Part 33,  “I Will Make a New Covenant”
Listening when the Lord Speaks
August  Searching the Scriptures—Part 32,  If Ye Do These Things
The Conversion of Peter
Children of the Day
July  Searching the Scriptures—Part 31,  Our Sufficiency
Resting in the Lord
June  Searching the Scriptures—Part 30,  Judgment of the House of God
A Lesson from the Life of Daniel
The Cave of Adullam
May  Searching the Scriptures—Part 29,  Adversity: The Lord’s Diamond Dust
Overlaid with Gold
April  Searching the Scriptures—Part 28,  Sinning Against the Holy Spirit
Jesus—Faithful Unto Death
Hope—Confident Expectation
March  Searching the Scriptures—Part 27,  The World’s Judgment Day
Purging Out the Leaven
Able Ministers
February  Searching the Scriptures—Part 26,  The Marriage of the Lamb
The Rewarder of Them That Seek Him
God’s Presence with His People
January  Searching the Scriptures—Part 25,  The Church’s Commission
Sonship, Fellowship, Partnership
December  Searching the Scriptures—Part 24,  Our Invisible Enemy
Christ Is Born
Thou Shalt Call His Name Jesus
November  Searching the Scriptures—Part 23,  God’s Everlasting Covenant
Paul’s Good Fight of Faith
Walking with Christ
October  Searching the Scriptures—Part 22,  Journeying Toward Canaan
Think It Not Strange
Humility Before Honor
September  Searching the Scriptures—Part 21,  The Prerequisites of Justification
A Mighty Man of Valor
Christian Fellowship
August  Searching the Scriptures—Part 20,  The Joy Set Before Us
Visions from the Lord
What God Has Given
July  Searching the Scriptures—Part 19,  The Great Deliverance
Purifying the Soul
Walking in Faith
June  Searching the Scriptures—Part 18,  The Glory to Follow
Day of Pentecost
Suffer It To Be So
May  Searching the Scriptures—Part 17,  Resting in Christ
The Deep Things of God
April  Searching the Scriptures—Part 16,  Precious Promises
Manifestations of Discipleship
We Are All One Body
March  Searching the Scriptures—Part 15,  In Remembrance of Me
Suffering for Well Doing
Overcoming the Spirit of Fear
February  Searching the Scriptures—Part 14,  The Salt of the Earth
The Holy Spirit of God
The Man Born Blind
January  Searching the Scriptures—Part 13,  In Season and Out of Season
Jesus the Good Shepherd
December  Searching the Scriptures—Part 12,  The High and Holy Place
Increase Our Faith
Seeking the Kingdom of God
November  Searching the Scriptures—Part 11,  The Significance of Baptism
Ye Are In Christ Jesus
Seeking the Father’s Will
October  Searching the Scriptures—Part 10,  Our Heavenly Shepherd
The Last Enemy
The Reward for Faithfulness
September  Searching the Scriptures—Part 9,  Reviving the Contrite
The Heavens Were Opened
The House of the Lord
August  Searching the Scriptures—Part 8,  Gold Tried in the Fire
Determining the Lord’s Will
July  Searching the Scriptures—Part 7,  Parables and Dark Sayings
Chosen to Salvation
Children of Promise
June  Searching the Scriptures—Part 6,  God Speaks to His People
Satan, an Instrument of God
Jesus Teaches His Disciples
May  Searching the Scriptures—Part 5,  Voice of the Shepherd
Pressing Toward the Mark
April  Searching the Scriptures—Part 4,  The Joyful Sound
Assurance of the Resurrection
The Spirit of a Sound Mind
March  Searching the Scriptures—Part 3,  Tried in the Fire
The Last Supper
Let Not Your Heart be Troubled
February  Searching the Scriptures—Part 2,  The Marvelous Works of God
Quietly Waiting on the Lord
The Just Shall Live by Faith
January  Searching the Scriptures—Part 1,  The Noble Bereans
The Substance of Things Hoped For

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