The Dawn Magazine

International Bible Studies

1950’s Article Index

August  2nd  The Testing of Faith
9th  Life—Vanity or Victory?
16th  God’s Steadfast Love
23rd  Prayers of the Captives
30th  A New Spirit for a Renewed People
July  5th  A Nation Under God
12th  Decisions Determine Destiny
19th  Blessing for an Alien
26th  Courage in Crisis
June  7th  A Prophet Denounces Corruption
14th  Elisha and Naaman
21st  Jehoshaphat, Wise King of Judah
28th  Priest and King in Judah
May  3rd  David, Kind of Israel
10th  Nathan and David
17th  Solomon’s Reign
24th  The Kingdom Divided
31st  Elijah, God’s Warrior
April  5th  Samuel As Judge
12th  Israel’s First King
19th  Saul’s Tragic Failure
26th  The Rise of David
March  1st  The Parable of Jesus’ Rejection
8th  Jesus Faces the Cross
15th  Jesus Undergoes Trial
22nd  Jesus on the Cross
29th  Jesus Christ Lives
February  1st  Jesus Questioned About the Tribute
8th  Jesus Questioned About the Resurrection
15th  Jesus Questioned About the Great Commandment
22nd  Jesus Teaches About the End of the Age
January  4th  Jesus Calls Forth Faith
11th  Jesus Demands Complete Commitment
18th  Jesus Emphasizes the Cost of Greatness
25th  Jesus Reveals His Authority
December  7th  Jesus’ Matchless Power
14th  Jesus Shares His Ministry
21st  Joy at the Savior’s Birth
28th  Jesus Acknowledged As Christ
November  2nd  The Galilean Ministry Begins
9th  Jesus Describes Discipleship
16th  Jesus’ Healing Ministry
23rd  Jesus Arouses Opposition
30th  Teaching by Parables
October  5th  Introducing the Gospel
12th  The Promise Fulfilled
19th  The Baptism of Jesus
26th  Temptation in the Wilderness
September  7th  Justice in Daily Work
14th  Justice in Economic Life
21st  Justice for People in Need
28th  Justice and Judgment
August  3rd  Guarding Our Freedoms
10th  Justice in Government
17th  Justice to Minorities
24th  Justice Among Nations
31st  Temperance and Social Justice
July  6th  The Justice and Mercy of God
13th  Social Justice and the Gospel
20th  Justice in the Family
27th  Justice in Community Life
June  1st  A New Leader Commissioned
8th  In the Land of Promise
15th  The Times of the Judges
22nd  Who Are the Strong?
29th  A Spokesman for God
May  4th  God Reveals His Law
11th  God’s Provision for Worship
18th  God’s People Tested
25th  Living by God’s Law
April  6th  The Church’s Assurance of Victory
13th  God’s People in Bondage
20th  God Prepares a Leader
27th  God Delivers His People
March  2nd  One in Christ
9th  The Church’s Influence on Society
16th  The Church and Community Evangelism
23rd  The Church and World Evangelism
30th  The Ordinances of the Church
February  2nd  Privileges of Church Membership
9th  The Teaching Ministry of the Church
16th  The Preaching Ministry of the Church
23rd  The Church at Worship
January  5th  The Church’s One Foundation
12th  The Source of the Church’s Power
19th  Fellowship of the Church
26th  Organization of the Church
December  1st  Paul’s Triumphant Witness
8th  That I May Know Christ
15th  Christian Joy
22nd  Christ in the Likeness of Men
29th  Brothers Through Christ
November  3rd  The Spirit of Christian Worship
10th  Concerning Spiritual Gifts
17th  The Resurrection and Our Faith
24th  Christian Giving
October  6th  Paul Writes to the Corinthians
13th  Moral Standards in a Church
20th  The Christian Minister
27th  The Problem of Christian Freedom
September  1st  Josiah, Statesman—Reformer
8th  Baruch, Faithful Secretary
15th  Ezekiel, Pastor of His People
22nd  Daniel, Steadfast in Crisis
29th  Nehemiah, Patriot in Action
August  4th  Ruth, a Foreigner Who Won Her Way
11th  Hannah, a Woman Who Kept Her Promise
18th  Jonathan, Noble in Friendship
25th  Amos, Crusader for Righteousness
July  7th  Miriam, a Leader in Israel
14th  Jethro, a Practical Counselor
21st  Caleb, Man of Faith and Courage
28th  Gideon, Foe of Paganism
June  2nd  Brothers Divided
9th  Brothers Reconciled
16th  Joseph, a Favorite Son
23rd  God’s Steadfast Love
30th  Joseph, Man of Mercy
May  5th  God’s Plan and Man’s Response
12th  Abraham and His God
19th  Abraham and His World
26th  A Man of Peace in a World of Strife
April  7th  Jesus Faces the Cross
14th  Jesus Praised and Condemned
21st  Jesus’ Victory and Commission
28th  Book of Beginnings
February  3rd  Mission of the Twelve
10th  The Warning and Invitation of Jesus
17th  Parables of the Kingdom
24th  Signs of the Times
January  6th  Wise Men Seek Jesus
13th  Jesus Baptized and Tempted
20th  Gospel Righteousness
27th  Needs That Jesus Meets
January  1st  Jesus Rebukes Insincerity
8th  Jesus Teaches Confidence in God
15th  Jesus Calls for Repentance
22nd  Parables on Discipleship
29th  God’s Concern for Sinners
November  6th  Jesus Meets Human Needs
13th  Jesus Teaches How to Live
20th  Evidence of Jesus’ Power
27th  Spread of the Good News
October  2nd  Birth of Jesus
9th  Boyhood of Jesus
16th  The Baptism of Jesus
23rd  Struggle in the Wilderness
30th  Jesus Proclaims His Mission
September  4th  Worship Revived in Jerusalem
11th  Struggle for Survival
18th  Malachi Calls for Righteous Living
25th  Renewed Allegiance to the Law
August  7th  The Exiles in Babylon
14th  The Courage of Daniel
21st  Hope for the Exiles
28th  Deliverance and Return
July  3rd  The Prophet of Judah’s Decline
10th  Habakkuk’s Faith Tested
17th  Ezekiel and the Earlier Captivity
24th  The Southern Kingdom Overthrown
31st  The People Left in Judah
June  5th  Manasseh’s Sin and Repentance
12th  Young King Josiah
19th  Josiah Keeps the Passover
26th  God and the Nations
May  1st  Jehoshaphat’s Righteous Leadership
8th  Joash Repairs the Temple
15th  Uzziah’s Strength and Failure
22nd  Hezekiah Attempts Reconciliation
29th  Hezekiah Meets a Crisis
April  3rd  The Cross and Christian Discipleship
10th  Our Assurance of Eternal Life
17th  Rehoboam, King of Judah
24th  Asa’s Religious Reforms
March  6th  The Fellowship of Christian Love
13th  Prayer in the Christian’s Life
20th  Christian Living
27th  The Christian and the Social Order
February  6th  The Grace of God
13th  New Life in Christ
20th  The Church and the Ordinances
27th  The Church Proclaims the Gospel
January  2nd  The Bible, The Source of Christian Teaching
9th  The Living God
16th  Christ, the Son of the Living God
23rd  The Power of the Holy Spirit
30th  Man’s Nature and Need
December  5th  A Cry Out of the Depths
12th  Yearning for the Living God
19th  Glory to God in the Highest
26th  Thinking Realistically About Life
November  7th  The Splendor of Self-control
14th  A Study in Values
21st  God’s Assurance for Man’s Need
28th  In Time of Trouble
October  3rd  Job’s Struggle to Understand Life
10th  God’s Answer to Job’s Perplexity
17th  The Way of Wisdom
24th  Guidance for Family Living
31st  The Dignity of Work
September  5th  Growth Through Useful Work
12th  Christian Citizenship and Co-operation
19th  Growing in Christian Love
26th  Living Witnesses
August  1st  Christian Worship and Fellowship
8th  Choosing the Best
15th  Self-discipline for Growth
22nd  Christian Giving
29th  Growth Through Christian Service
July  4th  Jesus, Our Example and Lord
11th  Are We Growing As Christians?
18th  Growing Through Bible Study
25th  Growing Through Prayer
June  6th  Amos Condemns Social Injustice
13th  Amos Denounces Intemperance
20th  Hosea Pleads with Israel
27th  Judgment Comes to Israel
May  2nd  Judgment on Jeroboam
9th  Elijah Challenges Baal Worship
16th  Elijah Rebukes Ahab
23rd  Micaiah Withstands False Prophets
30th  Elisha Reveals Spiritual Resources
April  4th  Jesus’ Intercessory Prayer
11th  Betrayal and Crucifixion
18th  Christ the Living Lord
25th  Ahijah Foresees a Divided Kingdom
March  7th  The Raising of Lazarus
14th  Jesus Faces the Cross
21st  The New Commandment
28th  Jesus Strengthens His Disciples
February  7th  Christ, the Living Bread
14th  “Can This Be the Christ?”
21st  The Man Born Blind
28th  The Good Shepherd
January  3rd  God Revealed in Christ
10th  Jesus Uses His Authority
17th  Jesus and Nicodemus
24th  Jesus and the Samaritans
31st  Doing the Works of God
December  6th  Government Under God
13th  One Human Race
20th  The Prince of Peace and a Warless World
27th  “Thy Kingdom Come”
November  1st  God’s Plan for the Home
8th  Stronger Churches—Better Communities
15th  Good Stewards of God’s Gifts
22nd  Christian Compassion for a Needy World
29th  A World of Opportunity for All
October  4th  God’s Design for a Better World
11th  God’s Design for New Men
18th  New Men and a New World
25th  The War Against Beverage Alcohol
September  6th  The Christian’s Use of Possessions
13th  Courage for Christian Living
20th  Counsel for Christians
27th  A Slave Becomes a Christian
August  2nd  The Christian Home
9th  The Christian War
16th  Christ Above All
23rd  The Christian’s Prayer Life
30th  Standards for Christian Leaders
July  5th  The Righteousness and Justice of God
12th  A Pattern of Christian Behavior
19th  One World in Christ
26th  Growing in Christ
June  7th  Principles of Christian Stewardship
14th  Paul Champions Christian Liberty
21st  The Practice of Christian Liberty
28th  Paul’s Joy in Christ
May  3rd  Building the Church at Ephesus
10th  Paul Under Guard in Rome
17th  Living as Christians
24th  Problems of the Christian Conscience
31st  The Way of Christian Love
April  5th  The Living Lord
12th  Paul’s Conversion at Damascus
19th  Reaching Out from Antioch
26th  Paul’s Conflicts in Corinth
March  1st  Jesus Condemns False Leadership
8th  Jesus Urges Alertness
15th  Accountable to God
22nd  In the Shadow of the Cross
29th  Jesus is Crucified
February  1st  Possessions and the Kingdom
8th  Jesus Teaches God’s Grace
15th  Whose Is the Kingdom?
22nd  How Jesus Answered Questions
January  4th  Tracing Character to Its Source
11th  Confessing and Following Christ
18th  Witnesses of His Glory
25th  Jesus Teaches Humility and Forgiveness
December  7th  Jesus, the Great Teacher
14th  Jesus Dispels Fear
21st  Emmanuel—God with Us
28th  Wise Men Seek Jesus
November  2nd  Jesus’ Power and Human Need
9th  The Compassion of Jesus
16th  Jesus Commissions the Twelve
23rd  Jesus’ Thanksgiving—And Ours
30th  Jesus’ Law of Doing Good
October  5th  Jesus Dedicates His Life
12th  Jesus Describes the Christian Life
19th  Jesus Demands Sincerity
26th  Jesus’ Test of Faith
September  7th  Humble and Greathearted Leader
14th  David’s Religious Contribution
21st  Solomon Begins His Reign
28th  The Glory of Solomon’s Reign
August  3rd  Samuel, Judge and Prophet
10th  The Beginning of the Kingdom
17th  The Tragedy of Saul
24th  David Becomes King
31st  The Reign of David
July  6th  In the Time of the Judges
13th  Deborah, a Woman of Courage
20th  Gideon, a Man of Faith and Humility
27th  God Prepares a Leader
June  1st  Christ’s Standard of Moral Purity
8th  Persons and Property
15th  The Obligation to Be Truthful
22nd  The Sin of Greed
29th  Christ’s New Commandment
May  4th  Warning Against Profane Living
11th  The Right Use of Sunday
18th  Conserving the Family Heritage
25th  God’s Estimate of Human Life
April  6th  A Fellowship of Many Followers
13th  Thomas, and the Risen Lord
20th  The Ten Commandments and Teachings of Jesus
27th  Supreme Loyalty to God
March  2nd  “Our Beloved Barnabas”
9th  Paul, a Prisoner for Christ
16th  Timothy, a Dependable Follower
23rd  Lydia, Who Opened Her Heart and Home
30th  Luke, Physician and Historian
February  3rd  A Pharisee and a Repentant Woman
10th  The Decisions of Two Rich Men
17th  The Family at Bethany
24th  Peter, James, and John
January  6th  Finding the Christ
13th  The Call of the Fishermen
20th  Matthew Becomes a Follower
27th  Nicodemus, a Hesitant Follower
December  2nd  A Doubting and Disobedient People
9th  Moses’ Charge to the People
16th  The Conquest of Canaan
23rd  The Promise Fulfilled in Christ
30th  The People Make Their Choice
November  4th  God Reveals Himself to Moses
11th  The People Delivered
18th  Laws of the New Nation
25th  The People at Worship
October  7th  Abraham, God’s Pioneer
14th  Jacob Receives the Promise
21st  Joseph’s Part in God’s Plan
28th  The Hebrews in Slavery
August  5th  Christian Principles in Earning a Living
12th  The Christian’s Use of Money and Goods
19th  The Christian’s Respect for Law
26th  The Christian’s Responsibility in Public Life
July  1st  The Worth of the Individual
8th  Living Together in the Family
15th  Safeguarding the Home
22nd  Living Together in the Neighborhood
29th  Christian Social Life
June  3rd  The Restoration of Jerusalem
10th  Jesus and the Ministry of the Word
17th  The Spread of the Gospel
24th  The Church Under Persecution
May  6th  The United Kingdom
13th  The Northern Kingdom
20th  The Southern Kingdom
27th  The Babylonian Captivity
April  1st  The Creation
8th  The Beginnings of Sin
15th  The Period of the Patriarchs
22nd  The Period of Moses
29th  The Settlement in Canaan
March  4th  The Son of Man—a Ransom
11th  Jesus Asserts His Authority
18th  Jesus Faces Death
25th  Through Death to Life
February  4th  The Mighty Worker
11th  The Master Meets Human Needs
18th  Jesus the Christ
25th  Glory and Service
January  7th  Jesus Begins His Ministry
14th  A Day of Activity
21st  Jesus Meeting Growing Hostility
28th  The Teacher Sent From God
December  3rd  The Stewardship of Life
10th  The Stewardship of the Gospel
17th  Victorious Daily Living
24th  The Savior Is Born
31st  Growing Through Fellowship with Christ
November  5th  Overcoming Temptation
12th  Fellowship with Other Christians
19th  Christian Worship
26th  The Stewardship of Money
October  1st  What Is Christian Living?
8th  Personal Commitment to Jesus Christ
15th  Using the Bible
22nd  Growing Through Prayer
29th  Growing Through Reading and Meditation
September  3rd  Peter, Who Became a Man of Power
10th  John Mark, Who Made Good
17th  James, Leader in the Jerusalem Church
24th  Paul, World Evangelist
August  6th  Elijah, a Courageous Prophet
13th  Ezra, Interpreter of God’s Law
20th  John, Preacher of Repentance
27th  Mary, the Mother of Jesus
July  2nd  Jacob, a Man of Striking Contrasts
9th  Moses, Who Led the People of God
16th  Ruth, a Symbol of Family Loyalty
23rd  Samuel, the Upright Judge
30th  David, a King Who Honored God
June  4th  Habakkuk Teaches Trust in God
11th  Zephaniah Calls to Repentance
18th  Malachi Pleads for Wholehearted Religion
25th  Jonah Learns God’s Missionary Purpose
May  7th  Hosea, the Man and His Message
14th  Hosea Reveals God’s Forgiving Love
21st  Micah’s Plea for Human Rights
28th  Micah’s Hope of God’s Salvation
April  2nd  The Church Suffering and Triumphant
9th  The Firstfruits of the Resurrection
16th  Amos the Prophet and His Program
23rd  Amos Attacks Social Injustice
30th  Amos Teaches About Worship
March  5th  Ephesus, A City of Christian Influence
12th  Church Organization and Leadership
19th  The Faith that Sustained the Church
26th  The Church in Rome
February  5th  The First Gentile Church
12th  The Gospel Moves Westward
19th  The Fight for Christian Freedom
26th  Planting a Church in a Pagan City
January  1st  The Continuing Band of Disciples
8th  The Church Empowered
15th  Fellowship in the Early Church
22nd  The First Christian Martyr
29th  Unto All Men

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