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Recorded Lecture Service

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2015 General Convention—Johnstown, PA.

1461Welcome Address—How Happy Are We
1462Jacob’s Prayer and Valediction
1463Living Lessons on Resourcefulness
1464A Covenant of Salt
1465Time Would Fail Me
1466Symposium—Galatians 6:1-5
1467One of the Seven Messengers
1468Theme Discourse—Hebrews 12:2
1469A Voice in Ramah
1470Panel Discussion—Women of the Bible
1471“Speaking the truth in love…”—Ephesians 4:15
1472The Mind of Christ
1473Stimulating the Mind
1474The Five Excuses of Moses
1475Paul’s Epistle to the Gentiles
1476Panel Discussion—How Far Reaching is God’s Providence?
1477Baptismal Discourse—The Lord’s Precious Jewels
Justification and Sanctification: Their Distinctive Qualities
and Interrelationships
1479Looking Away
1480Prophesies of Joel, Looking Back, Then Looking Ahead
1481Important Doctrines and Interesting Viewpoints
1482Acquiescing in God’s Will
Panel Discussion—Comparing Jesus in Hebrews to: Angels, Moses, Aaron, and Typical Sacrifices
1484What in the World Happened Today?
1485Return to Gennesaret
1486Three Battles Won With Words
1487The Final Word

2014 General Convention—Johnstown, PA.

1434Welcome Address—Wonderful Words of Life
1435Essence of the Christian Faith Part 6
1436My people, My Land, With My Whole Heart and Soul
1437Learning to Fish
1438Gog and Magog With Applications to Us
1439Symposium—Psalm 16:11
1440Can You Wait Just a Minute?
1441Theme Discourse—Colossians 1:10
1442In God’s Stead
Panel Discussion—Nebuchadnezzar’s Image and Its Relationship
to 1914
1444“In your patience…”—Luke 21:19
1445And So Much the More
1446The Unknown Prophet of God
1447He Sent a Man Before Them
1448The Purpose of Jesus’ Miracles
1449Panel Discussion—Ordering Harvest Prophecies
1450Baptismal Discourse—This is the day that the Lord hath made
Panel Discussion—“Behold, I have told you before.”
—Matthew 24:24,25
1452God’s Providence
1453Come and See the Works of God
1454Precious is the Death of His Saints
1455What is That in Thine Hand?
Panel Discussion—“We are the children of God.”
—Romans 8:16; I John 3:2
1457Will You Meet Me?
1458Grace Under Pressure
1459Exceeding Great and Precious Promises
1460Counting the Costs

2013 General Convention—Johnstown, PA.

1407Day of Preparation
1408You Are Forgiven—Have You Forgiven?
1409The Levites
1411Why Nineveh?
1412Symposium—“What doth the LORD require of thee.”
1413The New Creatures Responsibility to Divine Law
1414Theme Discourse—Colossians 3:16
1415The Feeding of the Multitudes
1416Symposium—“Think it not strange.”
1417Effectual Prayer—James 5:16
1418A Mine Eye Deeper
1419The Prophecy of Obadiah
1420The Tree of Life
1421A Test of My Faith
1422Symposium—“Strong Meat” is: Doctrine, Character
1423Baptismal Discourse
1424Symposium—How God’s Attributes Work with the Church
1425One in Unity
1426A Street Named Straight
1427If Ye Know These Things…
1428God’s Promised Blessings to all Nations
Panel Discussion—How Do We Handle Adversity
in our Fellowship?
1430The Answer of a Good Conscience
1431The Tie that Binds
1432Consider the Ant
1433But Finally Brethren

2012 General Convention—Johnstown, PA.

1380Welcome Address—Unto Him Ye Shall Hearken
1381Mysteries and Secrets of God
1382Bringing Life and Immortality to Light
1383The Third Commandment
1384Some Words of Jesus
Symposium—Three Fires of the Tabernacle
1-Brazen Altar, 2-Incense Altar, 3-Without the Camp
1386Samuel Retires
1387Theme Discourse—Ephesians 5:16
1388Sin, Repentance and Forgiveness
1389Panel Discussion—Current Events of 2012
1390Public Meeting: After Armageddon—God’s Kingdom
1391And My Choice is …
I Corinthians 10:13—No temptation has seized you …
Lord, Are You Trying To Tell Me Something?
1393Some Deeper Lessons from Tabernacle Types
1394God’s Plan for Eradication of Sin, Suffering and Bitterness
Panel Discussion—How Does God Deal with Prayers
of the Unconsecrated?
1396Baptismal Discourse—Baptism
1397Panel Discussion—The Sin Offering
1399Jeremiah’s Lament
1400Imitators of God
1401Witness of the Spirit
1402Panel Discussion—The Armor of God
1403Finally Brethren
1404Have You Been Called?
1405The Trial of Your Faith
1406I Wish I Had Said That

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