VINEYARD ECHOES | October 2006 |
Working in God’s Vineyard
“We are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.” |
SINCE ITS ESTABLISHMENT in the early 1930’s, brethren from all walks of life, and from many places throughout the world, have come to The Dawn to volunteer their services, and to share in the promulgation of the wonderful message of present-day Truth. Some have come to devote part-time service whenever possible, while others have come to stay on a longer term basis.
This cooperative effort has played a major role in shaping the general interests of the latter-day harvest work during the closing years of this Gospel Age. It has served as a source of enlightenment and hope to the countless numbers of those who have been touched by the message of Truth, and it has also been a great blessing for those who, in the words of our text, have shared in the giving of their little all, as ‘labourers together with God.’
In the early years of The Dawn, the harvest work was centered in Brooklyn, New York, as a nonprofit organization. Since the mid 1940’s, it has continued uninterrupted from its present location in East Rutherford, New Jersey. Throughout this long period of time the fundamental policy of the Dawn Bible Students Association has been to welcome all brethren who desire to come to the Dawn and share in the harvest work. The qualifications are that they have put their trust in the precious cleansing blood of Christ, and have given evidence of full consecration to the Lord.
The Dawn has never claimed to be the exclusive channel of Divine Truth, and its cooperation with other ecclesias and individuals has always been a significant factor according to the extent of its ability whenever possible, or as requested. There has never been an attempt to seek control of a particular ecclesia’s activities nor to demand a governing voice in any congregation of the Lord’s consecrated people. The manner and extent of its cooperation with any group of brethren is determined by the wishes of the individual ecclesia itself. In the general interest of the harvest work, this policy remains unchanged.
From its very beginning in 1932, the basic mission and purpose of the Dawn Bible Students was directed toward gathering the scattered brethren together after the death of Bro. Charles Russell several years before. The main effort continues to be generated to the strengthening and building up of the household of faith, those whom the Lord is calling and preparing to be joint-heirs with Christ during his kingdom reign for the blessing of all people. (Acts 20:32) This message has also been the means whereby many who may have had a budding interest as babes in the Truth were brought to full development as mature New Creatures in Christ.
The Dawn’s ministry has also included a strenuous witness activity to preach the inspiring message concerning God’s coming kingdom, which we believe will soon be administered by his Son, our present Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. (Matt. 24:14) While sending out this message, it has been the general practice to do so in the spirit of tolerance and goodwill toward all. All teachings and doctrines of the Truth have been proclaimed as plainly and forcibly as possible. The Scriptures themselves have been allowed to point out untruths rather than to attack a particular error, long-held belief, or the wrong practices of others. This style of ministry is still adhered to.
The Truth message is the center of this work, and continues to inspire those who come to the Dawn to labor together as one family. Many hands, some young and some old, have shared in the sending forth of this glorious message. At the present time, there are nine full-time, and eight part-time workers at the Dawn plant. Other brethren contribute to the work from various parts of the country. This volunteer basis is still a major part of the Dawn’s ongoing harvest activities.
The Dawn magazine has played an important role in sending out the message of Truth during these many years of its publication since 1932. At the present time, approximately six thousand copies are printed in English each month, most of which are distributed to subscribers, while extra copies are used in witness activity wherever possible. Another five thousand copies are printed each month in foreign languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian and Greek.
In accordance with this wonderful Truth, has been the republishing of the six volumes of Studies in the Scriptures, Tabernacle Shadows, Hymns of Dawn, and many other fundamental teachings of Bro. Charles T. Russell, as presented in his numerous writings, and as outlined in the inscription that continues to be found on the back cover of each issue of the Dawn magazine, “To us the Scriptures clearly teach.”
Another important part of the witness activity includes the printing of more than forty different booklets on various Bible subjects, as well as many tracts and other Truth literature that is also published, some of which is available in other languages. Thousands of pieces of literature are currently being mailed through the Dawn’s shipping department to numerous locations throughout the world. The request for literature remains firm.
The Dawn has sponsored the “Frank & Ernest” radio program since the 1930’s, and many brethren have come to the Truth as a result of these broadcasts. At the present time, these programs are heard in North and South Africa, including Ghana and India, as well as throughout North and South America. The “Bible Answers” television programs, and spot commercials, advertising Truth related information, are also used. Harvest activities also include the “Recorded Lecture” service and the Dawn magazine on audio.
In recent years, the Dawn’s website has brought the message of Truth into homes around the world. It is reported that there have been more than 700,000 hits in a single year to this website. Some of those who have seen the site have written interesting messages. A few encouraging excerpts from the Guestbook Entries are included below.
“Thank you for a wonderful site. I thank God for guiding me to you.” [England]
“Thank you brothers for a wonderful publication and website.” [South Africa]
“This is a very splendid page. I would like to express my thanks and wishes to the Dawn. Keep it up.” [India]
“Hi brothers, thanks for the website. Being in an isolated territory it gives me great encouragement reading the articles on your site.” [Australia]
“Thank you for your accurate interpretation of the Scriptures. With all the deception that Satan has laid on us, we need Dawn Bible Students to guide us to the Kingdom of God and Christ.” [Colorado]
“It is such a blessing to have found your site. I have so longed to find those who also knew what being no part of this world really means. Your teachings are so ‘right on’ its like finding that pearl of great price. How can I ever tell you how much joy that it brings to my heart to know that I’m not alone in my concepts as I believe God has taught me. May Jehovah God be magnified.” [Missouri]
“Thank you so much for your continued obedience in sending forth the word of God. I was introduced to the Dawn about 8 or 9 years ago, at the State Fair in Detroit, MI. Of course, at the time, I didn’t know how God would use this little powerful book to minister to me. I think I had been receiving it at least a year before I started to dissect it, piece by piece. I keep them all, and I continue to go back through them to get what I need when I need it. Ever since God showed me the gold, through my testimony, my tears, but most of all my prayers, God has guided me to share this golden nugget every chance I can. Continue to be the light for so many of us, God bless each of you as you do what God has called you to do.” [Michigan]
Those who are associated with the Dawn Bible Students consider it a blessed privilege to share with others of like precious faith in the sending forth of the only message that will give hope to the poor groaning creation who await the nearness of Christ’s kingdom. (Rom. 8:22) Let us all continue faithful in this work as laborers together with God.