The Dawn Magazine

Dawn Services

Recorded Lecture Service

Recorded discourses (sermons) are available on audio cassette tapes.

If you subscribe to the service, you will be mailed two tapes on a loan basis. Upon return of the two tapes, we will automatically send you two more. The only cost to you will be the return postage.

If you should decide you would like to purchase any of the discourses, please advise us of the recording number(s) and we will make a new tape for you.

Our Recorded Lecture Service tapes contain only one recording per cassette. This is to facilitate our filing system. However, we will be able to supply you with any two discourses you may desire per tape. Therefore, you will receive two discourses instead of one for the same price. The purchase price is $2.00 per tape. The tapes will be either C60, C90 or C120 depending on the length of the discourses. The majority of the discourses are timed at 45 minutes.

You may subscribe to the free service or request a Recorded Lecture Department catalog by sending an e-mail to: or by mailing your request to the address below:

Dawn Bible Students
PO Box 521167
Longwood, FL  32752-1167

The Bible Answers Video Series

A selection of 60 DVDs is now available from our classic collection of The Bible Answers television series, produced in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s—and the message of the coming kingdom hasn’t changed.

Each DVD is $4.00

There are also DVDs available from various conventions, including:

  • Bible Students General Convention
  • Sacramento, CA.
  • Boise, ID.
  • Los Angeles, CA.
  • Vernon, BC, Canada
  • Seattle, WA.

For the Memorial Season, the Dawn has a one-hour Memorial Service DVD available for $4.00.

Ask for our DVD Catalog

Dawn Bible Students
PO Box 521167
Longwood, FL  32752-1167

Dawn Bible Students Association
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