The Time of the End

“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” —Daniel 12:4

IN THE visions given to Daniel by the Lord, he had seen the righteous persecuted and the wicked triumphant. The expression, “time of the end,” used in our text and also in the 9th verse of the same chapter, is descriptive of a period of time when these circumstances would be changed, not suddenly, within twenty-four hours, but in a reasonably short time as compared with the millenniums of the past during which evil has usually triumphed, and evil-doers for the most part have flourished.

The “time of the end,” however, does not in the remotest sense signify the end of human experience on this earth, such as that traditionally described by the expression, “end of time.” It is, rather, that time in the outworking of the divine plan which leads up to the full establishment of Christ’s kingdom, and therefore, ultimately, the destruction of all unrighteousness, and the end of all evil, including sickness and death.

Chronologically there is strong evidence to substantiate the fact that the prophetic “time of the end” began in the year A.D. 1799, one of the events marking this being Napoleon’s destruction of the temporal power of the Pope, and thus the end of Papacy’s power to persecute as in the past.* The year 1914 was an important milestone in the “time of the end,” for it was the outbreak of the first World War in that year which led to the overthrow of most of the hereditary ruling houses of Europe, and a general disintegration of the pre-1914 social order.

*NOTE: See chapter 2 of “Thy Kingdom Come”—Volume Three of “Studies in the Scriptures.”

The process of disintegration continues, until only the power of the kingdom of Christ will save the human race from complete ruin. And it will be this manifestation of kingdom authority and power that will mark the close of the “time of the end.” So far as we know, the Bible does not point out the exact date for this outstanding occurrence in the divine plan for human salvation, but we are confident that it is near—very near.

More convincing even than time prophecies are the evidences that the foretold events of the “time of the end” have been and are taking place. In our text two of these “signs of the times” are mentioned—running to and fro, and the increase of knowledge. It has been the increase of knowledge, of course, which has led to the running to and fro.

We might think of this increase of knowledge from two standpoints—religious and general. Partly as a result of the restraint of Papal authority at the beginning of the “time of the end,” there soon came into being the great Bible societies, which, through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, have supplied to the reading public countless millions of Bibles in all the principal languages.

Whereas prior to this Bibles were scarce and in many countries banned, now the general public in most countries can have and study them. True, not all readers have become students of the Bible, but light from this “torch of civilization” began, and is continuing, to break down many of the superstitions of the past, and to set people free from the binding influences of priestcraft.

While the principles of justice and righteousness set forth in the Bible had a far-reaching effect for good throughout the western world during this period, an increasing understanding of God’s great plan of salvation has been given only to the few. This is as we should expect; for according to the divine plan, it is not until the kingdom of Christ is fully established at the close of the “time of the end” that the knowledge of the glory of God will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea.

This present-day knowledge of God’s plan is referred to in Daniel 12:9,10 where we read that in the time of the end none of the “wicked” shall understand, but the “wise” shall understand. The reference is not to the brilliant of the world, but to those who are wise toward God. “The fear [reverence] of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,” the Scriptures declare. (Ps. 111:10) Proper reverence for the Lord includes confidence in his Word of truth, and it is through this Word that God reveals his plans and purposes.

It is through his Word that the Lord has revealed the meaning of the events which occur during the “time of the end.” The unbelieving world is confused and fear-stricken by what they see coming upon the earth; but the “wise,” understanding the meaning of the times in which we are living, rejoice to realize that the long-promised kingdom of the Lord is so near.

It has been during the “time of the end” that all the major inventions have come, including those which have made global travel commonplace. The first steamboat was operated in 1807, and the first steam locomotive in 1831. These were very crude and slow of speed compared with modem means of travel by sea, land, and air. As knowledge has increased throughout this time of the end, the speed of travel has kept pace. Steamships cross the Atlantic in four days, airplanes in a few hours. Trains travel one hundred miles an hour, and the legal speed of automobiles in many places is sixty miles an hour, and more. Thousands are now traveling by air at speeds exceeding three hundred miles an hour.

The increase of knowledge during this “time of the end” has been manifest in every aspect of human experience. The telegraph was invented in 1844. Now almost any part of the world can be in instant communication with the world at large whenever desired. The communication of thought by radio and television is beyond comprehension. The comforts and conveniences along all lines, produced by the foretold increase of knowledge in this “time of the end,” stagger the imagination. True, they are not yet available to all mankind, but they are here.

In the field of medical science, marvelous progress in knowledge continues to be made. The accumulative result of this is that now the average length of human life is close to seventy years, compared with a little over thirty years at the beginning of the “time of the end.” Medical science now predicts that soon it will not be unusual for people to live until they are 125 years old.

The foretold increase of knowledge has flooded the world with books, magazines, and papers, which in itself further increases knowledge. Only by means of Iron Curtains and Bamboo Curtains can the free flow of knowledge around the world be hindered. Think of the contrast between the present time and the beginning of the “time of the end,” at the turn of the nineteenth century, when some members of the British Parliament were not able to read and write!

Knowledge Misused

While the increase of knowledge during the “time of the end” has brought many blessings to the human race, enriching the lives of millions both physically and culturally, through its misuse it has also added to man’s sorrows, and created problems which human ingenuity is unable to solve. In the world of travel, the greatest speeds are being used for military purposes. Fighter and bombing planes, rockets and guided missiles of destruction, can now be used to destroy the enemy thousands of miles distant.

The civilized world recoiled with horror over the destruction wrought by bombing planes during the last war. But what was done then will fade into insignificance compared with what is now possible. Only recently the announcement was made that the United States now has perfected a guided missile that can be shot through the air at a velocity of nine thousand miles an hour, and deliver an atomic bomb five thousand miles away.

Atomic energy has been harnessed to propel ships, but the first ship to use it is a submarine, designed and built to destroy. This is now true with the unharnessing of nuclear energy, with the result that the world stands in fear at the thought of what will occur when again international tensions reach the breaking point, and all-out global strife begins again. Bertrand Russell, O.M., writing in The Listener, published in Great Britain, says:

“The general public, and even many men in positions of authority, have not realized what would be involved in a war with hydrogen bombs. The general public still thinks in terms of the obliteration of cities. It is understood that the new bombs are more powerful than the old and that, while one atomic bomb could obliterate Hiroshima, one hydrogen bomb could obliterate the largest cities, such as London, New York, and Moscow. No doubt in a hydrogen bomb war great cities would be obliterated. But this is one of the minor disasters that would have to be faced. If everyone in London, New York, and Moscow were exterminated, the world might, in the course of a few centuries, recover from the blow. But we now know, especially since the Bikini test, that hydrogen bombs can gradually spread destruction over a much wider area than had been supposed.

“It is now stated on good authority that a bomb can now be manufactured which will be 25,000 times as powerful as that which destroyed Hiroshima. Such a bomb, if exploded near the ground or under water, sends radioactive particles into the upper air. They sink gradually and reach the surface of the earth in the form of deadly dust or rain. It was this dust which infected the Japanese fishermen and their catch of fish, although they were outside of what American experts believed to be the danger zone. No one knows how widely such lethal radioactive particles might be diffused, but the best authorities are unanimous in saying that a war with hydrogen bombs is quite likely to put an end to the human race. It is feared that if many hydrogen bombs are used there will be universal death—sudden only for a fortunate minority, but for the majority a slow torture of disease and disintegration.”

In Daniel’s prophecy of the “time of the end” he said there would be a “time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation.” (Dan. 12:1) Jesus quotes this prophecy and applies it to the end of the age and the time of his second presence. In amplifying it Jesus said that the “tribulation” would be so great that unless those days were shortened no flesh would be saved. (Matt. 24:21,22) Could we have a more definite fulfillment of these prophecies than the possibilities brought to our attention by Bertrand Russell?

So it is that on the one hand the world enjoys luxurious and rapid means of travel, together with all the many other blessings which can enrich the lives of men and women; but are deprived of the joys which might be derived from these modern inventions, by the constant fear of the horrible possibilities of the future. How thankful the Lord’s people should be to have a knowledge of what these paradoxes mean, that soon the Lord will intervene to prevent man from going the full length to which his selfishness might otherwise impel him.

Unclean Messages

As we have noted, the foretold increase of knowledge which was to come in the “time of the end” has flooded the world with literature. It is also constantly presenting ideas to the young and old through radio and television. Much of this information thus put into circulation is good, tending to ennoble the lives of those receiving it. Certainly we are all glad that the Bible is being so freely and widely circulated.

But literature, radio, and television are not used exclusively for good purposes. These means of circulating information are also used by the wicked and the selfish with the result that the minds of men, women, and children are being debased. Unholy propaganda seems almost literally to float through the air like lethal radioactive dust from hydrogen bombs, spreading diseases of hatred, mistrust, and distortion everywhere.

As a result of reading so-called comic books and watching crime pictures on television, one of the favorite street games of children these days is to imitate as best they can the murderous escapades of the gangster world. Is it any wonder that juvenile delinquency is on the increase? And these children and teenagers, for many of whom the greatest thrills come from flouting the accepted moral standards of society, will soon be the men and women who are in the saddle so far as human affairs are concerned.

Even the adult generation of today is being drawn from its moorings of faith and practice. The flood of philosophical and atheistic literature has tended to confuse the people, so that today it is difficult to find an individual who will venture to express a definite conviction of belief. The majority are willing merely to admit, often with a degree of hesitancy, that they have faith in the existence of a Supreme Being.

True, more people are joining churches today than ever before, at least in the United States; but in the strict sense they are not becoming Methodists, or Baptists, or denominationalists of some other sort. They see the world falling apart, and they trust that in some way the church will afford some basis for hope and for protection in the developing crisis. They have no definite beliefs, nor do they care to have them. Paul’s admonition to “contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints” would be quite foreign to most church members today.

Medical Science Creates Problems

As we have noted, the increase of knowledge in the medical field during the “time of the end” has been phenomenal. Great strides have been made in mental and physical hygiene, surgery, and the development of the so-called wonder drugs. The result of this is a greatly increased life expectancy and also a greatly reduced average of child and infant mortality. In the United States the number of people past sixty-five years of age is increasing rapidly.

This, in turn, is creating a serious problem. The Social Security law is helping insofar as the actual needs of this increasing number of the aged are concerned. But people, even the elderly, must have more than food, shelter, and clothing. Every normal human being wants to be active and, if possible, creatively employed. Even one’s most cherished hobby could become a bore if the hobby is all that is left in life.

The Lord’s people who know the truth of the divine plan, the “wise” of Daniel’s prophecy who “understand,” are not confronted with this problem. They are glad to have all the time possible to study the truth, and to make it known to others. For these the retirement age is a boon, for they have longed for the time when they could spend more time and effort in the service of the Lord. But to many, the increase of the lifespan has thus presented a problem. Officials of government are recognizing this, and systematic studies are being made to discover how best to meet the situation.

No matter which way we turn we find critical conditions facing the world. International tensions do not lessen. The nerve centers of trouble shift from one part of the world to another—from Korea, to Geneva, to Indo-China, to Paris, to Moscow, to China, to Formosa, to Central and South America. When a half solution is found for one situation, trouble erupts somewhere else. All of this at a time when the foretold increase of knowledge could have produced security and plenty for all nations!

The Lord knew it would be so. He knew that by permitting mankind to discover some of the secrets of nature and use them, man would also misuse them, and thus demonstrate his inability to govern himself successfully, even though equipped with the wonderful knowledge denied to former generations. Thus the “time of the end” is a day of preparation for the kingdom, not only in its introduction to better ways of living, but also in the fact that apart from God the human race would not continue to live at all, that it would foolishly and selfishly destroy itself. The need for God is being revealed.

Great Blessings Coming

Daniel’s prophecy of the “time of the end” takes us still further into the future. The increase of knowledge, the running to and fro, the “time of trouble,” are already here, and increasing. But these developments are but leading up to the glorious things which God will accomplish for mankind. The prophecies of the Bible would mean little to us did they not emphasize the divine purpose to establish Messiah’s kingdom in the earth, to do for humanity what they cannot do for themselves.

Thus the events of the “time of the end” lead up to a glorious deliverance for God’s people, and for all who will then, when given full opportunity, become God’s people. In forecasting the “time of trouble” which would occur in the “time of the end,” the Lord said to Daniel, “At that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.”—Dan. 12:1

Daniel’s people are God’s people, and at the close of the time of the end they will all be delivered from death. To Daniel, specifically, God said, “Go thou thy way till the end be: for thou shalt rest [in death], and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.” (Dan. 12:13) The Hebrew word here translated “lot” is the one in the Old Testament used in connection with the casting of lots. Symbolically it denotes one’s destiny, or chosen place.

When Daniel is delivered from death in the “better resurrection,” his “lot,” or chosen place in the plan of God, will be among the ancient worthies, the “princes in all the earth.” (Ps. 45:16; Heb. 11:35-40) He will be one of those to whom, in the kingdom, the people from the east, west, north, and south will look for instruction and guidance.—Luke 13:28,29

This group of faithful ones, of whom Daniel will be one, will be the human phase of the kingdom. As “princes” they will represent the spiritual phase of the kingdom composed of Jesus and his glorified church, the one hundred and forty-four thousand who stand with him on Mount Zion, and who will live and reign with him a thousand years.—Ps. 2:6,8; Rev. 14:1; 20:6

Jesus is the Head of this spiritual class. He was delivered from death the third day after he was crucified. Paul, when near the consummation of his sacrifice, said that a “crown” was laid up for him which the Lord would give to him at “that day,” and not only to him, but to all who “love his appearing.”—II Tim. 4:6-8

There is a predetermined order of this “first resurrection.” It is brought to our attention by Paul in I Thessalonians 4:16,17. Here Paul speaks of the time of Christ’s return to be the new spiritual ruler of the world. This was due to occur within the “time of the end,” at the conclusion of the 1335 symbolic days mentioned in Daniel 12:12. This prophetic date marked the year 1874, and it is reasonable to believe that Paul’s prophecy concerning the dead in Christ rising first has been fulfilled.

But Paul explains that those of the Lord’s true followers who would be alive would remain and later be caught up, or exalted, with the Lord in the “air,” symbolic of the spiritual phase of the kingdom. This is the “mystery” mentioned by Paul in I Corinthians 15:51,52. He says that “we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.”

Throughout the age all the saints, upon finishing their course in death, remained asleep in death awaiting the Lord’s return. But now there is no longer need to “sleep,” although all must be faithful unto death. But when thus faithful, the prophecy of Revelation 14:13 is fulfilled in their experience, they “rest from their labors,” but their works continue as they are united with Christ in the spiritual phase of the kingdom.

Doubtless it will be very close to the end of the “time of the end” when the last of these will pass “beyond the veil.” We are confident that that time is now drawing near. With those who will participate in the spiritual and human phases of the kingdom all raised from the dead, including those who are described as a “great multitude” of servants in the kingdom (Rev. 7:9-17), the work of delivering the remainder of mankind will speedily begin.

The Scriptures do not furnish the details, but it seems reasonable that the living generation—as many as escape death in the “time of trouble”—will be the first to begin to receive restitution blessings. Increasing length of life will no longer be a problem. Feebleness will no longer accompany long life. The obedient, in fact, will return to the days of their youth. In that day they shall not say “I am sick.”—Job 33:25; Isa. 33:24

But restitution blessings will not stop here. Daniel was told, and the promise is reiterated throughout the Scriptures in various ways, that the dead will be raised, that those who “sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake.” (Dan. 12:2) It will be a time of trial and judgment, and many will be held in contempt because of their past until they demonstrate their sincere desire to do better. But it will be a glorious time of blessing for all who will conform to the laws of the kingdom. And those blessings are near!

This is the message we now have the privilege of proclaiming far and wide as we have the opportunity. One of the reasons the Lord has enabled the “wise” to “understand” the meaning of events in this “time of the end” is that they might bear witness to the world concerning the incoming kingdom blessings. It is this that the Holy Spirit has commissioned all the consecrated people of God to do. As members of the body of Christ we come under the commission outlined by the Prophet Isaiah, when he wrote:

“The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because he hath anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn.”—Isa. 61:1-3

The “day of vengeance” here mentioned is manifested by the “time of trouble” which Daniel foretold to be one of the closing events of the “time of the end.” Thousands are mourning because of this trouble, and it is our glorious privilege to give them a message of comfort, to explain to them the meaning of the trouble, and to give them assurance that soon all trouble will end, that their loved ones will be restored to life and that “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”—Rev. 21:4

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