The Dawn Magazine

Studies in the Scriptures

Volume 1The Divine Plan of the Ages

Gives an outline of the Divine Plan revealed in the Bible, relating to man’s redemption and restitution.

Volume 2The Time is at Hand

Deals with Bible chronology and time prophecies, identifies the Antichrist, and points out the time and manner of our Lord’s return.

Volume 3Thy Kingdom Come

Discusses time prophecies relating to the work of the church at this end of the age, the restoration of Israel, and the setting up of Christ’s kingdom. One chapter pertains to the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

Volume 4The Battle of Armageddon

Shows the dissolution of the present order. It discusses many prophecies relating to the end of the age, noting especially our Lord’s great prophecy of Matt. 24.

Volume 5The Atonement Between God and Man

Devoted to the fact and philosophy of Christ’s atoning work; the nature of man, the divine punishment for sin, the truth about hell, and the operation of the Holy Spirit.

Volume 6The New Creation

The first chapter deals with the Genesis account of creation. The remainder of the book discusses the laws, duties, privileges, and hopes of the consecrated followers of Jesus.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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