The Dawn Magazine

“The Bible Answers”
videos for smart devices
(Smart phones, Tablets, and Smart TVs)

Unto Us a Child is Born

The dramatic story of the birth of Jesus has special appeal. But often the Biblical background of this story has been neglected. This eloquent dramatization traces the promises of Jesus’ birth throughout the Old Testament. It is well-documented with fascinating scenes from the Holy Land. Because of the wealth of historical material, this presentation should prove popular all year long as well as the Christmas season.

Glad Tidings to All People

The time for the fulfillment of God’s promise to Bless the People from all the Nations on Earth is discussed.

God’s Millennium

With the turn of another century into another millennium, this program is a timely presentation of the things that will yet come upon the earth with the dawn of God’s Millennium. It will inspire your faith and give zeal to your hopes for all mankind!

God’s Kingdom

“They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks.  Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.” Isaiah 2:4   See the signs that it will soon be here!

Church of the Living God

An answer to the question, “How do you know which is the true church,” is sought by a sincere church-goer and his wife.

Armageddon Then World Peace

The Apostles Peter and Paul talk over the prophecies of Jesus pertinent to the time of his return. These prophecies describe much that is taking place in the world today.

Coming Back From Hell Soon

Assistance to a young man attempting to cope with remorse over his involvement in a hit-and-run accident is the subject of this program.

God Has a Plan

A modern version of the Bible’s Cain and Abel story is followed by a panel discussion on God’s plan for the redemption and recovery of mankind from death.

Current Prophecies Fulfilled

The Bible is steeped in prophecies indicating the end of an age; but these prophecies also indicate that a new age is coming, and that we are on the threshold of God’s Kingdom.  See these prophecies deciphered by Bible scholars in this classic program from the series, ‘The Bible Answers.’

The Dream Is Certain

Centuries ago the prophet Daniel received a vision of the end times, but when is that time and what is yet to come?  Discover the glorious outcome for all mankind!

God and Creation

A college student is surprised to learn that many scientists believe in the existence of a supreme being and in the Bible as a revelation of his purposes toward man.

The Meaning and End of Suffering

The Bible’s explanation of why God permits so much human suffering and gives assurance that suffering and death will not continue forever.

The Truth About Hell

An informative and well-presented explanation of the scriptures that discuss Sheol, Hades, hell, and the grave.

The Crucified and Risen Christ

The Scribes and Pharisees plot Jesus’ death.  He is arrested and crucified, his body laid in a tomb.  On the third day the angel rolls back the stone and tells the women Jesus is risen.  The story relates Jesus’ appearance to his disciples after his resurrection, and finally his ascension.

The Sermon on the Mount

Matthew and Thomas call to mind many of the truths Jesus presented in his Sermon on the Mount, and they determine to be worthy of a position with Jesus in his Kingdom.

Creation vs Evolution

A college student endeavors to shake the faith of his father in the Bible’s account of creation, but fails, discovering that what he thought was legend is truly scientific.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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