Joseph’s Dream
Key Verse: “Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more.” Selected Scripture: |
OUR SELECTED SCRIPTURE emphasizes the hatred Joseph’s brothers had towards him because he was especially favored by his father in receiving a tunic of many colors. It seemed to signify an intention to give him the birthright which obviously his older brethren would resent.
Joseph then recounted a dream he had wherein there were twelve sheaves of wheat in a field. Eleven of them, owned by his brothers, bowed down before his upright sheaf as though they were paying homage to Joseph. The force of this illustration caused his brethren to inquire of Joseph whether he should have dominion over them.—vss. 6-8
Joseph revealed another of his dreams indicating the sun, moon and eleven stars knelt before him. Although Jacob issued a mild rebuke to Joseph by inquiring whether it meant his parents and brethren would someday acknowledge Joseph to be their superiors, his father evidently gave consideration to such a possibility, but his brethren were enraged.—vss. 9-11
On another occasion, Jacob sent Joseph to determine the condition of the flocks which his brethren were tending some distance from their home. When they saw Joseph approaching, they plotted, in their bitterness, to put him to death. Reuben, the eldest brother, convinced the others to spare Joseph’s life by throwing him into an empty well. He had intended to later remove Joseph from his confinement and return him to Jacob. A subsequent opportunity presented itself to Joseph’s brothers and instead, during Reuben’s absence, they sold him to Ishmaelite (Midianite) traders for twenty pieces of silver.—vss. 12-28
Subsequently, Joseph’s brothers conspired to dip his tunic in the blood of a goat and brought it to Jacob. He assumed Joseph had been killed and was grief stricken. In accordance with God’s purpose, Joseph was taken to Egypt and sold to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh.—vss. 29-36
Jacob’s partiality in providing Joseph a special coat kindled jealousy among his older brothers. Christians who observe others attaining greater recognition than themselves should not allow any bitterness to grow in their hearts. God is able to overrule in every situation for his children’s highest spiritual welfare.
Despite the deep anguish Jacob experienced, Joseph’s brethren allowed him to believe his son was devoured by wild beasts. “There is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.” (Luke 12:2) This passage should be internalized by believers so that their conduct is always above reproach and worthy of commendation by God.
Joseph is cited in the New Testament for his confidence in God’s promises regarding Israel and was counted among a group of ancient believers who will be especially used to bring blessings to mankind when they return from the tomb during God’s kingdom of righteousness here on earth. (Heb. 11:22,39,40) Of even greater magnitude is the heavenly promise of the Divine nature for all the faithful members of the body of Christ at the end of this Gospel Age. “Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature.”—II Pet. 1:4