Yielding to Christ’s Lordship

Key Verse: “Saying, Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.”
—Luke 19:38

Selected Scripture:
Luke 19:28-40;
Rev. 1:1-8

THESE SCRIPTURES CALL to mind the wonderful words, “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” (Luke 2:13,14) As the angels could sing and rejoice at this picture of the Divine plan of salvation, so also can all who have faith in the ultimate outcome rejoice with unspeakable joy. These words declared the work that Jesus would accomplish during his life, which would ultimately bring the highest glory and honor to God, his father. After praising God, come the consequences on earth—namely, peace, peace with God. This peace comes from a restoration to the human race of the Divine good will. It was indeed a prophecy of God’s purpose to bring through his son the lifting of the curse of sin and death, and the establishment of peace and joy upon the earth.

This prophecy has not yet been fulfilled. The birth of the Saviour was one step toward it; the death on the cross was another; the resurrection and his ascension were other steps; the selection of the church is another; the kingdom of God will then complete the prophecy.

The scriptural account describes a triumphal entry by the Lord Jesus into Jerusalem. “The whole multitude of the disciples began to rejoice.” (Luke 19:37) They had come out to see Jesus because of the awakening of Lazarus from the sleep of death, for “many of Jews … had seen the things that Jesus did, [and] believed on him.” (John 11:45) They “cast their garments” as a mark of honor to the King. (Luke 19:35) On previous occasions when the people sought to make Jesus a king, he withdrew himself. But now he knew his hour was come, and instead of hindering them, helped with their enthusiasm by riding into the city on their carpet of garments.

Some thought that now was the moment of Jesus’ glorification, and perhaps they felt that this would lead to their own glorification. Three and a half years of public teaching and works, which testified to the truth of his claims as the Messiah, seemingly culminated in a triumph. This raised the hopes of his disciples and of many in Israel that now the glory foretold by the prophets was soon to be realized. According to God’s covenant with their fathers, the Gospel of the kingdom was to be to the Jew first. (Acts 3:25,26) Yet God knew beforehand that, as a nation, they would neither appreciate nor accept it. Not long after this happy occasion, when swayed by their false teachers they would cry, “Crucify him! crucify him!”—John 12:1,12,13;19:6,7

Why then did Jesus go through this form of assuming kingly authority when he knew how it would result? According to the teachings of the Apostle Paul, this was done as part of the great system of types (pictures), which would foreshadow “things to come.” (Col. 2:17) His triumphal entry into Jerusalem prefigured the coming of Christ as King in the end of this present Gospel Age. By the signs which accompany the Second Presence of our Lord, God’s people should join voices to proclaim, ‘Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord,’ his kingdom shall soon be established!

Dawn Bible Students Association
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