Power for Deliverance

Key Verse: “Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt.”
—Exodus 3:10

Selected Scripture:
Exodus 3:1-12

MOSES HAD WANTED TO help his people, Israel, when he had been brought up in Pharaoh’s court by Pharaoh’s daughter. At the age of forty, he slew an Egyptian taskmaster, and then had to flee from Egypt when the matter was made known. He dwelt in the land of Midian, and took refuge in Jethro’s house. He dwelt there forty years when on one occasion, in tending Jethro’s flocks, he saw a burning bush that was not consumed. As he approached to investigate, an angel of the Lord, as spokesman for God, called to him and told him that he was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He told Moses that he had seen the affliction of Israel and heard their cry. He was now going to deliver them. As our key verse says, God told Moses he would send him to Pharaoh to ask him to release the children of Israel.

Moses was overwhelmed by all of this and started to ask many questions. First he said, “Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?” (Exod. 3:11) When God assured him that he would be with him, Moses then asked how the people of Israel would know that the God of their fathers had sent him? They would ask, “What is his name?” (vs. 13) God explained that he was the great “I AM,” and that this is his name. (vs. 14) He also told Moses to go ahead and assemble the elders of Israel to tell them of this planned deliverance, and that they would be taken to the land of Canaan. They were to go to Pharaoh, but he would not let them go. God told Moses that it would be necessary for him to smite Egypt with all kinds of wonders. Finally, Pharaoh would let them go and they would not go away empty. The people of Egypt would give them of their gold and silver.

Moses said, “they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice.” (chap. 4:1) So the Lord gave him signs to perform as proof that he was sent by God. The first sign was that Moses was to throw down his rod and it became a serpent. He then was to pick up the serpent by the tail and it would become a rod. (vss. 2-5) This pictured how all the evil in the world is because God has let go his authority on earth. By taking hold of the serpent, God’s authority is to be reestablished when evil is subdued in his kingdom.—Rev. 20:2

If they would not accept that sign, a second sign was to be given by Moses putting his hand into his bosom, and upon withdrawing it, it was leprous. He put the leprous hand into his bosom, and it came forth whole and clean. (vss. 6-8) This symbolized God’s Divine power without sin (as was Jesus). This power was then manifest in the form of selecting from sinful mankind a people for his name. Finally, it will be manifest in the glorified Christ.

In the event that Pharaoh would not accept those two signs, a third sign was given to Moses. He was to take the water of the river and to pour it upon the dry land, and it would turn to blood. This sign indicated that the water of Truth is viewed by earth’s society as being bloody. The basis for God’s plan is the ransom sacrifice of Jesus as represented by his shed blood. The plan of salvation appears bloody to the world.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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