
GRATITUDE IS DEFINED in Webster’s Dictionary as “a sentiment of gratefulness to a benefactor, a state of being grateful or being thankful.” Gratitude is like a fragrant flower that also is a delightful expression of every true and noble heart.

Gratitude is closely akin to love, and where they dwell together in the consecrated heart there is little room for the Adversary to gain an advantage. On the contrary, ingratitude signifies a blindness of mind in respect to justice. It speaks of a low standard of character, in which the fruitage of the Spirit of the Lord has not been well developed. Where ingratitude gains a foothold, it admits such qualities as selfishness, pride, anger, malice, hatred, strife, evil surmisings, slander, backbitings and various other works of the flesh, and the Devil.

“Only fear [reverence] the Lord, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he hath done for you.” (I Sam. 12:24) Samuel addressed these words to fleshly Israel, appealing to them that they remember the great things that God had done for them—as a ground for gratitude and faithfulness—including their delivery from Egypt, their guidance through the wilderness, and entrance into the promised land.

If we apply these words to spiritual Israel, with what greater force do they come to us! The Lord has not delivered us from Egyptian bondage, but from the greater bondage of Satan, sin, and death. He has led us “out of darkness into his marvellous light”; lifted our feet from the “horrible pit” and the “miry clay,” and placed them upon the Rock, Christ Jesus. He has established our goings, and has “put a new song” into our mouth, even praise and gratitude unto our Lord God, for all his loving-kindness.—I Pet. 2:9; Ps. 40:2,3

The ‘new song’ is not one of doubt or fear concerning anguish of sinners, but a song of God’s righteousness (absolute rightness), his mercy and love, so reasonable and harmonious in every detail; with this song we are filled with gratitude. This song has brought new life, joy, aspirations, and hopes to us and others. We can never thank our Father enough for the blessings we have received at his hands, and for all that he has prepared for us. He not only forgave our sins, but also accepted us in Jesus, and invited us to joint-heirship with Christ. He not only has given us “exceeding great and precious promises” (II Pet. 1:4), to cheer our hearts in our present wilderness journey, but has in reservation for us a glorious heavenly inheritance—incorruptible, immortal, beyond the veil.


As fully consecrated children of God we gratefully comply with the scripture, “Only fear [reverence] the Lord, and serve him in truth with all your heart.” (I Sam. 12:24) We also remember the statement, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15) To us, these commandments of the Lord amplify and enlarge his love. Daily we see the depth of meaning attached to these commands; they are not at all grievous to us—indeed, we rejoice to go forward day-by-day in complete agreement with our Lord’s heartfelt sentiments, “I delight to do thy will, O my God.”—Ps. 40:8

The psalmist, on many occasions, very beautifully expresses the desires and delights of our hearts; for example, “Thy saints shall bless thee. They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power; To make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of his kingdom. Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endureth throughout all generations.”—Ps. 145:10-13

These words are being literally fulfilled today, for the Lord is bringing to the attention of his saints (his fully consecrated people) an increasing measure of present Truth, to the intent that they may have its light upon their pathway, making manifest unto them the glorious character of our God, through a knowledge of his great plan of the ages. And the Lord is putting it within the power of his saints thus to glorify his name, and to speak forth the Truth to others.

To some he has granted the ability for public speaking and the opportunity to use it, and to declare his praises in this way. To others he has imparted a talent for private conversation, that they may thus tell of his kingdom, speak of his glorious majesty, and make known his wondrous plans to such as have hearing ears. Others have been given the privilege of declaring the Lord’s message through the circulation of the printed page, or by means of personal correspondence, and through the internet.

We may rest assured that none can be of the company of the Lord’s saints today, and know of his goodness, wonderful honor and majesty, without having an earnest desire to tell the good tidings of great joy to all who have ears to hear. And those who are most earnest, most zealous in proclaiming the message, are sure to have the most blessing in their own hearts and in their own experiences.

All the royal priesthood, the truly consecrated church of God, are ministers or servants of God, and of each other. The Lord has put all such into the ministry; and this is a ministry, a service of kindness and of love toward the Lord, in honoring his name and declaring his Truth and his righteousness, indeed, to declare the whole counsel, or will of God, as they have opportunity.

A share in this glorious ministry, at any self-denial, at any self-sacrifice, belongs to each one of us, and this is a great privilege, honor, and responsibility. It is a ministry, or service, which, in proportion as it is neglected, brings us corresponding loss in spiritual progress and character.


“It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord.” (Ps. 92:1) “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” (I Thess. 5:18) “Many, O Lord my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: … if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.” (Ps. 40:5) “I will mention the loving-kindnesses of the Lord, and the praises of the Lord, according to all that the Lord hath bestowed on us.”—Isa. 63:7

In counting our many blessings we gratefully include those faithful ones we know, of like precious faith, and our hearts’ sentiments are expressed by the Apostle Paul. “We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, as it is meet [or proper], because that your faith groweth exceedingly, and the charity [love] of every one of you all toward each other aboundeth.”—II Thess. 1:3

Dawn Bible Students Association
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