More Than Conquerors

“In all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.”
—Romans 8:37

A CONQUEROR IS ONE who, after a struggle, overcomes and surmounts the difficulties in hand, thus gaining a victory. But the scripture quoted contains the Greek word hupernikao, and means ‘to have more than victory,’ so is translated ‘more than conquerors.’

Our studies of Leviticus the sixteenth chapter* have revealed that the ‘Lord’s goat,’ the second Atonement Day sacrifice, pictured the faithful followers of Jesus, the more than conquerors. Sacrificed after the manner of the bullock, it represents those who are privileged to sacrifice after the manner of Jesus. It pictures those who suffer with him; disesteemed with him in the cause of righteousness, and who go “without the camp, bearing his reproach.”—Heb. 13:13
(*This study is in Tabernacle Shadows, a publication available from the Dawn Bible Students Association.)

The Lord Jesus, during his earthly ministry, went on voluntarily presenting himself a living sacrifice. Further, he, the Captain of our salvation, was made perfect—or complete, as a New Creature—through sufferings. In all that Jesus experienced, it can be truly said that he was more than a conqueror. For him to have been only a conqueror, according to the generally accepted usage of the word, would have meant that as the perfect Son of God he would have overcome merely the evil and wickedness of the world, gaining victories over adverse circumstances, and keeping the perfect Law of God inviolate. Jesus did all this, and more. He sought opportunities to serve, and presented himself continually and wholly—a living sacrifice—in his Father’s service, in harmony with the Holy Scriptures.

This process, particularly to the human mind, is a difficult one. But just as the Spirit of the Heavenly Father enabled Jesus to be more than conqueror, so the same holy influence enables the fully consecrated followers of Jesus, not merely to crucify or kill the goatlike stubborn, depraved will, but also to go ‘without the camp’ to the utter disregard and destruction of human hopes and ambitions, bearing the reproaches as Jesus patiently bore them. We are to rejoice in the privilege of presenting our bodies a “living sacrifice.”—Rom. 12:1


There are some pictures relating to Abraham and Lot recorded in Genesis, the eighteenth and nineteenth chapters, from which we can get illustrations of Christians who overcome in a partial sense, and of those who overcome as Jesus overcame. Those who, on one hand, are successful in obtaining the one hope of their calling to be members of the body of the Anointed, and those who fail to “so run, that ye may obtain.” (I Cor. 9:24) Those who are willing to follow Jesus closely in fulfillment of their consecration vow, are in contrast with those who are unwilling to “fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ.” (Col. 1:24) Likewise, those who “bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar” (Ps. 118:27), are compared with those whose love and zeal are not sufficient to impel them to perform, for the Lord’s sake, the sacrificing they at first agreed to do.

Genesis 18:1-19 describes a scene enacted approximately four thousand years ago. Abraham, then ninety-nine years of age, was camping at Mamre with his family and household, servants and herdsmen. Abraham was resting in the Divine promise, “In thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”—Gen. 12:3

Genesis 19:1-16 deals with Abraham’s nephew, Lot, in Sodom. Lot possessed much less faith and rounded-out character than Abraham. Lot, nevertheless, would be considered by many as a good man, and II Peter 2:7,8 tells us that the course of the Sodomites “vexed his righteous soul.”


No. 1. The Scene with Abraham and Lot—Gen. 18:1; 19:1

Lot was on a low level, in Sodom, amidst the noise and bustle of the world, where he experienced a lack of fellowship with God. Sodom was on the shore of the Salt Sea, later known as the Dead Sea, which is 1,312 feet below the Mediterranean Sea level. This is the place that Lot chose—the low level in Sodom. Abraham enjoyed fellowship with God, and was found actually on the high-level plains of Mamre.

For us to live with Abraham on the elevated plains of Mamre, pictures our fellowship with God, walking with God. It implies a knowledge of the Divine purpose, to be acquainted with the Truth. This brings quietness of heart; assurance for the future. If once we, from our elevated position, see afar off, we should not be overcharged again with earthly things. We are to be rich in faith as was Abraham. Our citizenship is, even now, in heaven, and we are to touch earth as lightly as we can, living on the elevated plains of Mamre.

No. 2. The Heavenly Visitors—Gen. 18:2; 19:1

Abraham lifted up his eyes and, “lo, three men stood by him”; whereas Lot saw but two visitors. Abraham, who was honored with three heavenly visitors, fitly pictures the more than conqueror, living on the elevated plains, in fellowship with God. The vision becomes enlarged. Spiritual perception is increased. Such can say with the Apostle Paul, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.” (Eph. 1:3) And such can see Jesus, unmistakably. So, we too may have “the eyes” of our understanding “enlightened.” “Blessed are your eyes, for they see.”—Eph. 1:18; Matt. 13:16

No. 3. The Place of Meeting—Gen. 18:1; 19:1

Abraham was sitting in the door of his tent—a temporary dwelling place. Lot sat in the gate at Sodom—a well-established city. Abraham was in the attitude of readiness to move his tent to do the Lord’s will and sought a city that he could not find. Lot was settled in the city of Sodom. The scene with Abraham illustrates the Apostle Peter’s words in II Peter 1:13,14, to the effect that his fleshly body was a “tabernacle”—a temporary dwelling-place, a tent, to be moved at the Lord’s bidding. This body of ours is simply a tent, a temporary dwelling-place; our permanent house being the spiritual body that God will give us in the glorious first resurrection.

The Apostle Paul speaks about our earthly, temporary house being dissolved, and of our receiving a house “not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” (II Cor. 5:1) Lot seemed to have been earthbound, centered on the low level of Sodom. We are to mind the things of the Spirit. Our affections are “on things above.” (Col. 3:2) We are at the tent door, on the alert, seeking to know and do God’s will, and always ready to move in obedience to the heavenly vision.

No. 4. The Time of Visit—Gen. 18:1; 19:1

Abraham received the visitors at about noon—“in the heat of the day.” Lot was interviewed by them in the evening—at the close of the day. It should not be with us that we fully receive and recognize our Lord and his requirements after the heat of the day. We should not be so inattentive that we fully realize God’s will concerning us only at the close of the day, and after much tribulation. If we develop a deep love for the Lord, and are faithful; if our worship is in sincerity, and in Truth; and if we respond to his leading; he will reveal himself to us, here and now. We are then bound to recognize him and his requirements without undue delay, also his leadings on our behalf. We shall then be privileged to find, and clearly recognize, God’s hand early, and not late in our experiences. Even like Abraham, during the heat of the day.

No. 5. The Welcome Given to the Guests—Gen. 18:2; 19:1

Abraham (99 years of age) gave the heavenly visitors a cordial welcome. There was much zeal on his part—“He ran to meet them.” Lot seemed somewhat cool, or lukewarm—He “rose up to meet them.” We should be on guard lest we develop lukewarmness, which condition could be defined as partly hot and partly cold. We are not to be divided between Christ and the world—not willing to give up heavenly hopes, yet at the same time clinging closely to earthly ambitions. Such have too much conscience to cast off the name of Christ, and yet too much love for the world to take a firm and honest stand entirely on the Lord’s side. Our attention must be given to the essentials of Christian life, and not to securing the approval and applause of the world. The conscience, not sensitive and tender before the Lord, will not permit a life to be lived of faith, trust, and love. May we always manifest an energetic and warmhearted zeal towards the Lord, and in his service!

No. 6. The Degree of Respect—Gen. 18:2; 19:1

Some commentators have described these verses to picture that Lot rose to meet the guests, and standing, bowed his face toward the ground, or simply bowed. But Abraham showed much reverence, and prostrated himself; for when he saw the three visitors he ‘ran to meet them,’ and then bowed his body to the ground. Here is a picture of reverence; a willing yielding of respect; the acknowledgement of another’s superiority.

Reverential worship is required by God from all his subjects, particularly those who have come to an advanced knowledge of his righteous character. At all times there was a willing yielding of respect on the part of our great Exemplar, the Lord Jesus. His whole life proved those beautiful words of his to be true, “Not my will, but thine be done” (Luke 22:42), and again, “I came… , not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.” (John 6:38) Jesus always reverenced and honored his Father in heaven. “Let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.”—Heb. 12:28

No. 7. The Response to the Invitation—Gen. 18:5; 19:2

Abraham’s invitation was immediately accepted, but not so with the invitation offered by Lot. This is quite an apt illustration, because if we live on the low level, in Sodom, it will be difficult for the Lord to fellowship with us. We may often miss the Lord’s company, because our conversation and our environment are not right.

How refreshing and stimulating for us to go to our Father’s inspired Word! Therein we see Jesus—our heavenly visitor—our true leader and guide. He is Wisdom and Grace, pointing the way to salvation and deliverance. He is the leader of our choice, the most important decision of our life. He is our Savior, and we are to give him our utmost attention. Then it will not be difficult for the Lord to fellowship with us. If we open widely the door of our heart, he will gladly accept the invitation. As illustrated in Abraham’s case, he will respond immediately. He will readily come in and join us in rich spiritual feasts.

No. 8. The Food Provided—Gen. 18:6-8; 19:3

The Scriptures describe Abraham providing a calf tender and good cakes, butter, and milk. Such full details show it to have been a goodly meal. Concerning Lot and his preparation, the only description recorded of the meal is unleavened bread. Figuratively speaking, what ‘food’ can we offer the heavenly guest?

We must give the Lord our love, our obedience, our will—absolute submission to the Divine will as indicated in God’s holy Word, a sacrifice of self-will. Our Father would say, “Covenant with me by sacrifice.” (Ps. 50:5) Abraham made excellent provision for his visitors. We are to make the best offer we can. We are to present our “bodies a living sacrifice.” (Rom. 12:1) Ours is to be a complete surrender—“My son, give me thine heart.” (Prov. 23:26) Let us, throughout our earthly pilgrimage—like faithful Abraham—give liberally to our heavenly guest.

No. 9. The Visit They Had—Gen. 18:10-19; 19:4

The record shows that during the heavenly messengers’ visit, themes dearest to Abraham’s heart were mentioned, relating even to God’s oathbound promise to him concerning the blessing of all nations of the earth. The heavenly visitors revealed some important truths to Abraham. But the Scriptures depict that Lot had no such pleasant dialogue. The men of the city made it impossible. The uproar of the world stepped in, and spoiled communion. In the days in which we live, there is plenty of noise and distracting influences around us. Discontentment and selfishness are some of the influences which are accelerating the overthrow of the old order. Faith in the inspired Word is not common in the earth. With us, faith in God must be maintained. We are to live on the high level, above the spirit of the world. There must be godliness and contentment. We must be submissive to God’s will, if we are to have kindred minds. Thus, we, like Abraham, can have sweet fellowship with the Lord, and our hearts will “burn within us” as Jesus speaks to us by the way.—Luke 24:32

No. 10. The End of the Visit—Gen. 18:16; 19:16

Abraham accompanied his visitors as they departed. He valued their company, and from the lengthy conversation which followed, it is possible that he detained his heavenly guests. The attitude of Lot toward his visitors rather suggests that the language of his heart was ‘get out,’ not ‘come out.’ Lot loved the city, and he was literally dragged out of that place.

Abraham had a different experience; he was not influenced by the city. He cherished the Lord’s company, and the Divine promises. Abraham catches the Lord’s spirit. Concerning the Lord’s people today, we note a Colossians text, “If, then, you were raised with the Anointed One, seek the things above, where the Anointed One is sitting at the right hand of God. Mind the things above, not the things on the earth. For you died, and your life has been hidden with the Anointed One by God.”—Col. 3:1-3, Wilson’s Emphatic Diaglott

We are exhorted to give diligence to make our heavenly “calling and election sure.” (II Pet. 1:10) This involves our pressing along day by day—growing in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; continuing in his service; developing his Spirit. We are to value the Lord’s company. Abraham accompanied the heavenly visitors as they left, and it is our joy to accompany the Lord Jesus. We are to be those who “follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth.”—Rev. 14:4


These word pictures remind us that faithful Abraham, living on the high-level plains of Mamre, had close fellowship with God. Let us daily experience an elevated Christian life of communion with our Father in heaven; spiritual perception, ever increasing, as pictured by Abraham’s enlarged vision.

May we live at the tent door, alert, ready to move in obedience to the Lord’s will. Like Abraham, grant that we may be privileged to fully recognize our Lord and his requirements, and receive his blessings even now, even during the heat of the day.

We should at all times be zealous, and also give the highest possible reverence to our heavenly guest—that zeal, and willing yielding of respect so beautifully portrayed in the conduct of Abraham. As a consequence, Jesus will always be a ready and ever-attentive guest.

Let us take care, also, to offer the best we have, because we have covenanted with God, by sacrifice.

We will ever have sweet fellowship with our heavenly guest, our hearts burning within us as he speaks to us by the way.

Let us always enjoy the Lord’s influence, accompanying him, in all his thoughts and leadings.

We can follow his thoughts attentively as he teaches us how, throughout our earthly pilgrimage, to be ‘more than conquerors, through him that loved us.’

Soldiers of Christ arise,
And put your armor on,
Strong in the strength which God supplies
Through his eternal Son.
Strong in the Lord of hosts,
And in his mighty power;
Who in the strength of Jesus trusts
Is “more than conqueror.”

Dawn Bible Students Association
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