“On Things Above”

“Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth.”
—Colossians 3:2

THE FOLLOWERS OF Jesus are invited to sacrifice all earthly interests and prospects in order to attain a heavenly reward. They are to set their affections on things above, “where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.” (Col. 3:1) Jesus told the rich young ruler that if he gave up all that he had and became a true, cross-bearing disciple, he would have treasure in heaven.—Mark 10:21

Not understanding that these spiritual promises of the Bible are made only to those who sacrifice their lives in the Divine service during the Gospel Age, many have erroneously supposed that God wants the entire race to become interested in going to heaven. Actually, however, it is only a “little flock” to whom this invitation is extended. (Luke 12:32) Happy are we if through the Word of Truth we have heard the call to set our affections on things above.

Throughout the entire Old Testament period God’s promises to his people held out to them the hope of future earthly blessings. Upon these they set their affections, and properly so. To Abraham he said, “All the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever.”—Gen. 13:15

In keeping with these Old Testament promises the apostle, in writing to the followers of Jesus, tells them not to set their affections upon things of the earth. While the great objective of the Divine plan of salvation is the restoration of man to live everlastingly on the earth, the church of this Gospel Age is to participate with Christ in accomplishing this work of “restitution,” as it is described by Peter.—Acts 3:19-21

The worthy ones of ancient times will serve in the kingdom as human representatives of the Divine Christ—“princes in all the earth.” (Ps. 45:16) John the Baptist was the last of these ‘Ancient Worthies,’ so Jesus said of him that the least in the kingdom of heaven would be greater than he, for they will be spirit beings, while John will be human. (Matt. 11:11) It is a “high calling” (Phil. 3:14) indeed which is held out to the church, and those who attain to it will need to be faithful even “unto death.”—Rev. 2:10

Dawn Bible Students Association
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