Don’t Lose Perspective
Key Verse: “Beware that thou forget not the LORD thy God, in not keeping his commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes, which I command thee this day.” Selected Scriptures: |
IN THE PREVIOUS LESSON the Israelites were learning to appreciate their special relationship with God, and the meaning of true love and devotion due him. They were given his commandments, statutes, and judgments. And, as his chosen people, they were also taught the importance of teaching their children the true values of God.
Although Israel had received abundantly of God’s rich blessings, the warning was clear. They must be on guard to prevent losing perspective of their extraordinary privileges. A heavy responsibility existed to continue in such a blessed relationship with God.
We are told that they had received much in every way. They had been brought into a plentiful land with bountiful springs and fountains of water. The wheat and barley harvests were abundant; and there were vines, fig trees, pomegranates, as well as olive trees and honey in the land.
It was a wonderful place where bread was plentiful, and a place where God had promised to abide with them. The record states that even the stones were rich in iron ore, and the hills were filled with brass (copper).—Deut. 8:7-9
The Lord had truly brought them into a land of milk and honey. But, as the record continues, there was the risk that the children of God would become complacent and careless. (vss. 14-16) They were warned that their hearts could be “lifted up” with pride because of the abundance which they had received, and that they would soon forget the remarkable manner in which they had been delivered from slavery in Egypt. The danger also existed that they would forget the way in which God had especially guided and cared for them while in the wilderness among the fiery serpents, and scorpions. Furthermore, they could forget the way God had brought water out of the rock, and gave them manna which had been provided for their sustenance.
Pride and arrogance had overtaken the hearts of the children of Israel. We read: “Thou say in thine heart, My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth. But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.” (vss. 17,18) The account warns the Israelites not to forget about God’s providences, and not to seek after other gods, or to worship them. To do so would end in disaster. God had fought for Israel in the past. He had destroyed their enemies. To disregard this protection would result in severe punishment.
In the present Gospel Age, God has also been calling Christians from the world, and blessing them as they strive to walk in the narrow way. It has been a difficult period for the Lord’s people during this time of the permission of evil, but he has promised to guide and care for them even as he did with the Israelites of old. Christians have also learned to abide in his blessed Word, and to overcome the many obstacles along the way. Let us learn the lessons from the Israelites, whose experiences serve as a type, that we, too, must be faithful to the loving Heavenly Father who has been directing us.