“Guard that Intrusted to Thee”

“Guard that intrusted to thee, turning away from the profane, empty sounds, and contradictions of that falsely-named knowledge, which some, having professed, erred concerning the faith.”
—I Timothy 6:20, 21, Wilson’s Emphatic Diaglott

THE VERY EARNEST exhortations and careful instructions given in Paul’s two epistles to Timothy were applicable and profitable not only to this devoted disciple whom Paul affectionately spoke of as his ‘son,’ but with equal force to the entire Gospel Age church. As with Timothy, so the church today is charged to keep the blessed Gospel truth uncontaminated—“spotless.” (I Tim. 6:14, WED) We are to hold it in its glorious simplicity and purity, unmixed with human theories and false doctrines.

It is important to guard against encroaching errors; first, by maintaining a clear conscience ourselves, and also by a faithful personal study of the Holy Scriptures. To study the Word of God with a clear conscience is to study it with the single and only purpose of knowing and doing God’s will. Paul tells us that some in his day did not do this. They had theories and plans of their own, and endeavored to wrest the Scriptures in a manner to give their errors seeming support. They made shipwreck of their own faith, and also turned others out of the way.


The apostle forecast that as the end of the age approached, these false teachers would multiply. He also said that they would gain great influence among the brethren, and would succeed in overthrowing the faith of some; that is, those who should not meekly and devoutly walk with God, trusting completely in the instructions of his Holy Word.

God has pledged his power to guide and support those who, in the spirit of full consecration, sincerely and humbly study to show themselves approved unto him. (II Tim. 2:15) To these he has given the charge to help others to “stand fast” in the faith. (I Cor. 16:13) Together we are to earnestly “contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” (Jude 3) We are to do this by calling attention boldly and fearlessly to each pitfall, and lovingly placing the light of truth over it, that it may be clearly seen by those who are walking in the narrow way.

We are to preach the glorious and true Gospel. We are to contend against the errors which friends and enemies endeavor to engraft upon it. This important charge applies to the church now, even as it did at the beginning of the age. It is a charge which we are under obligation to keep “until the appearing [Greek, epiphaneia—full manifestation to the church] of our Lord Jesus Christ,” just prior to his apokalupsis, or revelation to the world.—I Tim. 6:14

Not only are we all obligated to help guard the truth against insidious and distorting errors, but we are also to help guard one another against the seducing temptations of the world, the flesh, and the Devil. Besides, and as stated by the Apostle Paul in his epistle to the Philippians, we are to “shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the Word of life.”—Phil. 2:15,16


Furthermore, it is essential that we pray for and use Divine strength in order to endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ as we boldly and nobly “fight the good fight of faith.” (I Tim. 6:12) If we do this, we will be able to say with Paul, “I have maintained the good contest. I have finished the race, I have guarded the faith.”—II Tim. 4:7, Wilson’s Emphatic Diaglott

Our charge is a very important one, and we must ‘hold the fort.’ We need to keep on the “whole armour,” which God supplies (Eph. 6:10-17), for only thus will we be able to stand. The honor of his name is to be vindicated. His glorious plan is to be published and broadcast worldwide—“preached in all the world for a witness,” a testimony, “unto all nations.”—Matt. 24:14


The witnessing work of the church throughout the long, dark centuries of the Gospel Age has not been in vain. The object of her mission was not to convert the world before the Lord’s return, but to develop her own character and prove her worthiness of the high exaltation, which she is invited to share with her Lord. This has been, and will continue to be, the greatest good to result from our efforts to make known the glad tidings to others. It is an essential blessing which the followers of the Master cannot obtain in any other way.

May we all prove faithful custodians of the truth, keeping it in its purity, and proclaiming it as widely as possible.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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