Trusting Our God

“In God I have put my trust.”
—Psalm 56:4

ONE OF THE SECRETS of a happy Christian life is to have confidence and trust in the Lord, a faith in him that is so unfailing and all-comprehensive that no matter what experiences may come we will be able from the heart to say with the Prophet Job, “He knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.” (Job 23:10) It is not a case, however, of blindly trusting in the Lord in the sense of not knowing the ultimate purpose of the experiences which he permits to come into our lives. To the Christian he has revealed that purpose, which is that in us the image of the Master may be developed in preparation for the blessed privilege of living and reigning with him during the thousand years of his kingdom, and of being associated with him in Divine glory throughout the endless ages of eternity.


But even though we rejoice in this knowledge of the Divine purpose which is being worked out in our lives, and are assured beyond doubt that to this end all things are working together for our good, we still are not walking by sight. Faith and trust are essential, because with our limited comprehension and our shortsighted viewpoints, it is impossible to understand how our experiences, whether of joy or of sorrow, may be best at the time. If we were masters of our own destinies so far as our daily walk in life were concerned, we would probably change a lot of things, but in so doing would be quite liable to create circumstances and conditions which may be detrimental to ourselves as New Creatures.

How essential it is, then, to develop complete confidence in the Heavenly Father’s care, to learn that his way is best, and that, although it is often difficult, the end will be glorious, because in every experience his wisdom is choosing that which will be the very best for us. Happy are we, then, if by learning this, we can always leave the choice with him! If we can do this, we will not think strange the fiery trials which our loving Heavenly Father permits, but will accept them in quietness and confidence knowing that he is too wise to err, and too loving to be unkind.


We can learn many helpful lessons pertaining to God’s watch-care over his people by noting the manner in which he dealt with his servants of old. One of these is brought to our attention in Exodus 14:14; “The Lord shall fight for you,” and in it is emphasized the fact that the Lord is the strength of his people and that our part is largely that of implicitly trusting in him, and letting him fight for us. This does not mean that we should assume a listless, indifferent attitude toward the Lord, his service, and the good fight of faith in which we are engaged as soldiers of Jesus Christ; because, while he fights for us, the Lord has given us a part to perform. But in doing our part faithfully, it should be with a peace of heart and mind, a tranquillity of soul born of the assurance that victory is not based upon what we can do, but what he has promised to do, and will do, if we but let him fight for us.

When Moses said to the Israelites, “The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace,” they were in a very precarious situation from the standpoint of human ability. In their march from Egypt they had reached the Red Sea. The way before them was blocked—or so it seemed. The Egyptian army had closed in on them from the rear. Losing faith in the ability of their God to care for them, they became ‘sore afraid’. They chided Moses for leading them out of Egypt. Apparently even before they left the land of bondage many of them had remonstrated with Moses, claiming that it would be an ill-fated effort. Many have done the same since.


But Moses was not disturbed. He said to the people, “Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord.” (Exod. 14:13) The expression, ‘stand still’, simply meant that they were quietly to rest in the Lord. Their faith was weak. They had become fearful, nervous, and agitated, and in that condition could not properly cooperate with the Lord. Centuries later, when Israel again was failing to place confidence in the Lord, and as a result failing to enjoy the richness of his blessings, the Prophet Isaiah said to them, “In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.”—Isa. 30:15

It was just as true in Isaiah’s time as it was when Moses spoke to the Israelites that if they were to see the salvation of God it was necessary for them to ‘stand still’, to be at peace, to rest quietly in him and in his ability to deliver and bless. The same is true with the Lord’s people today. As individuals and as a people we are constantly being faced with ‘Red Sea’ experiences which try our faith; and if in these we are to be victorious, we must learn to put our full confidence in the Lord. Never should we take matters into our own hands, but should always wait on the Lord for a clear indication of his will. Those who do this shall “renew their strength” and thus be prepared for whatever experiences the Lord may choose for them.—Isa. 40:31


The Lord told the Israelites at the Red Sea that they should “go forward.” From the human standpoint it seemed utterly impossible to obey this command, yet this was the Lord’s will. When they obeyed, the sea opened up before them and they crossed safely. In this instance, as always, the deliverance of the Lord’s people depended upon trust in the Lord and obedience to his instructions. They were to ‘stand still’ and at the same time to ‘go forward’ in order to ‘see the salvation of the Lord’.

So it is in the Christian life. It is one of confidently trusting in the Lord regardless of the apparently insurmountable difficulties with which we may be confronted, and no matter how fierce the storms of life may be raging around us; but it is not a life of listlessness and inactivity. The Lord has work to be done. There are loads to lift and seas to be crossed; and true faith will find expression in our obedience in going forward in the narrow way as the Lord directs and putting our hands energetically to the tasks which he assigns.

Nor should we expect the Lord to clear the way before we enter it, for he does not always indicate his will in this manner. There are certain things which we know from his Word that the Lord wants us to do. We are to be light-bearers in the world. He wants us to assemble with his people when it is at all possible. He wants us to study his Word that we may show ourselves approved unto him. He wants us to love our enemies and to do good to those who despitefully use us and persecute us. The Lord may permit many obstacles to stand in the way of our doing these things, removing them only when, by confidently obeying him, we ‘go forward’ to do his will.

We may be concerned about evildoers hindering our progress, but if we trust in the Lord, he assures us that “all things [will] work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Rom. 8:28) Psalm 37:1-5 states the matter very well:

“Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.

“For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.

“Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.

“Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.

“Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.”

We must trust the Lord in this evil day.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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