Hold to Sound Teaching

KEY VERSE: “I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.” —Revelation 2:23

SELECTED SCRIPTURE: Revelation 2:18-29

THIS LESSON BEGINS with John’s vision of the one who is the Son of God. His eyes, like unto a flame of fire, are able to see through everything—even to see what some may want to keep hidden. The first words to this church of Thyatira are words of praise regarding their works, love, faith and patience. He commended them because they had grown stronger in their manner of life than when they began as a Christian church.—vss. 18,19

Nevertheless the ‘Son of God’ had some things against them, primarily because they tolerated false teachings to enter into their midst through “Jezebel.” (vs. 20) The original Jezebel, married to King Ahab of the northern kingdom of Israel, was a Baal worshiper, who brought false priests and idols into that country. Ahab joined her in worshiping these false gods. The name Jezebel—when related with false teachings—is very appropriate. Our risen Lord through the Apostle John, in this message to Thyatira, associated Jezebel’s desire to weaken the worship of God in Israel in her day, with those who were then promoting doctrines not in harmony with the true plan of God.

The account then gives a warning that Christ will punish not only Jezebel, but also all those—“her children” (vs. 23)—who have followed after her. These had committed “adultery” (vs. 22) and “fornication” (vss. 20,21), which was the practice of idolatry. The phrase, “the depths of Satan” (vs. 24), appears to indicate that the doctrines Jezebel and her ‘children’ were professing were from the great deceiver, Satan, and not from the Word of God.

There were some in the church who had not followed this Jezebel, and had not agreed with her new teachings. They were faithful to the Word of truth and were admonished to “hold fast till I come.” (vs. 25) To them he promised, “I will give him the Morning Star.” (vs. 28) The letter to the church at Thyatira ends with words of warning that have parallels for us today. The main question for us to ask is, Are we listening to the words of another Jezebel, or are we heeding the words of the Spirit?

The Apostle John refers again to this Jezebel—the Babylonish system. He tells those who do not adhere to her doctrine: “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” (Rev. 18:2,4) Whoever, therefore, is worthy the name “my people,” will hear and obey the Lord’s voice and come out of her. Because of their obedience in fleeing as soon as they see Babylon’s real condition in the light now shining, they will prove that they were never in accord with her sins. Those who remain after recognizing Babylon and her erroneous doctrines, are reckoned as endorsing the blasphemies, and deserving the ‘plagues’—and this because they have greater light.

We are to “prove all things; hold fast that which is good,” (I Thess. 5:21) and to “hold fast … sound words.”—II Tim. 1:13

Dawn Bible Students Association
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