Be a Faithful Worker

KEY VERSE: “For this cause have I sent unto you Timotheus, who is my beloved son, and faithful in the LORD, who shall bring you into remembrance of my ways which be in Christ, as I teach every where in every church.” —I Corinthians 4:17

SELECTED SCRIPTURE: Acts 16:1-5; I Corinthians 4:14-17; Philippians 2:19-22; II Timothy 1:4-7

AMONG THE GREAT co-workers of the Apostle Paul was a young man whose name was Timothy. He was raised and nourished in the Scriptures by his mother, Eunice, and his grandmother, Lois. (II Tim. 1:4-7) They both had become consecrated sisters in Christ when Paul came to Derbe on his first missionary journey, and Timothy, as a lad, had become aware of all the difficult experiences encountered by Paul during that visit. (II Tim. 3:10,11) Timothy was inspired by Paul’s example in Derbe to also consecrate his life to Christ.

Timothy’s life was characterized by the traits of a true Christian. He had a good reputation with the brethren of Lystra and Iconium because of his faithful work with these fellow Christians. Speaking to the Philippians, Paul said, “Timothy’s worth you know, how like a son with a father he has served with me in the work of the Gospel.” (Phil. 2:22, New Revised Standard Version) We are not told what he did specifically in his home area with these brethren, but we see what he did as a co-worker after joining Paul and Silas, and recognize the traits that would have won him high regard from others at any point in his life.

Timothy often worked for Paul as a substitute, filling in for the apostle wherever he was needed to strengthen and encourage the newly formed churches. Moreover, Timothy himself made a contribution as he was called on to substitute or to do specific tasks for Paul, as Paul often acknowledged in his letters to the churches. Timothy worked with Paul and his other companions so that the various churches they founded and served were steadily strengthened. The intent of this work was always that the churches might be edified in the faith, and, as a result, we find that the churches in which Timothy, Paul and the others worked, tended to grow strong because of the predominantly healthy character they were able to develop.

In this work of helping to strengthen and build up the churches, Paul says of Timothy, “I have no one like him who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare.” (Phil. 2:20, NRSV) Timothy was able to lead the congregations in a godly manner that enabled the members to endure hardships and controversies. Recognizing Timothy’s ability to assist in this strengthening work, Paul writes the words of our Key Verse to the church at Corinth. Timothy was able to remind the churches of the ‘ways which be in Christ’, because he was ‘steeped’ in scripture, and led by “a spirit of power and of love and self discipline.” (II Tim. 1:7, NRSV) With a Christ-inspired life, he was able to provide direction and information to the churches which would have led them to a constant concern for God’s will.

Above all, when we read Acts and the warm references to Timothy in Paul’s letters, we see that Timothy put others before himself. This selflessness testified that Timothy embodied a Christ-like mentality and style of living. Timothy put the interests of the congregations before his personal welfare; as a result he brought joy to those he served as a faithful worker.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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