The Fool Hath Said, There is No God

“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” —Psalm 14:1

DURING THE FIRST week of August, 1996, an announcement was made in the news media concerning clues which indicate that Mars may once have harbored primitive microbes. This news lent new energy and excitement to a call for a closer exploration of not only Mars but of Europa, a moon of Jupiter, which some scientists have been quietly and independently examining as a possible home to alien life.

An article in the New York Times reported on the Mars incident as follows: “A piece of rock no bigger than a potato has awakened a somnolent American space program and inspired planetary scientists, spacecraft designers and the NASA leadership with what may become a new sense of mission. Tantalizing clues in the meteorite have emboldened them to think that if they are clever and persistent, they may yet find on Mars the first evidence of extraterrestrial life.

“Although NASA officials refrained from money talk when they announced the discovery of these sensational clues last week, they did nothing to discourage sweeping discussions about expanding and accelerating current plans for Mars’ exploration. Scientists think the only way to get definitive proof of some microbial forms of Martian life—in the distant past or, just possibly, at present—would be to drill for subsurface rock samples and bring them back to Earth.

“Already on the books are ten low cost, unmanned flights that are designed to orbit and land on the planet over the next ten years, with the first two launchings scheduled for November and December. The Russians are ready to launch in November a long-delayed mission to place two scientific stations on Mars, each with instruments to probe at least six feet beneath the cold, arid surface.

“If successful, these would be the first visits to the Martian surface since two American spacecraft, Viking 1 and 2, landed there in 1976 and failed to find any unambiguous signs of life. It is too late to modify this year’s missions in light of the meteorite findings. But scientists expect the American and Russian explorations to set the stage for an eventual robotic mission that would bring back samples to Earth.

“‘Certainly by 2001’, said Daniel S. Goldin, the NASA Administrator, ‘we may want to consider some very bold missions where we bore down real deep, and we bring back samples. This is the process we’re going to talk about. And this is where the excitement comes in’.”

Shortly after this announcement, an editorial appeared in another prominent newspaper, with the title, “Let’s Not Toss Dollars at Mars Too Quickly,” and the subtitle, “Notion of life on another planet is exciting, but what about life on Earth?” The editorial went on to discuss the funding of these planned programs, saying, finally, “Evidence—no matter how inconclusive—that life may exist elsewhere in our solar system is exciting news. But it’s hardly a good reason to make life more difficult for some of Earth’s neediest citizens.” The final statement in this editorial says, “More likely is the troubling possibility that NASA’s startling find will send this nation hurtling at warp speed toward a bad decision—a heightened search for life in space that will have a devastating effect on the lives of millions of Americans.”


The question that should arise in the minds of all thinking men and women is, “Why all this excitement about a primitive microbe found embedded in a meteorite in Antarctica of unknown origin (even though the chemical composition is similar to that of Mars)? Why isn’t there more excitement about all the forms of life, and the abundance and complexity of such life upon planet Earth?” The answer lies in the recognition of the existence of a supreme, intelligent Creator.

Rather than believe in the existence of a supreme, intelligent Creator, some are seeking to prove that life upon Earth came about by chance. How can such brilliant minds be so deluded? This is possible because of the activity of Satan, who as “the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not.” (II Cor. 4:4) Satan’s activities to discredit the great supreme Creator of the universe started with his distortion of the truth of God’s law spoken to Adam.

Later, by introducing concepts such as the immortal soul, eternal torment, the trinity, and other forms of error, Satan has made the Gospel message meaningless and foolish in the eyes of thinking men. Without proving for themselves that these errors are not taught in the Bible, they choose to discredit and toss away everything said in God’s Word.

Even if the Bible were set aside, men should acknowledge the existence of a supreme intelligent Creator. Who can look into the wonders of the sky with a telescope—or even with his natural eye alone—and not see there the immensity of Creation, its symmetry, beauty, order, harmony and diversity, and then doubt that the Creator of these is vastly his superior both in wisdom and in power? Who can suppose for a moment that such order came into existence by chance? The laws of mathematical probability defy such a conclusion. This is why the Bible so bluntly attests, “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” (Ps. 14:1) The Hebrew word translated fool in this scripture has the meaning of ‘stupidity’, or ‘lack of reason’.


The abundance of life upon planet Earth is everywhere. It is in stark contrast to the absence of life upon all of the other planets. The United States has spent billions of dollars on space probes to explore conditions on other planets. Those sent toward Mars were: a flyby of Mariner 4 in 1965; 7 flybys of Mariner 6 in 1969; an orbit of Mars by Mariner 9 in 1971-2, in which pictures were taken of the surface; and Viking 1 and Viking 2 in 1976, where a lander was deployed and first tests made of biological activity in Martian soil; none was found.

The statement made by a commentator on a documentary showing the result of these space probes is noteworthy. He said: “As far as we can tell there is no place in the planetary system where there is life except upon Earth.” The camera showed the commentator standing with his microphone in a magnificent garden in California, surrounded by gorgeous, colorful flowers, trees, and an abundance of vegetation. A closer examination of these beautiful plants would reveal their intricate construction, exquisite form and texture, and delicate components. We are reminded of Joyce Kilmer’s lovely poem about trees, the concluding lines of which are: “Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree.”

Further, all around us is animal life—birds that fly, aquatic life, insects, and invisible microbes which can be seen only with a microscope. All have the power of reproduction, in most amazing manners. Whole lifetimes have been devoted to the study of a single form of such life upon Earth. All give evidence of the existence of a supreme, intelligent Creator.


Man has intelligence, too. How did he get it? We hear it said that ‘intelligence begets intelligence’. Why, then, has man sought to prove that blind chance is involved in all the wondrous variety of life upon earth? Perhaps all should take a ‘quiz’, as did Job after he and his comforters philosophized about his terrible illness and misfortunes.

God asks Job: “Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding.” (Job 38:4, RSV) All of us, even the wisest, must admit that none of us were on hand when God formed the earth, or even when he prepared it for habitation. The account continues, “Who determined its measurements—surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone?”—vss. 5,6, RSV

Since man is creative, and is able to construct buildings, he can understand this part of the ‘quiz’, just as Job understood. Buildings require a good foundation. They require advance planning, and a definite design. So also Earth needed to be designed for the habitation of life. It was not that Job did not know about God’s power and wisdom, or how he designed the earth.

Earlier in Job’s conversations with his comforters, he said of God: “He stretches out the north over the void, and hangs the earth upon nothing.” (Job 26:7, RSV) God did not need a bedrock foundation for the earth. It spins in space and orbits the Sun. Its distance from the Sun and its orbit, determines conditions for life. Planets like Mercury and Venus are closer to the Sun and are too hot to sustain life. Mars and Jupiter are farther from the Sun, and are too cold for life. Preparing the earth for habitation required careful measurements in space.


All scientists recognize that water is essential to life. That is why they speculate that Mars may have had rivers or lakes of water at one time, because its surface shows evidence of erosion, yet only carbon dioxide is present there today. Likewise, they think Europa, a moon of Jupiter, may have water. We note how definitely water, which is in such great abundance here, plays a part in life upon Earth.

Job’s ‘quiz’ continues. God asks, “Who shut in the sea with doors, when it burst forth from the womb; when I made clouds its garment, and thick darkness its swaddling band, and prescribed bounds for it, and set bars and doors, and said, ‘Thus far shall you come, and no farther: and here shall your proud waves be stayed’?” (Job 38:8-11, RSV) The oceans were designed by God to contain the necessary amount of water, and no more. Under proper conditions, water evaporates from the seas forming clouds as a cloak for the earth, and providing moisture for vegetation as rain or snow.

In verses 12-18 of this ‘quiz’, God indicates to Job that everything that has been shaped on the earth, including all of the events that have occurred—not alone its formation—are by the Almighty’s design and permission. It can be summarized by the 18th verse (RSV) which asks: “Have you comprehended the expanse of the earth?” The mountains, the valleys, and the plains were all formed as “clay under the seal, and it is dyed like a garment.”—vs. 14, RSV

Somewhat the same kind of philosophizing is involved in verses 19-30. All of the remarkable phenomena that occur upon Earth because of the water, wind, and temperature changes which cause snow and hail, lightning and thunder, storms and beneficial rain are mentioned by God. Some are used in a figurative way concerning the outworking of his plan.

We are reminded of Ecclesiastes 1:7, that says, “All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again.”

The sun, the wind, the jet stream high above, all contribute to weather patterns which, like a perpetual motion machine, cause water to be evaporated from the oceans. As vapor it is carried inland where, upon cooling, it condenses as rain or snow, and waters the earth. This water is then collected in underground streams and springs, flowing eventually into brooks, creeks, and small rivers. These wend their way into major rivers and flow into the sea, where the process starts over again.

In verses 25-27, Job is reminded that vegetation even grows in isolated, barren places such as deserts, where no man lives to tend it, because of this phenomenon.

The Rotherham Translation of verse 22 asks: “Hast thou entered into the treasuries of the snow?” During a snowfall some observers have taken a magnifying glass and looked at the individual snowflakes. Each had a beautiful, symmetrical, geometric pattern of ice crystals, no two alike. Indeed the snow is a treasury of beautiful designs.

The planet Earth is filled with countless amazing designs of beauty. Who could deny a designer’s handiwork when these examples of the supreme Creator’s work of creativity is viewed?


God then, for a moment, diverts Job’s attention from Earth and its design—its preparation for habitation and sustenance of life—to the heavens. He asks questions about prominent constellations in the heavens. These were all well known to Job, who speaks of God’s mighty power, reminding Job and us that God made the [constellations] “the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the chambers of the south.” (Job 9:9, RSV) Job follows this statement by saying, “[God] does great things beyond understanding, and marvelous things without number.” (Job 9:10, RSV) How true were Job’s observations! Who can fathom the greatness of our God, or understand his mighty power in the Creation of all the marvels of the heavens.

How insignificant and puny is man! He dwells upon Earth and looks up into heaven to see the myriad of stars, most of which are powerful suns, greater in size and intensity than earth’s sun. How true are David’s words: “The heavens declare the glory of God.” (Ps. 19:1) Thus Job was reminded of God’s greatness, of which he was already aware.

As the planets of our solar system revolve around their sun, so also all the constellations, in numberless multitude, and orderly grouping, and continuous motion, declare God’s glory as, in harmony, they move through the heavens. It is reasonable to think that as the planets of our solar system thus revolve, that there could be a center in the universe around which countless millions and billions of suns revolve. It has been assumed that this question asked of Job: “Can you bind the beautiful Pleiades?” (Job 38:31, New International Version), indicates that the Pleiades could well be this center.

God ends this part of the quiz on the heavens by asking, “Do you know the laws of the heavens? Can you set up God’s dominion over the earth?” (Job 38:33, NIV) Can any imperfect man have dominion over the earth? Not even a perfect man could have such dominion, unless God granted it to him.

Then God directs Job’s attention to the atmosphere of the earth. Who of mankind can control it? Not one! Even the energy involved in a hurricane is greater than the energy man has learned to harness in the forces of atomic power. Man can only stand in awe at such mighty, unleashed forces of nature as they devastate buildings he has erected for his business and pleasure.

Beginning at Job 38:39 through Job 39:30, God’s sovereignty, power, and loving care for all the creatures he has brought forth is called to Job’s attention. Those mentioned are the lion, raven, mountain goat, wild donkey, wild ox, ostrich, horse, hawk, and eagle. A study of this sampling of the wildlife upon Earth should enable one to recognize God’s design and variety in the animal life and birds living on Earth. Still there are so many more—innumerable and diverse! Who could make such a study of these creatures and yet not recognize that the hand of a mighty Creator was involved?


If all the great minds of our day could take this same quiz as was given to Job, how would they fare? Would they acknowledge the existence of a supreme, intelligent Creator who brought forth life upon Earth? Or would they play the part of a fool, and say in their hearts, There is no God? In due process of time everyone will have an opportunity to answer the questions of this interrogation of Job. When Satan’s influence is removed, mankind will be enabled to understand the wonders of Creation, and to acknowledge God’s existence and goodness.

Even today men have been able to probe into the wonders of Creation, and to react properly to it. Only because of the increase of knowledge and learning is man able to design heavier-than-air aircraft which will fly in the atmosphere of Earth. Yet birds have been flying for thousands of years! How were they designed to do this? They have strong, hollow, lightweight bones; intricately constructed feathers; powerful wings; large, strong hearts for circulating warm blood; a unique respiratory system; and a digestive system that quickly absorbs energy from food. They are a marvel of aerodynamic design from beak to tail-feathers. Equally remarkable is every creature designed by God.

As we analyze all the basic features of life—from the cell structure to all the organs of every anatomy—we marvel at their function and design. The complexity of each causes us to wonder how anyone could ascribe to chance the origin of these. This is why we wonder why NASA leadership should become so excited about a possible primitive microbe that they plan on spending huge sums of money for exploration and research.

All NASA scientists are not agnostics or atheists. One of the best known of NASA scientists, Dr. Wernher von Braun, said: “Manned space flight is an amazing achievement, but it has opened for mankind thus far only a tiny door for viewing the awesome reaches of space. An outlook through this peephole at the vast mysteries of the universe should only confirm our belief in the certainty of its Creator. I find it as difficult to understand a scientist who does not acknowledge the presence of a superior rationality behind the existence of the universe as it is to comprehend a theologian who would deny the advances of science. And there is certainly no scientific reason why God cannot retain the same relevance in our modern world that he held before we began probing his Creation with telescope, cyclotron, and space vehicles. Our survival here and hereafter depends on adherence to ethical and spiritual values. Through science man tries to harness the forces of nature around him; through religion he tries to control the forces of nature within him and find the strength and spiritual guidance for the task that God has given him.”

It is a great thrill to read about the acknowledgement of God by an acclaimed scientist such as Dr. Wernher von Braun. There are many scientists who have employed the same reasoning in their studies and have acknowledged the existence of a supreme, intelligent Creator. All of these will rejoice even more as they see God’s wonderful plan of the ages fulfilled. Now only an insignificant few have had God’s plan revealed to them. This, too, is an essential part of his design. Jesus prayed with thanks to his Father, saying, “I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in thy sight.”—Matt. 11:25,26

How blessed are those who not only know that God—Jehovah—is the great Supreme Creator of the universe, but who also know about his glorious plan, as revealed in the Bible.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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