“The Evil Day”

BEYOND ANY SHADOW of doubt, the Lord’s people now find themselves in that period of time which Paul describes as “the evil day” (Eph 6:13)—a time in many respects unfavorable to spiritual progress—a time when snares and pitfalls are so many and varied that, as our Lord said, “If it were possible” these things would “deceive the very elect.” (Matt. 24:24) It is quite clear, too, that some of these snares have come close to home—to those who have been blessed with the light of present truth.

Paul said that strong delusions (II Thess. 2:10,11) would deceive all who received not the love of the truth to the extent of being willing to sacrifice everything else, if necessary, in order to be faithful stewards of the things entrusted to them. He explains that this evil day at the end of the Gospel Age would be the period of our Lord’s presence. This presence would be accompanied by special activity on the part of the Adversary, “with all power and signs and lying wonders”; and with all deceit that leads to the practice of unrighteousness.—vss. 8,9

It should be remembered that while there are Satanic deceptions that deceive the world, leading them away from God and the Bible, there are also deceptions of a still more subtle character, likely to deceive the Lord’s people. As a protection against these, “the whole amour of God” is necessary that we “may be able to withstand” and not fall in this day of trial.—Eph 6:11-14

In Isaiah, the prophet makes reference to our day—the time of the second presence of the Master. He is the great servant of his people who has come forth to serve them with “meat in due season,” things “new and old.” (Matt. 13:52; 24:45,46; Luke 12:37) Isaiah says that instead of obeying the voice of Jehovah’s servant, some who ran well for a time fail to continue in the light of the Word, and “compass yourselves [themselves] about with sparks.” They also “walk in the light of your [their own] fire,” (human theories and perversions of the divine plan of the ages) leading to disappointing results: “Ye shall lie down in sorrow.”—Isa. 50:10,11

One of the theories which has deluded many during the past—for more than one hundred years—and has even attacked some who have understood the divine plan of the ages, is the theory regarding the identity of the so-called lost tribes of Israel. These ten tribes were carried into Assyrian captivity 133 years before the overthrow of the typical kingdom of Israel under Zedekiah, and lost their identity there. This theory is that the Anglo-Saxon peoples of Europe and America are the descendants of these ten tribes, and they—on this account—inherit the rich promises made in the Old Testament to natural Israel.

Many scriptural arguments have been brought forth to refute this theory, which to the Bible student are conclusive. But to any who may still be in doubt upon the subject we would ask this question: Understanding that God, through the preaching of the Gospel, is calling out the church—the body of Christ—from the world, where would we say the great number of the true church have been found, especially during the past four hundred years? Most would probably reply: From among the English-speaking peoples of Great Britain, Canada, and the United States. Since the Scriptures tell us that in this Gospel Age God is taking out from “the Gentiles, … a people for his name” (Acts 15:14), this would be strong evidence that the English-speaking peoples of the world are Gentiles, and not Israelites!

Not only this, but every other false theory is disproved when brought to the touchstone of the Word of God—that Word so living and “powerful” (Heb. 4:12) and “mighty” “to the pulling down of strong holds” (II Cor. 10:4)—the creeds and systems which support them—and every high sounding theory of modernism “that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God.”—vs. 5

Instead of accepting supposed ‘new light’, produced by the Adversary, and compassing ourselves about with ‘sparks’—theories which endure but for a moment—let us confine ourselves to that which is written; ordering our steps in God’s Word; and walking as “children of light.” (I Thess. 5:5; Eph. 5:8) “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness [believing either the creeds of the Dark Ages, or the pernicious theories of Modernism], we lie, and do not the truth: [In spite of our claims, our practices are not in harmony with the truth.] But if we walk in the light, … we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.”—I John 1:5-7.

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