Christ’s Power to Save

KEY VERSE: “Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” —Acts 3:6

SELECTED SCRIPTURE: Acts 3:1 to 4:31

THE BIBLE IS rich with stories of God’s power touching ordinary people in the course of their everyday lives. This Scriptural account of a lame man’s encounter with Peter and John is a good example of how lives can be changed forever by an association with the power of the Heavenly Father. Lame from birth (Acts 3:2), and now past the age of forty (Acts 4:22), his daily routine included begging for alms at the Temple entrance from those coming to worship.

When two men stopped and took notice of him one day, he expected they were about to offer some monetary help. What he received was of much greater value! Peter told him, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.” Imagine his joy when Peter took his hand and helped him to his feet! Able to walk for the first time in his life, he leaped for joy while entering the Temple with the others, all the while praising God.

Imagine yourself in that man’s situation. Every day people would carry you to the Beautiful Gate near the Temple to beg. Every day you would see the same people pass by. They all know you. You are dependent upon their generosity. Most, however, simply turn away, forgetting that you are a human with feelings and a deep desire to be loved and accepted.

Two men respond to your plight—not with money, but with an outstretched hand and an invitation to walk in the name of Jesus Christ. The next thing you know, you are on your feet and can feel tremendous power surging through your feet and ankles. You respond by praising God, and the crowd recognizes that you are a new person as a result of your encounter with the power of Christ.

Peter and John, like the men outside the Temple, too, were going about their daily business. As they approached the Gate of the Temple, called Beautiful, they were stopped by a beggar. They could have ignored him, but instead, offered to heal the man in Jesus’ name.

Perhaps they considered the consequences such a miraculous healing would cause with the Temple officials, just as had happened with Jesus. But they chose to act anyway, obviously with the leading of the Holy Spirit. The result was an astonishing witness opportunity for both the apostles and the lame man, and the conversion of some five thousand persons.—Acts 3:12-26; 8-11; 4:4

This simple story of God dealing with ordinary people teaches many important lessons. Like the lame man, we often recognize in our lives the need for Christ. Daily we are presented with physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges which make us feel alone and trapped. We can only receive what others are willing to give, even though some may ignore us. I t is not until we recognize our need of Christ that we can finally receive true relief.

Like the apostles, we often have opportunities to exercise the power of Christ daily. Do we share this witness of faith with others? Do we let our light shine as directed by our Lord? (Matt. 5:14-16) Preaching the Gospel message is a powerful privilege that might produce a living miracle when least expected.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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