Welcome the Savior

KEY VERSE: “The multitudes that went before, and that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the LORD: Hosanna in the highest!” —Matthew 21:9

SELECTED SCRIPTURE: Matthew 20:17 – 21:17

THE LAST WEEK of our Lord Jesus’ life on earth had come. He was constantly discussing his approaching death and resurrection to prepare his disciples for this event. See Matthew 20:17-19. But his disciples could not comprehend what he was telling them. When they approached Jerusalem he sent two of his disciples to the village of Bethphage with the instructions to find a donkey with a colt, and to bring the animals to him. They did as he bid them.

When they brought the donkey and her foal to Jesus, they placed their clothes on the animals, and they set Jesus upon the donkey. Jesus entered Jerusalem in this manner in fulfillment of a prophecy in Zechariah: “Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem; behold, thy King cometh unto thee; he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass.” (Zech. 9:9) “All this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet.”—Matt. 21:4,5

Matthew described the scene in these words: “A very great multitude spread their garments in the way; others cut down branches from the trees, and strewed them in the way.” Then, following the words of our Key Verse, we read: “When he was come into Jerusalem, all the city was moved, saying, Who is this? And the multitude said, This is Jesus, the prophet of Nazareth of Galllee.”—Matt. 21:8-11

This event was what the Christian world today calls Palm Sunday. It was significant that Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey. These animals were used by kings and great men when they rode to a peaceful mission; horses were used when they were bent upon battle. In this case, Jesus presented himself to Israel as their king, as Zechariah prophesied. But Israel—as represented by their scribes and priests—did not receive their king. (John 1:11) Instead, they crucified him. John the Revelator informs us that centuries later Jesus would return riding upon a white horse to do battle with, and to conquer, the forces of evil, sin, and death.—Rev. 19:11

But the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem upon the donkey’s back, Jesus’ disciples recognized and received him as the Son of David, lawful heir to the throne of Israel! Their king and Savior had come, and was welcomed royally! After entering Jerusalem he exercised kingly authority to drive out the money changers and those who made merchandise out of the holy Temple. Jesus said, “It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.”—Matt. 21:13

Again, the blind and lame came to him there, and he healed them. Young boys waved palm branches, and continued to cry, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” When the chief priests and scribes observed the healing work, and heard the boys’ shouts of ‘Hosanna’, they were angry. They told Jesus he should stop their shouts. See Luke 19:29-40. Jesus quoted from Psalm 8:2: “Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise.” (Matt. 21:15,16) He said, “If these shall hold their peace, the stones will cry out.” (Luke 19:39, American Revised Version) This welcome of Jesus as Israel’s king and Savior could not be denied. It had been prophesied and the prophecy was fulfilled!

John gave us an even more remarkable prophecy concerning the future welcoming of Jesus: “Every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, … heard I saying, Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.”—Rev. 5:13

For Paul’s description of this scene, see Philippians 2:10,11.

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