Challenged to Love
KEY VERSE: “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” —Galatians 6:10
SELECTED SCRIPTURE: Galatians 6:1-10
MANY OF THE assurances of sonship depend upon our faithfulness in witnessing to the truth. This is the principal way we are privileged to do “good unto all men.” What greater good could we bring to the world than a knowledge of God and his wonderful plan of salvation for them. Another of the assurances of sonship depends on our continued love of the brethren. This is stated in I John 3:14: “We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.” The first requisite in loving the brethren is the recognition that we are a family of God.
This truth was dramatically presented to the church by Jesus. In the Gospel of Matthew we read of an instance where our Lord’s mother and his brethren sought to speak with him. At the time, he was inside a home tightly packed with listeners, and this crowding prevented free access for his mother and brethren who were outside. An observant one saw the problem and interrupted Jesus’ speaking by an announcement: “Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee.”—Matt. 12:47
We can imagine Jesus’ hearers waiting for the reply to this statement. Our Lord, always watching for the seasonable time to sow a seed of truth, observed the appropriateness of this occasion to speak a great truth. In preparing his hearers to receive the lesson, he asked what, at first, seemed a strange question: Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?” Imagine the first reaction of the disciples on hearing this unusual query! Even they knew his mother and brethren, and wondered why he asked the question.
After the pause which followed his question—the pause during which a variety of thoughts entered the minds of his listeners—came the wonderful statement of Jesus: “He stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren! For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.”—Matt. 12:46-50
Imagine the reaction of the disciples to this statement by Jesus! These simple folk who saw in Jesus such perfection and beauty of character realized that he tenderly considered them as his own family. They knew these words were not casually spoken for effect. No! They revealed the deep conviction of his heart. We can well imagine the special nearness and warmth his disciples felt for him that day.
We, as disciples, are the family of God, and the full meaning of this truth should be imbedded deeply in our hearts. The tie that binds our hearts transcends any earthly tie of family or affection. The realization of this truth should cause us to love the brethren; but love does not come merely because we are told such should be the case. Our love for one another comes from, and is strong in relation to, our love for the Father and Jesus.
As our appreciation and love of God grows, so does our concern and tenderness grow toward those whom he has named as our brethren. If he has drawn and begotten a member of the family, led them daily, and heard their prayers, should not we too view them in a special way? We can measure our love for God by our love for the brethren. As we associate with the brethren, they and we must continually exercise patience. Our Father has called his children from varying backgrounds, greatly differing casts of mind. We all have dissimilar human frailties. The need of adjusting to each other will be ever present.
Our Father, as part of our development, has brought together those who are naturally diverse and then said, “Now, my children, live together in love, cherish and serve each other.” If we maintain a strong love for God and our Lord Jesus, keeping in focus his plan and our relationship thereto, then the knitting of love between us and our brethren will be sure and firm.
If we can say that we discern and appreciate the family relationship of the brethren, then this witness of the Spirit is real and vital in our lives. If we find in our hearts a desire to be with and serve the interests of the brethren, then we have “passed from death unto life because we love the brethren.”—I John 3:14