Armor of God Series, Part 4

The Helmet of Salvation
Ephesians 6:17

THE HELMET IS a protective covering for the soldier’s head, which is a very vulnerable part of his body. A blow to the head could prove deadly. Because of this, the part of the armor known as a helmet makes a good picture of our understanding of God’s Word, which is of unequaled value as an article of defense in the Christian’s battle.

Professors of theology might have some intellectual Biblical knowledge to share with us, but they cannot give us the understanding and appreciation of the deep things of God which the Heavenly Father has for those who enjoy searching the Scriptures with the aim of knowing and pleasing him better. We study the Word of God to find out what was God’s objective in the creation of mankind; why man fell from grace; and what is the real hope for the world for recovery from this sad state. The Word of God can tell us exactly what we need to know, especially concerning the solution for all of the world’s problems.

The Apostle Paul was a very wise person, receptive to God’s Word, and he was used by our Heavenly Father in many ways. After Paul received the Holy Spirit, he was able to interpret the visions God sent to him, as well as the inspired writings in God’s Word. He became one of the most apt teachers in the Early Church. In I Corinthians 2:9,10, Paul said, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered in the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love him. But God has revealed them unto us, by his Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, yea, the deep things of God.”

A knowledge and understanding of the truth of God’s Word is indispensable in our Christian warfare, and is our helmet of salvation. The truth saves Christians from the consequences of sin because they know and accept by faith the work of their Master through his death upon the cross. How thankful we are for what he did for us, and the opportunities that are ours now as the footstep followers of Christ, and which the world will receive in the future. “Let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.”—I Thess. 5:8

In our Christian warfare, how can we make the most use of the helmet? If the helmet represents the truth which is held in the new mind, what is it that we must do in order to make this helmet more secure? Just as our body has needs, our new mind requires certain things. You do not have to look at a clock to find out that it is lunchtime. You know it is near because you begin to feel hungry. Our new minds must also have a hunger for that which is so necessary to our sustenance—the truth of God’s Word.

We could picture our brains as being made up of millions of rows of storage shelves, or of safety deposit boxes. And on them are, figuratively speaking, little cubicles in which to store material. With what kind of information do we fill them? We must fill up those storage boxes in our brains with wisdom from God’s Word. What method will we use, in order to gather this information which will serve as our helmet, and help us in our struggle with our Adversary? The way to fill up those cubicles in our brain is through constant meditation and study of God’s Word.

As it is necessary to build our shelves securely for the storage of important material, or to choose a bank with strong safety deposit boxes, which has secure surroundings appropriate for the preservation of necessary documents, etc., just so we need to keep ourselves, as far as possible, in an environment conducive to a greater appreciation of his glorious plan of salvation, and his work in us. We want to be in an environment where we hear the truth, and gain information that will fill our brains with wonderful material. The knowledge that our Heavenly Father gives us through studying his Word and fellowshipping together, is our most precious possession, and we wish to preserve it as well as we are able.

By becoming more familiar with God’s Word we are better enabled to pass on the glad tidings to others. As the Scriptures say, we have the opportunity of passing on a word ‘in season’, or at a time appropriate to our listeners. Our storage compartments will not lose their capacity to protect the heavenly truth that is stored in them, as long as we use what is reserved in our new minds for passing on the glad tidings, and continue to participate in studying God’s word together. The Scriptures say that ‘he that watereth shall of himself be watered’. As we pass on these glad tidings to friends, relatives, co-workers, and neighbors, we also are benefited.

James 1:5-6 says, “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.” If we need more padding in our helmet of salvation, then we should go back to God, asking for more of the truth, more of an understanding, more of an appreciation, and more of an ability to be able to tell others about this wonderful message of salvation. Then, the boundless storehouse of Jehovah’s wisdom and understanding can be opened up to us.

Jesus, through his ministry, opened a new and living way giving his disciples an opportunity to know the Lord. He taught his followers that he would establish a kingdom on earth, that he would be the King of kings, with his faithful followers living and reigning with him. He enlightened them to the fact that after his crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, he would send them a Comforter. This Comforter would enable them to better understand God’s Word. When he was with them Jesus was their Comforter. After his departure to heaven, he sent them another Comforter—the Holy Spirit. In John 14 we read of this Comforter, and in the 26th verse Jesus said, “The Comforter, which is the Holy [Spirit] shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.”

When we give our lives to our Heavenly Father and our consecration is accepted, we are begotten by God’s Holy Spirit. The Apostle Paul in his ministry was able, as he ministered to others, to give them the whole counsel of God. (Acts 20:27) Paul never shunned to declare all the counsel of God which he had stored in his new mind. His teachings covered everything concerning the divine plan of God. This was for our benefit, so that the helmet we are wearing would be made of the right kind of material to protect us in our battles with the Adversary.

Some New Creatures are tempted occasionally to take off the helmet. In the lifelong struggle, we often need our Father’s chastening. But if we humbly accept his discipline, we will be using this helmet in a way pleasing to him. The helmet of salvation will serve us well, and our Heavenly Father will lead us from victory to victory. We must keep on our helmets to wage aggressive warfare and gain the victory over the world, the flesh, and the Devil.

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