Song of God’s Victory

KEY VERSE: “The LORD God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him.” —Revelation 19:6,7

SELECTED SCRIPTURE: Revelation 15:2-4

THIS LESSON COMES from the last book in the Bible, which “is a Revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him as that he might show his servants what must very soon take place.”—Rev. 1:1, Phillips Modern English

The Apostle John wrote this book at a time when Christianity was still in its infancy and subject to growing persecution and hostility. It foretold that future centuries would produce divisions, corruption of doctrines, and severe difficulties. Revelation was designed to recount the events that were occurring then, and would occur throughout the Gospel Age and to assure the true church that while the experiences of the Christian would be very severe, ultimately the Gospel would prevail.

It was Jehovah God’s plan since before the foundation of the earth, to rescue not only our first parents, Adam and Eve, from the fall, but also to redeem their future, yet unborn, billions of children that would fill the earth. The Book of Revelation shows that Jesus Christ is the one through whom God accomplishes his purpose to sanctify his name, destroy wickedness, and bless man kind. Carefully concealed in him, “Christ,” are “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”—Col. 2;3

Jesus is the seed of promise, the one in whom the sacred secret was hidden. This ‘secret’ includes the privilege of his faithful followers becoming part of the promised seed that will bless all the families of the earth. (Gal. 3:29) The first chapter of Revelation introduces us to Jesus Christ, showing him as having died sacrificially, but now being alive in great power in heaven.—Rev. 1:5,6

Our Heavenly Father is very concerned with his servants on earth who have been chosen by him to share in the heavenly kingdom. The full number of those who will be ‘faithful until death’ has been revealed to be 144,000. (Rev.7:4) In Revelation 14:1 we see the Lamb of God standing upon Mount Zion with the 144,000 who have been victorious overcomers.

A great many symbolisms are found in this last book of the Bible. In chapters 15 through 18, God’s final judgments are shown in symbol. One of the chief foes of God, and of Jesus, and of the ‘bride’ of Christ, has been Babylon the Great—a powerful ecclesiastical system. God’s other enemies will also be dealt with and destroyed. This will be accomplished by the Christ, the ‘bridegroom’, and his ‘bride’. The destruction will be complete, ridding the earth of its foes, political and ecclesiastical. Satan, the archenemy of righteousness, will be bound at the beginning of the Millennial Age. He will be loosed at the end of that age only for a “little season,” as a final test for humanity—and then he will be destroyed forever.

When the symbolisms of Revelation are fulfilled and every enemy of God and man has been destroyed, then the kingdom will be turned over to Jehovah, God. (I Cor. 15:24) Then will also be fulfilled those many great promises which God had made concerning the blessing of all the families of the earth. God said, “So shall my Word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void; but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereunto I sent it.”—Isa. 55:11

Our Heavenly Father will rejoice and sing with gladness! Because his only begotten Son, Jesus, and his bride, and all of redeemed mankind will faithfully serve him throughout eternity!—Zeph. 3:17

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