Claiming Our Heritage

KEY VERSE: “They read in the Book in the Law of God distinctly, and gave the sense, and caused them to understand the reading.” —Nehemiah 8:8

SELECTED SCRIPTURE: Nehemiah 8:1-3, 6-9, 14, 17

THE KNOWLEDGE WHICH we have of the Bible and of the divine plan of the ages, is the key of knowledge concerning the Father, his Son, and eternal life. When we search the Scriptures, we search for knowledge, not merely the verification of our own wisdom. One of the most beautiful avenues of life is the path of learning, especially when it leads to the knowledge of God.

One cannot be handed knowledge, nor can knowledge be given away; but it can be shared with those willing to accept it, and who have the Holy Spirit of God as their teacher. Now that does not mean that all must or can have the same degree of understanding. We all know that is not the case. We all have special abilities, and we all have limitations, and the grasp that each has of the truth will vary according to our several abilities, and our diligence in their application. But the Lord will see to it that each faithful child of God will grasp enough spiritual truth to accomplish its sanctifying work.

The psalmist says, we should cleanse our way “by taking heed thereto according to thy Word.” (Ps. 119:9) Truths unfold as beautiful flowers develop from buds to full grown blooms. Truth is exciting as it unfolds! As it transfuses us with spiritual vitality, it keeps us young in spirit. And thus we live a rich and rewarding spiritual life.

During this harvest time we have been blessed with an appreciation of fundamental truths, which never change. These truths have revealed to us the divine plan of the ages. They have made us ‘truth people’. Let us value these basic doctrines, and the servants and the helps that have assisted in laying the foundation of our faith. These fundamentals become ever clearer as the details of truth come into better focus through our study of God’s Word.

II Peter 1:1-12 contains many valuable lessons along this line. According to this passage, we cannot have love without knowledge. Peter was responsible for some of the sweetest expressions we use today. One of these is, ‘like precious faith’. Another is, “exceeding great and precious promises.”

The degree of faith may vary, but its objective—justification and sanctification—is common to all the Lord’s children. For Christ is made to all of us, “wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption.”—I Cor. 1:30

In II Peter 1:2, the apostle introduces us to the “knowledge of God.” He tells us it is the medium through which grace and peace are multiplied unto us. So, again, we are impressed with the power that knowledge exercises in our lives.

The knowledge of God is the first step toward eternal life through true piety. Jesus said, “This is life eternal, that they may know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” (John 17:3) Our very calling out of darkness into light is dependent upon knowledge, for through the knowledge of him we are called to glory and virtue, to be like Christ.—II Pet. 1:3

One does not progress far unless he grows in the knowledge of God. The knowledge of man’s wisdom does not sanctify. The knowledge of God and spiritual truth does. “Sanctify them through thy truth, thy Word is truth.”—John 17:17

Dawn Bible Students Association
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