What Gives You Worth?
KEY VERSE: “The lord said unto the servant, go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” —Luke 14:23
JESUS GAVE THIS parable, relating that “a certain man made a great supper, and bade many.” When the supper was ready and the invited guests were summoned to assemble and partake, they began to make excuses as to why they could not be present. The servant of the householder reported this situation to his master, who then instructed the servant to go out into the streets and invite others to come to enjoy the supper. The poor, the maimed, the halt, and the blind were to be invited. But when these instructions had been carried out, he told his master that there was still room at the feast.
So the servant was sent into the highways and hedges to constrain people to come to the feast, that the master’s house might be filled with guests. He was determined, however, that none of the originally invited guests who had spurned his invitation should have an opportunity to change their minds.—Luke 14:16-24
This parable illustrates God’s plan for his people during the Gospel Age. Jehovah has made a great feast, relative to the spiritual phase of the kingdom, in which the followers of the Master are invited to share, referred to as “the marriage supper of the Lamb.”—Rev. 19:7-9
Originally, the Jewish nation were the Lord’s chosen or invited guests, who had been given the opportunity to partake of the feast. But for one reason or another the Israelites of Jesus’ day were not ready for the opportunity then offered to them.
At Pentecost, still another call went out especially to the Jewish people. Those who were humble and ready, accepted. But there were not sufficient guests to fill the house. Therefore the call went to the Gentiles, and throughout the Gospel Age it has continued. In due time the Lord’s predetermined number of guests for the supper will be found.
The “certain man” in the parable is Jehovah, and the “son” for whom he made a marriage feast, is his beloved Son, Christ Jesus. Jehovah is indeed the great king of the universe and in his plan for the redemption of the human race he has arranged that his beloved Son will have a “bride,” and that there shall be a marriage supper.
It had been predetermined who would have the privilege of participating in the marriage. The many invited guests represented the Israelites, particularly those living at the time of our Lord’s First Advent. The majority of these, even as shown by the parable, not only declined the invitation, but evilly treated those who offered the invitation, bitterly persecuting many of the faithful servants of the Lord, both before and after Pentecost.
It is also historically true that in A.D. 70-73 the Jewish nation was destroyed, and thousands killed. But this did not change the king’s plan for the marriage of his Son. Invitations have since gone out into the highways—to the Gentiles—giving opportunity for other guests to prepare themselves for the feast and for the marriage.
The parable states that in sending out the general call to the marriage and the feast, both the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ were to be brought in. The thought is that as the Gospel call has gone forth throughout the world, all sorts of people have responded to it. In most instances those who respond are sincere, but many fail later to measure up to all that is required of them.
“Many are called, but few are chosen.” This is a point that is emphasized in the Scriptures. The Apostle Peter speaks of making our “calling and election sure.” (II Pet. 1:10) The same thought is mentioned by the Revelator when he speaks of those who are with the Lamb as the “called, and chosen, and faithful.”—Rev. 17:14