Satisfying Hunger

KEY VERSE: “Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.” —John 6:35


FOLLOWING THE miraculous feeding of the five thousand, many of those who had eaten followed the Master to Capernaum. When they found Jesus he accused them of being primarily interested in the material food which they were receiving from him—the loaves and fishes, and not because the miracle had convinced them that he was their Messiah.

In an effort to discount his accusation, they feigned interest in serving God, and asked what they might do. Jesus’ reply was direct and well in keeping with the circumstances. “This is the work of God,” he said, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.” They had partaken of material food which Jesus had provided, but had given little or no consideration as to who he might be, or the import of his presence in Israel. The blessings they had received at his hands were of a temporary nature, and they could expect nothing better except upon the basis of genuine belief in him as the Messiah.

John explains that Jesus came to his own, but they received him not—except the few. These few he gave the power or authority to become the sons of God. (John 1:11,12) Faith in God and those whom he uses to carry out his plan is always essential in order to be pleasing to him. This was especially true in the case of Jesus at the First Advent. The position of the entire nation of Israel depended upon their acceptance of the Messiah. The entire history of this people had been largely one of unbelief and disobedience, yet they were still God’s chosen people to whom the Messiah first presented himself.

But this was to be the final test. No matter what claims they made of holiness, or how loyal to Moses and the prophets they pretended to be, nothing they could do now would merit God’s favor except this one thing, which was to believe that Jesus was their Messiah and to obediently follow his leadership. Works acceptable to God ever since that time have been only those which were founded upon true belief in Jesus, but at that particular juncture in the divine plan it was peculiarly fitting that Jesus state the matter just as he did.

As though they had not already seen sufficient of his miracles to convince any reasonable mind that Jesus was what he claimed to be, these seekers after loaves and fishes asked him what sign he could give that would warrant their believing on him. “What are you doing that we should think you are performing God’s works?” they asked. In an attempt to make an odious comparison between Jesus and Moses, they explained that their fathers had been given manna to eat in the wilderness; and that this food, provided under Moses’ leadership had been considered bread from heaven. By referring thus to the manna provided at the hands of Moses, these unbelieving Jews sought to minimize the miracle of feeding the five thousand, and thus excuse their unbelief.

Patiently, however, Jesus continued to explain the truth to them. They were reminded that those who ate manna in the wilderness were all dead, which proved that it was not the real bread from heaven which gives everlasting life. And then, although few of them were able to believe it, Jesus explained that he himself was that real bread from heaven, the one whom his Heavenly Father had provided to give life to all mankind. They had asked for a sign, but believed not when it was pointed out to them.

“He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him,” Jesus further explained. And again, “As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.” Jesus’ own chosen disciples found this hard to believe—“a hard saying.” When he saw that they were in danger of being stumbled by it, he explained the manner in which anyone could eat his flesh and drink his blood.

“The flesh profiteth nothing,” he said, “It is the Spirit that quickeneth,” or gives life. And then, “The words that I speak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are life.” (John 6:63) This simplifies the matter. As Jesus states, we are not to get the thought that the literal eating of his flesh would be of profit, for there were no magic powers in the tissues of his body. It is the Spirit that gives life, and as Jesus said, the Spirit of God is given to those who partake of and obey his words or teachings.

Jesus lived “by the Father” because he obeyed his will and was therefore at one with him; and likewise those who eat his flesh by believing and obeying the same divine will as expressed through the Word of truth will live together with Jesus.—John 6:57

Dawn Bible Students Association
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