International Bible Studies |
The Victorious Christ
KEY VERSE: “The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our LORD, and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever.” —Revelation 11:15
SELECTED SCRIPTURE: Revelation 19:11-16
PRIOR to the First World War the European world was ruled largely by church-state systems of government. In more modern times have come republics and democracies. This change, ideologically, implies the rulership of the people by the people. Before that war, also, there were various types of government in existence in the so-called third world, and the former tribal nations of Africa, and other places. Conditions arising out of the First and Second World Wars have stirred up these underdeveloped nations and peoples to improve their lot on earth, and to establish what they hope are better forms of government.
The result of this transition through which the world is passing has thus far been, largely, increasing chaos. The world longs for peace and security, and the hearts of the people are filled with fear as they contemplate what they see coming upon the earth. In this state of chaos and uncertainty, many righteously inclined people are wondering what God is doing about the situation, or if, perhaps, he has abandoned the human race to its own selfish and sinful ways.
God’s reply to these is, “Wait ye upon me, … until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy [or zeal].” (Zeph. 3:8) The earth, as the word is here used, symbolizes man’s social order, which, while there are many good things about it, is based essentially upon selfishness. The nations are even now being assembled by the overruling power of God in preparation for the destruction foretold in this prophecy.
The overthrow of humanly constituted rulership throughout the earth is in preparation for the setting up of Christ’s rulership. This rulership is generally referred to in the Scriptures as a kingdom, although other designations are given to it, such as, for example, “government.” (Isa. 9:6) However, the expression kingdom, itself, as used in the Bible, has various connotations, although all are in harmony when we rightly divide the Word of truth.—II Tim. 2:15
Basically, it is the kingdom of Jehovah, the great Creator of the universe, for he is the one who planned it and, through Christ, made all provision for it. Besides, the first thousand years of that rulership are designed to bring about the answer to the prayer, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” (Matt. 6:10) Not until the close of the millennial kingdom of Christ will the prayer be fully answered.
The Lord’s kingdom is also the kingdom of Christ, in that he, as the Mediator of the New Covenant, will be the active ruler of the millennial kingdom as the Father’s representative, for the purpose of subduing evil, destroying sin, and bringing into full, hearty obedience to the Father and his laws all of the redeemed race willing to be restored to the divine likeness and favor, and everlasting life. As this work is accomplished, that which remains of the governments of this world will give way to the kingdom of Christ, and as people turn away their support and allegiance from the structure and principles of this world to God’s kingdom of righteousness, this present world will eventually cease to be.
The kingdoms of this world are not to be incorporated into Christ’s kingdom. His rulership will be, however, over all the peoples of earth.