God Institutes the Passover

KEY VERSE: “This day shall be unto you for a memorial, and ye shall keep it a feast to the LORD.” —Exodus 12:14

SELECTED SCRIPTURE: Exodus 12:14-17, 21-27

THE events here told would be merely historical to the Christian were it not for the New Testament. The light of the New Testament has vitalized this experience of the Jews and has made it one of the greatest of types.

Pharaoh ceases to simply be king of Egypt, and becomes Satan—ever on the alert to destroy God’s children.

The firstborn of Israel become the “church of the firstborn,” whose names are written in heaven, for the true church is a kind of firstfruits unto God of his creatures.

Israel becomes a type of the world of mankind.

Blessed are those whose eyes can see that Jesus is the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. And as the Jews fed upon the literal lamb of the Passover, we feed upon and receive strength for our Christian journey by feeding upon Christ, our Passover Lamb.—I Cor. 5:7,8

The unleavened bread becomes to us the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. Instead of the bitter herbs with which the Jews whetted their appetite, we are served with bitter trials which help to wean our affections from earthly things and stimulate our appetite for the things of God.

Only the firstborn were in danger that night in Egypt, long years ago. It was a matter of life and death to the firstborn of Israel as to whether or not they remained in the house behind the sprinkled blood of the lamb of the Passover. And just so now, only the members of the church of the firstborn are in danger in the antitypical picture, for only as we remain in the household of faith, and under the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will we escape eternal death and enjoy the blessings of life in him.

And just as Moses the next day led the children of Israel from bondage, soon the Christ will deliver all the willing and obedient from the bondage of sin and the corruption of death into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

At the time when the disciples prepared the last Passover, the Master instituted a Memorial Supper, and instructed his disciples: “This do in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19) It would be inappropriate for Christians to keep the typical feast of Passover, for Christ, the antitypical Lamb, was slain. But once a year, on the anniversary of his death, just as the Jews were instructed to memorialize the Passover, so it is appropriate for Christians to hold communion and meditation upon the great gift of redemption, and partake of the Memorial Supper of unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine.

The instructions given to natural Israel also contain lessons for Christians who partake of the Lord’s memorial. “Your loins girded,” pictures our consecration to the service of the Master and his truth. It was customary for the flowing robes of ancient dress to be held tight by a girdle, or belt, when work was to be done, and thus the girdle became a symbol of service.

“Your shoes on your feet,” might well show our willingness to go in the way he would have us to go—to walk in his steps, for he has left us an example to follow as we journey in the narrow way which leads unto life eternal.

“Your staff in your hand,” would teach us that we are pilgrims and strangers in the earth, and that in pressing along our pilgrim journey we must depend upon the Lord’s promises and providential care, as a staff for our support in every time of need.

Following the saving of the firstborn, the Israelites hastily left Egypt, only to be pursued by the armies of Pharaoh attempting to return them to slavery. Then it was that, by the mighty power of Jehovah as it was exercised through their leader, Moses, that salvation was accomplished for the entire nation. The miracle of the Red Sea was not only accomplished safely for the children of Israel, but brought about the final destruction of their enemies.

What a forceful picture of the way in which Christ’s kingdom will bring peace and safety to all the willing and obedient, and cause destruction to all the enemies of righteousness. This will be accomplished on a global scale, another event never to be forgotten!

Dawn Bible Students Association
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