Christian Life and Doctrine | September 1987 |
The Iron Rod
MANY have erroneously supposed that when Christ’s kingdom—the fifth universal empire of earth—is inaugurated, everyone will be pleased with its rule. Eventually this may become quite generally so, but not at the beginning. In the prophecy of the second psalm, verse six, the kingdoms of this world are shown to be superseded by Jehovah’s king exalted upon the symbolic holy hill of Zion. In Revelation 14:1, the 144,000 saints are shown to be with Christ on Zion’s hill.
They are there to rule with Jesus; but according to Psalm 2:9, it is to be a rule of the “rod of iron.” (Rev. 2:26,27) No interference with that rule will be tolerated, for Psalm 2:12 states, “Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.”
The regulations of the kingdom of Christ will be far more exacting than those of any previous government. The liberties of the people will be restricted to a degree that will be very displeasing to many now clamoring for an increase of liberty. There will be full liberty to do good, to practice righteousness but no liberty at all to deceive, to misrepresent, nor to defraud others. Liberty or license to do wrong of any kind will not be granted. Nothing will be permitted to hurt nor to destroy in all that holy kingdom.—Isa. 11:9
Because of this, the final result of that iron rule will be most satisfying. It will be a time of judgment and of trial based upon the enlightenment of the people as symbolized by the opening of the books, mentioned in the prophecy of Daniel 7:10, and in Revelation 20:12. As a result of this work of judgment the peoples of the earth will learn righteousness. (Isa. 26:9) They will learn by precept and experience that “righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Prov. 14:34) They will learn that God’s plans and laws are best for all concerned, hence they will love righteousness and hate iniquity.
These instructions in righteousness under the iron rule of the kingdom of Christ will be given first to the living generation, but this will be only the beginning of the kingdom and judgment work. During the thousand years of the fifth universal empire, all the dead are to be awakened and come into trial under the terms of the kingdom laws in which they will be instructed. All the living and those who will be awakened from death—who fully demonstrate their love for righteousness when they are instructed in its principles and advantages—will be given life everlasting.
Those who fail to obey, and thus demonstrate their incorrigibility under those most favorable conditions of the kingdom, will be destroyed from among the people. (Acts 3:19-23) Thus, under the authority of the fifth universal empire, humanity will be purged of selfishness, instructed in righteousness, and given the opportunity to develop in love. Those who accept the opportunity will be restored to human perfection and to the image of God in which they were originally created, his law being written in their hearts.—Jer. 31:33; Acts 15:14-17
Then, during the time when God’s appointed king is set upon the holy hill of Zion and the uttermost parts of the earth (even those in the grave) are his possession, every semblance of the rule and principles of this present evil world will be easily broken as a potter’s vessel, under the iron rule of justice and love.