International Bible Studies |
From Preaching to Writing
KEY VERSE: “These are written that ye might believe that, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.” —John 20:31
SELECTED SCRIPTURE: Luke 1:1-4; John 20:30,31; I John 1:1-4
THIS scripture refers to a time after Jesus’ resurrection when he appeared to the disciples for the purpose of convincing them that he was indeed alive, not a human being as he was formerly, but now one born of the Spirit with great power and glory. The Apostle John, recalling this occurrence, said that Jesus performed many other signs than those that were written, but the ones passed down to us were for the purpose of substantiating our belief that the resurrected Jesus is truly the powerful Christ of the prophecies.
As the promised savior of mankind, it was not enough that he came into the world and gave his perfect human life as a ransom; more was required. In order to fulfill his full Messiahship, his resurrection to divine power and glory was a vital necessity.
The prophecy of Isaiah chapter nine portrays the ultimate great objective of Jesus’ coming into the world, emphasizing the glory of his coming kingdom more than his humiliation and death as man’s Redeemer. Isaiah wrote of a time when those who sit in darkness will see a great light. Jesus was to be the light of the world, yet few thus far have seen that light in the true and full sense of the word. The time will come, however, when Jesus, the light of life, will lighten every man who cometh into the world. Truly the people will then see a great light.
The government, the divine kingdom, will be upon the shoulder of him who was rejected by the world nineteen centuries ago. He did not assume the responsibility of the kingdom at that time. The Heavenly Father had said to him in prophecy, “Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen [nations] for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession,” but Jesus did not make this request at the time of his first advent because he knew that it was not yet the Father’s due time for him to do so.—Ps. 2:8
It is at his second advent that Jesus will shoulder the responsibility of a world government, by means of which the divine will and law shall be reestablished in the earth. No humanly conceived organization or government will be used, nor will the success of Christ’s government depend upon the feeble efforts of man. The government shall be upon Jesus’ shoulder, and in this blessed assurance our hope may rest.
His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, and he will teach the people the Lord’s ways, the Prophet Micah tells us. (Micah 4:1-4) While this is true, the special thought conveyed by the title ‘Counselor’, is that of one who pleads the cause of another, an attorney, or counselor at law. This office is described in the New Testament by the term ‘mediator’. Jesus will be a just and loving mediator of a better covenant.
Jesus will also be recognized as the Mighty God of the people. It will be in keeping with the Creator’s expressed will that all people honor the Son even as they honor the Father. It will be of him that they will say, “Lo, this is our God, we have waited for him, and he will save us: … we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation”—Isa. 25:9
The term ‘father’ means ‘lifegiver’. Jesus will give everlasting life to the people, hence he will be the everlasting Father. This is to be one of the important features of his reign which will cause the people to ascribe to him the title ‘Wonderful’.
At the Christmas season we are accustomed to think of Jesus as the Prince of Peace, although his kingdom of peace is not yet established. But when Jesus was on earth at his first advent he said he had not come to bring peace, but a sword. What he meant was that the light of his teachings then would be opposed by the darkness of the world, but it will be different when his kingdom is established. Then he will be the foretold Shiloh, or peacemaker, unto whom the “gathering of the people” shall be.—Gen. 49:10
The accomplishments of these great objectives required the resurrection of Jesus. How comforting to know that with the evidences supplied that he did rise from the dead and ascend to the Father to sit down on his throne, that his kingdom will come and man’s full salvation is assured.