Preparation for the Kingdom

“Prepare the way for the people; build up, build up the highway.” —Isaiah 62:10, RSV

SEVERAL months ago, The New York Times published as front-page news an Environmental Protection Agency report that the warming of the earth, known as the “greenhouse effect,” will begin in the 1990’s. The director of strategic studies for the agency said in an interview, “We are trying to get people to realize that changes are coming sooner than they expected. Major changes will be here by the years 1990 to 2000, and we have to learn how to live with them.” The EPA report warned that the world would have to discover ways to deal with major changes in climate patterns, with disrupted food production, and with significantly higher coastal waters. Although private scientists have been making similar predictions for years, the EPA report was the first by a governmental body, stating that the greenhouse effect is not a theoretical problem, but a threat the effects of which will be felt within a few years. Will this be bad or good? Before examining the possibilities, it would be well to consider the background of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere which are responsible for the greenhouse effect.

Carbon dioxide, along with water, is the end product of every combustion process. Every fire produces this gas. The food that men and animals eat is consumed by the body, and carbon dioxide is exhaled. Utilities generating electric power, as well as automobiles and jet airplanes, release vast amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Man has used fire from the beginning of his existence, and throughout history has found it to be essential in the preparation of palatable food, and providing life-sustaining warmth. Until the dawn of the industrial age, wood was sufficient to supply the fuel needed for these limited uses of combustion.

But with the invention of machines, especially internal combustion engines, more efficient fuels in much greater supply were needed. In preparation for this, God provided in the bosom of the earth vast supplies of fossil fuels such as lignite, coal, oil, and gas. Most people do not associate the planning of God with the existence of these fuels, so important to the present day needs of man. But students of the Bible do. In equipping the earth for habitation, God, in the early days of creation, laid down and stored these materials which man was to need at a later time. It is remarkable that access to these huge stores of various fuels should coincide with events near the end of the old order upon earth, and prior to the ushering in of God’s kingdom.

Centuries ago, Daniel—a faithful prophet of God—desired to know more about God’s plan for his people. God did reveal to him some of his purposes, but in symbolisms which were difficult for Daniel to comprehend. Nevertheless, he recorded God’s words for future generations, and we are now blessed to be living in the specific time when some of the events foretold by Daniel are being fulfilled. In particular, we see the fulfillment of the prophecy recorded in Daniel 12:4: “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.” Knowledge and learning, which has so suddenly burst upon man, has led to inventions which have required huge quantities of energy to operate. The prophesied rapid travel, “running to and fro,” has required much energy, energy that has been supplied through the use of fuels which man fortuitously discovered in the heart of the earth at this time of the end.

In the early periods of man’s existence, the fires he used did very little to change the composition of the air we breathe. And in spite of the many people and animals which have been exhaling carbon dioxide for over sixty centuries, and the many fires and combustion processes which have released this gas into the atmosphere during this period of time, there has not been a significant accumulation. The reason for this is that green plants assimilate carbon dioxide to make carbohydrates, which constitute a major food supply for both man and animals. As we contemplate this balancing force of nature, all men should give glory to God who engineered it so precisely for our good.

Coinciding, too, with the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophecy concerning knowledge, learning, and rapid travel, has been a huge increase in worldwide population. Population growth has been increasing so rapidly that it has been termed an “explosion.” God’s mandate to father Adam was that he should multiply and fill the earth (Gen. 1:28), and it is being filled. God will not overfill the earth, contrary to the fears of some. Yet, this population increase in our day, with its expanded needs for food and energy to produce goods, services, shelter, and heat, has now caused a measurable increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide. Fortunately, because of the cyclic process involving absorption of carbon dioxide by green plants, the amount of carbon dioxide increase is small, measured in parts per million.

However, scientists have been studying this effect for one hundred years, and they are convinced that any increase in the atmospheric carbon dioxide level has the result of increasing the overall temperature of the earth. This is because carbon dioxide prevents heat loss from the earth. Therefore, dissipation of heat into space is lessened proportionately to the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Much of this study was done by independent groups, but in 1980 Congress passed the Energy Security Act, which mandated that the National Research Council study both the rate at which atmosphere carbon dioxide could be expected to increase and the likely effects of such an increase. The NRC report, confirming the prior deductions of the scientists, was formally presented on October 19, 1983. Because of the global nature of the problem, science attaches from both the Soviet and Chinese embassies were included in the invitation to attend.

The question that arises immediately is: should men stop using fossil fuels? And the answer is that this would not be possible. Then we ask, should use of certain fuels be banned, such as coal and shale oil which produce greater quantities of carbon dioxide? Again, the EPA study concludes that a ban on coal is not feasible economically or politically. Their report also stresses the possibly disastrous effects of the warming trend, such as rapid melting of polar ice caps and flooding of coastal areas. The NRC report, however, was not positive about the effects, and considered this problem “full of uncertainties that may hold benefits for some regions, disadvantages for others.” They recommended continued research and monitoring, and viewed the overall situation as one of “caution, not panic.”

In 1952, The Dawn published an article on the world food problem entitled, “The Earth Shall Yield Her Increase.” Among the projections made in the article for solving the food problem was the warming of the earth to reclaim land. It said:

“It appears that he [God] has taken steps to remove from ‘cold storage’ vast quantities of land which ultimately will be required to provide for man’s sustenance and habitation. In a recent issue of Time magazine, in an article under the caption, ‘Retreat of Cold’, facts are cited to show that the wall of cold caused by the polar ice cap is gradually retreating, permitting crops to grow on hitherto barren land.

“‘The time may come when cotton will be grown in the state of New York and corn far north in Ontario. … Dr. George H. T. Kimble, British-born director of the American Geographical Society told … that the climate of the North Atlantic region is growing unmistakably warmer. … Along the bleak natural boundary between Canada’s forests and the barren Arctic, the trees are marching northward. Saplings of tamarack, spruce, and birch are appearing where none grew before. … In eastern Canada, cereals can be grown 100 miles farther north than ever before. … Ontario is already experimenting with cotton. … In Russia the southern limit of permafrost (permanently frozen ground) is receding northward up to 100 yards a year. Many Norwegian slopes are raising barley where only grass grew before. Even the fish of the North Atlantic are taking advantage of the change. The cod, which are very sensitive to temperature changes, have migrated northward some 500 miles since 1920.’

“… Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, the explorer, brought back from the South Pole region samples of tropical plants found under the ice. And we know that the same warm climate which could grow such tropical flora in the antarctic circle also was present in the arctic circle.

“There have been found in Siberia complete mastodons embedded in ice, and, in the same general area, were discovered tons of elephant tusks. Although differing somewhat from our present-day elephant, these extinct mastodons, in order to live, required the same warm climate and lush vegetable growth. And, of great interest, is the fact that these animals, found embedded in ice, had undigested food in their stomachs and unmasticated grass in their mouths.

“This shows that the change of temperature at the poles was virtually instantaneous, causing the beasts to be overtaken in a crushing fall of snow while feeding. These facts [are offered in support of] a hypothesis of creation called the Canopy Theory, suggested by Professor Isaac Vail. See Volume VI, The New Creation, page 23. It has been observed that the earth has a crust composed of various layers, all of which give evidence of having been soft or moist. Beneath are the basic rocks which indicate clearly they were once hot and molten. …

“Professor Vail reasoned that once these basic, igneous rocks were at a white heat and so, all being combustible elements such as water and minerals, were driven off from the mass in gaseous form. These gases enveloped the earth, and the spinning earth would gradually set in motion these vapors. This motion would cause the mists to form in rings of various density over the equator. Hence, in the dim past, our earth [may have] resembled the planet Saturn with its rings.

“As the basic molten rock cooled [the argument goes], the density of the gaseous rings would change, and those closest to earth would precipitate. No doubt these would fall at the poles, where repelling centrifugal force would be the least, and wash down toward the equator, laying stratum after stratum of earth’s crust.

“The Vailian or Canopy Theory assumes that the last of these rings was pure water, and that it did not fall until after creation—more specifically at the Flood. This would mean that at the time of Adam’s creation and until after the Flood, the entire earth’s climate was pleasantly uniform. The cloud vapor of water enveloped the planet and no direct rays of the sun pierced through to earth. Instead, the sun’s rays were diffused, causing the climate at the poles to vary but slightly from that at the equator.

“Hence, tropical plants, such as Rear Admiral Byrd found, could grow in the antarctic zone, and the arctic circle had the warm climate to produce lush grass for the mastodons’ food. And, in corroboration of the Bible, this would also indicate that no rain fell until the Deluge—the vegetation of earth was watered by a mist rising from the earth.—Gen. 2:5,6

“When the watery veil broke, centrifugal force at the equator would cause the main body to strike at the poles. This would mean an almost instantaneous change from hothouse temperature to bitter cold at the poles, and permit the sun to beat openly and hotly upon the equatorial or tropical zone. It would explain how animals in the polar regions, while still feeding, could be trapped in an icy grave. [As reasonable as this Canopy Theory sounds, it should be remembered that it is still but a hypothesis which is an as yet unproved scientific theory.]

“After the Flood, God made a covenant with Noah that never again would all flesh be cut off by waters of a flood; and as a confirmation of this he set his bow ‘in the cloud’. (Gen. 9:11-13) in other words, Noah saw the first rainbow. In harmony with the Canopy Theory, this becomes most logical. Prior to this, the watery vapors encased the earth and the direct rays of the sun could not penetrate, hence there could be no bow in the sky. Rainbows are formed by the mists of airborne water diffusing the direct rays of the sun, and breaking up the light into its component colors. When the water vapor is dense, no such phenomenon is possible, hence we only see such a glorious spectacle after the storm has subsided and the sun breaks through to pierce the thin mist of moisture still in suspension. How definite a reminder, then, is each rainbow, that never again can a watery veil break upon the earth in such cataclysmic fury.

“We are again impressed with the fact that God knew the end from the beginning, and introduced human life upon the earth at the correct point in time prior to the Flood. He foresaw man’s rapid descent into evil and the need for the destruction of the first world—‘the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished’. (II Pet. 3:6) We note again that his precise power has begun to manifest itself in releasing from ‘cold storage’ the vast land areas of the poles for man’s habitation.”

The projection made in this 1952 article concerning the warming trend was without the benefit of today’s latest findings concerning the role that carbon dioxide has in the process. Also, it was not known in 1952 that the photosynthesis rate in green plants is increased when the carbon dioxide level is increased—in other words, plants grow faster. This benefit concerning plant growth is conspicuous by its absence in both the recent EPA report or the NRC report on the greenhouse effect. Perhaps it is because only a few isolated experiments have been run on this effect by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and only recently have the results, not widely publicized, been published.

Thus, as we review the possibilities of the warming trend from an optimistic viewpoint, there are these potential benefits:

  1. Increased growth of plants and food supply.
  2. Less extreme cold in the polar regions of earth.
  3. Less extreme variation in weather.

The lay public has not been told that any potential benefit exists in the greenhouse effect. Instead, they have been alerted to potential problems, such as flooding of coastal areas, and a shift in those areas suffering drought or receiving rain.

However, as we peer into the uncertain gloom of the final hours of this dark night of sin, we cannot be sure of the precise details of the events that will bring this present evil world to an end. We do know, however, that it will be the consummation of fallen man’s ages-long sin, selfishness, and folly.

But there is glorious hope for all mankind! There are many inspiring prophecies in God’s Word that foretell of the restoration of the earth to its Edenic condition during the times of restitution. One of these is Isaiah 35:1,2, describing the change that comes with the establishment of Christ’s kingdom: “The wilderness and the dry land shall be glad, the desert shall rejoice and blossom; like the crocus it shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice with joy and singing. The glory of Lebanon shall be given to it, the majesty of Carmel and Sharon. They shall see the glory of the Lord, the majesty of our God.” (RSV) The glory and majesty of God shall be revealed in the beauty of the earth. This promise will have both a literal and figurative fulfillment. The literal earth will be appreciated as a place of natural beauty. And the people living upon the earth will beautify it with their hearts full of love and devotion to God and righteousness.

The following two verses are intended to encourage all who read this prophecy with a yearning for the establishment of Christ’s kingdom: “Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God. He will come and save you.” (Isa. 35:3,4, RSV) The handicaps which besiege mankind, such as blindness, deafness, lameness and dumbness, both literal and figurative, are to be removed: “Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped; then shall the lame man leap like a hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing for joy.”—Isa. 35:5,6, RSV

This prophecy continues by stating that there will be an abundance of water: “Waters shall break forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert; the burning sand shall become a pool, and the thirsty ground springs of water; the haunt of jackals shall become a swamp, the grass shall become reeds and rushes.” (Isa. 35:6,7, RSV) So, too, the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as waters cover the deep, and the earth will be a place that will sustain life through the waters of life.

All obstacles for attaining these blessings shall be removed as the prophecy in Isaiah 35:8,9, RSV, promises: “A highway shall be there, and it shall be called the Holy Way; the unclean shall not pass over it, and fools shall not err therein. No lion shall be there, nor shall any ravenous beast come up on it; they shall not be found there, but the redeemed shall walk there.” Satan, who now goes forth as a roaring lion, shall in that day be bound.

The prophecy ends on a joyous note! “The ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with singing, with everlasting joy upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.” (Isa. 35:10) The people who had lived upon the earth shall return from the grave, rejoicing in the provisions God has made for them.

But this beautiful prophecy cannot be fulfilled until the church has faithfully finished her trial. The sixty-second chapter of Isaiah tells of God’s arrangement for the kingdom to have a spiritual ruling class, Jesus and the church (the Christ), and their earthly representatives, the Ancient Worthies. The beginning of this prophecy (vss. 1-3) tells of the time to come when all the world will recognize the church’s glory. In verses four to six, the contrast is made of the church’s former condition, when she, like her Lord, was despised and forsaken. Then God in effect says (vss. 6-9) that he will not rest until her glorification is accomplished, and emphasizes it by an oath. “The Lord hath sworn by his right hand [Christ Jesus].”—Isa. 62:8

How encouraging it is for the last members of the church to read the closing words of Isaiah 62, as it gives Jehovah’s assurance that, indeed, they will be saved and rewarded, permitting the blessings of the millennium to be poured out upon all: “Behold, the Lord has proclaimed to the end of the earth: Say to the daughter of Zion, Behold, your salvation comes; behold, his reward is with him, and his recompense before him. And they shall be called The holy people, The redeemed of the Lord; and you shall be called, Sought out, A city not forsaken.”—Isa. 62:11,12, RSV

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