“I … Will Give Him a White Stone”

“To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.” —Revelation 2:17

WHEN Jesus said that he would give a “white stone” to overcomers of this Gospel Age he used the Greek word psefos. This particular word appears in the New Testament in only one other instance, namely, that of Acts 26:10. In this text, as translated in the Emphatic Diaglott, we have the words of the Apostle Paul saying that before his conversion he had cast his “vote” against Christians, which resulted in their being put to death. The word “vote” is here a translation of psefos.

Liddell and Scott’s Greek Dictionary presents quite an array of evidence to show that the stone, or pebble, referred to by this Greek word is in reality a balloting stone used by the ancients in casting their votes. Elections and other decisions of the people, as well as decisions of the judges, were expressed by the use of this particular kind of stone, or pebble—psefos Athenas. These stones were painted white to express a favorable vote, or black to express an unfavorable decision in the situation under consideration.

The Greeks still use a method of voting like this. They have a tin box divided into two parts, one side painted white and the other side painted black. A hole permits the voter to insert his hand into the box and drop a little ballot made of lead, about the size of a pea, either into the white side of the box or into the black side.

The ancient meaning of this Greek word used by Jesus in the promise of Revelation 2:17 would seem to give an added assurance to the overcomers. He is apparently saying that he will cast his vote in favor of those who faithfully follow in his steps, that he will stand as our Advocate before the Father, assuring us of immortality—the hidden manna.

And what a precious promise this is in view of all the powerful and subtle enemies which are arrayed against us as Christians! Paul raises the question, “Who is he that condemneth?” (Rom. 8:34) It really doesn’t make any difference to us who may condemn. We know that as brethren in Christ we are certain to be accused. In many instances brethren who make the mistake of viewing each other according to the flesh would probably vote against those whose hearts are right before God. But Christ will make no mistakes. He will cast his vote, his “white stone” for us if we are faithful, electing us to joint-heirship with himself, and to glory, honor, and immortality.

Dawn Bible Students Association
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