He Careth for You

“Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.” —I Peter 5:7

ALTHOUGH this is the only place in the New Testament where, in so many words, it speaks of God’s care, the Bible is full of the thought of God’s interest and care for his creatures. The word “care” in I Peter 5:7 means anxiety, the condition that usually arises because of the uncertainties of life and because of an insufficiency of faith in the divine provisions. Hence Jesus spoke of “the cares of this world” which seek to invade the hearts of the Lord’s people. (Mark 4:19) Again, the Scriptures show that it is possible for even the Lord’s true people to be “careful [anxious] and troubled about many things”—frequently the result of shouldering many unnecessary responsibilities. Our Lord tells us through his words to Martha that “one thing is needful” (Luke 10:41,42), and that is, to seek first the interests of his kingdom. If we do this, our sustenance and all other things will be added according to his wisdom and love. (Matt. 6:33) Paul learned this lesson and wrote, “This one thing I do.”—Phil. 3:13

Illustrations of Divine Care

It will be profitable to notice a few illustrations of God’s care for his creatures. The Scriptures tell us that God has an innumerable company of angelic sons; and from the various references made to these glorious spirit beings, we can see them in the enjoyment of an abundance of God’s care: “Happy objects of his grace, privileged to behold his face,” having continual access to the presence of the Father in heaven.

After the fall of man into sin and death, God’s care was shown in the provisions he had made for him. God caused his rain to fall upon the just and the unjust. (Matt. 5:45) When Paul was addressing some of the heathen, idolatrous people of Asia Minor, he called this to their attention, saying, “He left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.”—Acts 14:17

Divine Care over Israel

For many centuries the nation of Israel was the special recipient of God’s care, when in captivity to their enemies as well as when enjoying more outward evidences of God’s favor in their own land. Even when they were in bondage to the Egyptians and Babylonians, God’s care never left them, and he provided great deliverances for them as soon as certain necessary and salutary lessons had been learned. (Exod. 14:30,31; Ezra 1:1-4) Even the land of Canaan is spoken of as “a land which the Lord thy God careth for.”—Deut. 11:12

All the ancient worthies were special objects of God’s care. For instance, few had more “ups and downs” in life than the patriarch Jacob. At times we find him signally favored by God; at other times his life is in great danger, first from his brother, Esau, and then from his uncle, Laban. (Gen. 27:41; 31:22-24) Satan knew that Jacob was an object of God’s care, and he tried to kill him; but all these things were overruled for good, and Jacob was brought to a happy old age in Egypt, surrounded by his children and his children’s children. In view of this, it is constantly brought to our attention that Jehovah is the God of Jacob, the One who did so much for him and who has promised to do even more for his people today—“exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.”—Eph. 3:20

Special Care over the Church

More than nineteen centuries ago God sent his only begotten Son into the world. Jesus came to reveal God’s character and to give himself a ransom for all. Before the Lord’s time for giving the world the benefits of Jesus’ death, his purpose has been to gather out from the world a bride for his Son, or, in other words, to “take out … a people for his name.” (Acts 15:14) Upon this class, “called to be saints,” or (Diaglott) “constituted saints” (Rom. 1:7), called with a heavenly calling, God has bestowed more care than upon any others of his creatures. (Rom. 11:7) The following are a few scriptures which tell us of the Father’s particular care over his children of the Gospel Age: Psalm 91; Matt. 10:30; Luke 10:19; John 17:11,15; Heb. 1:14

“The whole creation is Thy charge,
But saints are Thy peculiar care.”

During our Lord’s earthly ministry, a large part of his time was given to the care and instruction of his disciples, who were to form the nucleus of this called-out company—called to be his associates in the kingdom—the twelve apostles being the foundation in the wall of this heavenly city, or kingdom. (Rev. 21:10,14) As the work of gathering the church progressed, Satan endeavored to frustrate the divine plan by causing “tares” (“children of the wicked one”) to grow up among the “wheat” (“children of the kingdom”).—Matt. 13:38

So apparently successful were his efforts that the wheat field became choked with tares. In other words, the professing church of Christ was overrun with those who were Christians in name only. Its spiritual arrangements and organization became so altered and distorted by false teachings that, as the visible church of Christ, it disappeared, and a great counterfeit system took its place.

This very corrupt condition of the nominal church continued for more than a thousand years, followed by an energetic effort at reform. The Reformation of the sixteenth century, which brought thousands out of darkness and bondage, was tangible evidence of God’s care over his people, and the increasing light and freedom of the past four hundred years continue to be evidence of his care and love.

In A.D. 1874, the Master himself stepped quietly on the scene and began the great harvest work of the Gospel Age—the gathering together and the completing of the church, his body members. All previous work had been, in a sense, a preparation for the great blessings the Lord intended to pour upon his people during the harvest, or end period, of the Gospel Age. Upon this time the rays of prophetic light converge, and all things have been made to play their part in perfecting the last members of the body of Christ for their work during the period of the kingdom—the grand and glorious ministry of the Millennial Age, when, in the very fullest sense of the word, the saints will be the “able ministers of the new covenant.”—II Cor. 3:6

Ever since A.D. 1914, when the nations entered the crucial period of the day of wrath, the evidences of divine care over the people of God have been very marked and very wonderful, as those who have lived through this period can testify. Even the way in which the various phases of the time of trouble have been confined within certain limits is a marked indication of divine overruling, wisdom, and providence. Not until all the true children of God are sealed with a knowledge of the truth will the full force of the time of trouble” be unleashed. (Rev. 7:3; Dan. 12:1; Matt. 24:21,22) How strengthening to faith all these present day evidences of God’s care over his people should be! Surely such evidences should help us to trust divine providences in every experience of life!

“The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.”—II Chron. 16:9

“For he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of His eye.”—Zech. 2:8

“Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.”—Ps. 55:22

“If God so clothe the grass of the field, … shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?”—Matt. 6:30

“I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”—Heb. 13:5

“The Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom; to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.”—II Tim. 4:18

How strong and sweet my Father’s care!
The words, like music in the air,
Come answering to my whispered prayer—
“He cares for thee.”

Dawn Bible Students Association
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